Discrepancies Found in Election Results from Several Swing States


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
A week after President Obama defeated Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election, questions continue to arise around polling results in swing states that don't quite add up.

In the key swing state of Ohio, where President Obama's 103,481 vote margin gave him 18 electoral college votes, several instances of unusual results have been reported.

Read it for yourself – with links - @ Discrepancies Found in Election Results from Several Swing States

A week after President Obama defeated Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election, questions continue to arise around polling results in swing states that don't quite add up.

In the key swing state of Ohio, where President Obama's 103,481 vote margin gave him 18 electoral college votes, several instances of unusual results have been reported.

Read it for yourself – with links - @ Discrepancies Found in Election Results from Several Swing States


Breitbart? I'll pass.
I'm trying to figure out the discrepancies the blog points us to, but math-wise I don't see any.

It points to the fact that there are 98,000 voters in one county and 60,000 of those people voted. So what? Where's the discrepancy there?

He mentions the fact that there are several counties where Mitt Romney received zero votes. Why does this come as such a shock to a party that is unfriendly to black people, Hispanics, gay people, moderate women, Asians, Jews, Natives, etc?

Stupid article by another right-winger who is surprised by the reality that exists apart from Bullshit Mountain where he comes from.
Interpol is right. It makes no sense. Its like he started out with a premise and then tried, in vain!, to squeeze the numbers to fit.

They don't.

Just more rw lies.
In Wood County, where President Obama defeated Romney by a 31,596 to 28,996 margin, a total of 106,258 voters were registered. Comically, the online edition of the Cleveland Plain Dealer showed that recent census data reports only 98,213 residents of Wood County are eligible to vote, but no mention of the discrepancy was made before the election.

From the article.
Not sure how accurate the article is...
Well, yes, there is an obvious unusual discrepancy. That of the wingnuts perceptions of reality, and of reality itself. Very large discrepancy.
In Wood County, where President Obama defeated Romney by a 31,596 to 28,996 margin, a total of 106,258 voters were registered. Comically, the online edition of the Cleveland Plain Dealer showed that recent census data reports only 98,213 residents of Wood County are eligible to vote, but no mention of the discrepancy was made before the election.

From the article.
Not sure how accurate the article is...

Wood County Ohio Census

Wood County, Ohio Population, 2011 estimate 126,355
Wood County, Ohio Population, 2010 census 125,488
Wood County, Ohio Persons under 18 years, 2011 percent 21.3%

I come up with only 99,441 possible eligible voters. Something smells very rotten in Wood County, Ohio. ACORN must be registering imaginary voters again.
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A week after President Obama defeated Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election, questions continue to arise around polling results in swing states that don't quite add up.

In the key swing state of Ohio, where President Obama's 103,481 vote margin gave him 18 electoral college votes, several instances of unusual results have been reported.

Read it for yourself – with links - @ Discrepancies Found in Election Results from Several Swing States

Kerry won Ohio!!! :cool:
In Wood County, where President Obama defeated Romney by a 31,596 to 28,996 margin, a total of 106,258 voters were registered. Comically, the online edition of the Cleveland Plain Dealer showed that recent census data reports only 98,213 residents of Wood County are eligible to vote, but no mention of the discrepancy was made before the election.

From the article.
Not sure how accurate the article is...

Wood County Ohio Census

Wood County, Ohio Population, 2011 estimate 126,355
Wood County, Ohio Population, 2010 census 125,488
Wood County, Ohio Persons under 18 years, 2011 percent 21.3%

I come up with only 99,441 possible eligible voters. Something smells very rotten in Wood County, Ohio. ACORN must be registering imaginary voters again.

Imaginary people have rights too. You're nothing but a jack-booted anti-imaginarian.
In Wood County, where President Obama defeated Romney by a 31,596 to 28,996 margin, a total of 106,258 voters were registered. Comically, the online edition of the Cleveland Plain Dealer showed that recent census data reports only 98,213 residents of Wood County are eligible to vote, but no mention of the discrepancy was made before the election.

From the article.
Not sure how accurate the article is...

Wood County Ohio Census

Wood County, Ohio Population, 2011 estimate 126,355
Wood County, Ohio Population, 2010 census 125,488
Wood County, Ohio Persons under 18 years, 2011 percent 21.3%

I come up with only 99,441 possible eligible voters. Something smells very rotten in Wood County, Ohio. ACORN must be registering imaginary voters again.

Where is the big discrepancy in voters? Obviously they need to make sure that they purge the rolls for dead voters and people who've moved but the number of voters has remained fairly consistent over the last 3 elections.

Wood County, Ohio

Obama - 31,596
Romney - 28,997

Obama - 34,285
McCain - 29,648

Bush - 33,592
Kerry - 29,401

Bush - 27,504
Gore - 22,687
In Wood County, where President Obama defeated Romney by a 31,596 to 28,996 margin, a total of 106,258 voters were registered. Comically, the online edition of the Cleveland Plain Dealer showed that recent census data reports only 98,213 residents of Wood County are eligible to vote, but no mention of the discrepancy was made before the election.

From the article.
Not sure how accurate the article is...

Wood County Ohio Census

Wood County, Ohio Population, 2011 estimate 126,355
Wood County, Ohio Population, 2010 census 125,488
Wood County, Ohio Persons under 18 years, 2011 percent 21.3%

I come up with only 99,441 possible eligible voters. Something smells very rotten in Wood County, Ohio. ACORN must be registering imaginary voters again.

Where is the big discrepancy in voters? Obviously they need to make sure that they purge the rolls for dead voters and people who've moved but the number of voters has remained fairly consistent over the last 3 elections.

Wood County, Ohio

Obama - 31,596
Romney - 28,997

Obama - 34,285
McCain - 29,648

Bush - 33,592
Kerry - 29,401

Bush - 27,504
Gore - 22,687

There may not have been a single dishonest vote cast. But they have an obvious problem purging, relocated people, dead people, & imaginary registration. Are they checking to see if voters are registered in more than one place? Or if they voted in multiple places? I know many people here have moved away 15 years ago but are still registered to vote. We have always checked voter ID in this state & expired ID is not accepted. We also slide all voters who haven't voted in over 4 years over to inactivity status requiring us to fill out an affidavit to vote. So it is difficult to pull off a bunch of fake votes here. But in a state where they don't require ID it would be very easy to do.

I could obtain a list of people who have moved or have sent in imaginary registrations. Then put 50 people on a bus in a swing state & pay them to go vote in the name of the name & address I assign them. Go all day long from polling place to polling place racking up 50 votes at a time for my side.
There was no dishonest vote cast, and you are being dishonest in your argument. Move along, nothing to see here.
We have always checked voter ID in this state & expired ID is not accepted. We also slide all voters who haven't voted in over 4 years over to inactivity status requiring us to fill out an affidavit to vote. So it is difficult to pull off a bunch of fake votes here.

That's how Ohio is. If there's the slightest doubt about a voter's status the voter gets a provisional ballot and has 10 days to prove he/she is allowed to vote in that precinct.
Damn those Republican vote fraud masters!

Stop it, guys, the vote was overwhelmingly honest.
In Wood County, where President Obama defeated Romney by a 31,596 to 28,996 margin, a total of 106,258 voters were registered. Comically, the online edition of the Cleveland Plain Dealer showed that recent census data reports only 98,213 residents of Wood County are eligible to vote, but no mention of the discrepancy was made before the election.

From the article.
Not sure how accurate the article is...

Wood County Ohio Census

Wood County, Ohio Population, 2011 estimate 126,355
Wood County, Ohio Population, 2010 census 125,488
Wood County, Ohio Persons under 18 years, 2011 percent 21.3%

I come up with only 99,441 possible eligible voters. Something smells very rotten in Wood County, Ohio. ACORN must be registering imaginary voters again.

Or, you know, perhaps people have died...

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