Disinfranchised afro-americans


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Obama’s policy of (temporary) legal status and (temporary) work permits given to children of Illegal Aliens is another slap in the face of Afro-Americans. “Temporary” is only a word. The jobless rate among Blacks is 30.5 percent. 11.5 percent among Hispanics. Obama policy for children of Illegal Aliens are hurting Blacks even more.

All men may be created equally but all men are not treated equally. This is something Blacks should think about when they go to the polls voting for Obama.

Young Blacks men do not see a future in education when they cannot even get an unskilled job. They know if the graduate there will be no jobs for them and it’s a waste of time and money they don't have. If Blacks believed money was in education they would be breaking down school doors to get in. Illegal Aliens are already taking the unskilled jobs that Blacks used to do. I remember when Blacks were dominate in domestic, constructions, garbage collecting and now those jobs are taken by Illegal Aliens.

What does one do to feed their families when they cannot find a job or jobs are taken away from them and given to Illegal Aliens? Businesses have fired Blacks and replaced them with Illegal Aliens. When they cannot find work, they turn to crime and that often leads to prison. 39.4% of total prison and jail population is Black.

Obama can better serve Blacks by being sent back to Chicago to his previous job as a Community Organizer. He is certainly not helping them as President of all the people.

There are many bright and smart Blacks men and women that could exceed if they had equal opportunity as set forth by law. Why would any Blacks vote for Obama after what he just did to hurt them? What has he done for Blacks in the past 3 ½ years? What has he done for Illegal Aliens in the past 3 ½ years? Case on point. When has Obama gone into the inner cities and spoke to Blacks about their lives? He basically does the same thing, silently, as Cosby and West does. They don’t talk to them they talk at them. Like he has gone into Hispanic cities and talked to them about their lives and how he can help? San Antonia and La Raza, etc? or met with Black leaders discussing education and jobs for Blacks?

He has taken Blacks for granted that they will be with him in November just because he is Black. Blacks are not stupid or that naïve. I know 5 that voted for him in 2008 that will not be voting for him in 2012. He may have won the Hispanic vote but he will loose some Black votes.

He said this is not amnesty but this in not enforcement either. Congress has failed to pass Dream Act or Path to Citizenship because it is not the will of the people. What Obama did is not the will of the people.

Obama’s policy of (temporary) legal status and (temporary) work permits given to children of Illegal Aliens is another slap in the face of Afro-Americans. “Temporary” is only a word. The jobless rate among Blacks is 30.5 percent. 11.5 percent among Hispanics. Obama policy for children of Illegal Aliens are hurting Blacks even more.

All men may be created equally but all men are not treated equally. This is something Blacks should think about when they go to the polls voting for Obama.

Young Blacks men do not see a future in education when they cannot even get an unskilled job. They know if the graduate there will be no jobs for them and it’s a waste of time and money they don't have. If Blacks believed money was in education they would be breaking down school doors to get in. Illegal Aliens are already taking the unskilled jobs that Blacks used to do. I remember when Blacks were dominate in domestic, constructions, garbage collecting and now those jobs are taken by Illegal Aliens.

What does one do to feed their families when they cannot find a job or jobs are taken away from them and given to Illegal Aliens? Businesses have fired Blacks and replaced them with Illegal Aliens. When they cannot find work, they turn to crime and that often leads to prison. 39.4% of total prison and jail population is Black.

Obama can better serve Blacks by being sent back to Chicago to his previous job as a Community Organizer. He is certainly not helping them as President of all the people.

There are many bright and smart Blacks men and women that could exceed if they had equal opportunity as set forth by law. Why would any Blacks vote for Obama after what he just did to hurt them? What has he done for Blacks in the past 3 ½ years? What has he done for Illegal Aliens in the past 3 ½ years? Case on point. When has Obama gone into the inner cities and spoke to Blacks about their lives? He basically does the same thing, silently, as Cosby and West does. They don’t talk to them they talk at them. Like he has gone into Hispanic cities and talked to them about their lives and how he can help? San Antonia and La Raza, etc? or met with Black leaders discussing education and jobs for Blacks?

He has taken Blacks for granted that they will be with him in November just because he is Black. Blacks are not stupid or that naïve. I know 5 that voted for him in 2008 that will not be voting for him in 2012. He may have won the Hispanic vote but he will loose some Black votes.

He said this is not amnesty but this in not enforcement either. Congress has failed to pass Dream Act or Path to Citizenship because it is not the will of the people. What Obama did is not the will of the people.

You'll still vote for him :confused:

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