Disapproval rating for Congress at 82%


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

The debt crisis is obviously the big issue here. I think American voters want a Congress that will work together and not be dogmatic about issues. Defending the rich, all the while calling for cuts in the programs for the poor, is going to come back and haunt the GOP. Refusing to even consider removal of loopholes for corp. and the wealthy will come back and haunt the tea baggers. COUNT ON IT!
Who is the 18% that approves?

Congress does not work.......we need to elect a bipatisan Congress willing to work together for the good of the ccountry
You know what that 82% dissatisfaction number REALLY represents?

Disgust with the whole damned politial process.

Every day more and more people see what a sham the whole thing has become.

The BAILOUT of the bastards who wrecked our economy was the first and most obvious tip about what a scam this system has become and a whole LOT of formerly loyal GOP types were shocked to discover that their team didn't actually believe in capitalism as a result of that.

And many of the economic policies of OBAMA have made some DEMS understand that he is not what they'd hoped he would be, either.

And now this recent faux battle about the debt ceiling just adds to our disgust with our so-called leaders.

But STILL...what are the American people going to do about it?

After a half century of HATE YOUR NEIGHBOR PROPAGANDA the people of the USA don't have enough sense of community to collectively stand up to their masters.

Gotta admit the masters are smart cookies who know how to play one victim class off against the other until there is not enough community to stand up against them.

Seems like there three POVs now in the USA.

The partisans still loyal to the Ds or Rs (that's about 50% of the population when it comes time to vote), and the disenfranchised who lack unity to deal with the twin mafia parties and the organization to promote candidates that represent AMERICANS' interests.

I happen to live in a state where the current Governor couldn't get a simply majority of support yet he is still in charge.

2/3's of the population voted against him, but he's the MAN.
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http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/05/us/politics/05poll.html?_r=1&hpThe debt crisis is obviously the big issue here. I think American voters want a Congress that will work together and not be dogmatic about issues.
They DID work together, that's how we got the Debt Bill which is why Congress has low approval numbers.

Republicans and Democrats play for the same team. Wake the fuck up.

While 60+% of the public said the pain should be shared, the GOP and tea baggers said NO! They didn't want the rich and affluent to have to suffer. Tax Revenues were "OFF THE TABLE." They didn't listen to the public and they will pay.
Why would anyone aprove of congress?
98 senators and most reps work for the needs of states other than yours
Why would anyone aprove of congress?
98 senators and most reps work for the needs of states other than yours

The 82% recognize that they cannot work together. Of course they have their own states at heart, but that accomplishes little if they can't work together.

The debt crisis is obviously the big issue here. I think American voters want a Congress that will work together and not be dogmatic about issues. Defending the rich, all the while calling for cuts in the programs for the poor, is going to come back and haunt the GOP. Refusing to even consider removal of loopholes for corp. and the wealthy will come back and haunt the tea baggers. COUNT ON IT!

oh?.....the Democrats out here just did that not only for the poor but for the Elderly and the Infirmed.....will it haunt them out here?.........

The debt crisis is obviously the big issue here. I think American voters want a Congress that will work together and not be dogmatic about issues. Defending the rich, all the while calling for cuts in the programs for the poor, is going to come back and haunt the GOP. Refusing to even consider removal of loopholes for corp. and the wealthy will come back and haunt the tea baggers. COUNT ON IT!

And yet most incumbents get reelected, go figure.
You know what that 82% dissatisfaction number REALLY represents?

Disgust with the whole damned politial process.

Every day more and more people see what a sham the whole thing has become.

The BAILOUT of the bastards who wrecked our economy was the first and most obvious tip about what a scam this system has become and a whole LOT of formerly loyal GOP types were shocked to discover that their team didn't actually believe in capitalism as a result of that.

And many of the economic policies of OBAMA have made some DEMS understand that he is not what they'd hoped he would be, either.

And now this recent faux battle about the debt ceiling just adds to our disgust with our so-called leaders.

But STILL...what are the American people going to do about it?

After a half century of HATE YOUR NEIGHBOR PROPAGANDA the people of the USA don't have enough sense of community to collectively stand up to their masters.

Gotta admit the masters are smart cookies who know how to play one victim class off against the other until there is not enough community to stand up against them.

Seems like there three POVs now in the USA.

The partisans still loyal to the Ds or Rs (that's about 50% of the population when it comes time to vote), and the disenfranchised who lack unity to deal with the twin mafia parties and the organization to promote candidates that represent AMERICANS' interests.

I happen to live in a state where the current Governor couldn't get a simply majority of support yet he is still in charge.

2/3's of the population voted against him, but he's the MAN.

i agree with a lot of what you say Ed.....

The debt crisis is obviously the big issue here. I think American voters want a Congress that will work together and not be dogmatic about issues. Defending the rich, all the while calling for cuts in the programs for the poor, is going to come back and haunt the GOP. Refusing to even consider removal of loopholes for corp. and the wealthy will come back and haunt the tea baggers. COUNT ON IT!

But it doesn't matter. The disapproval rating could be 99%, but guess what that 1% represents? It represents voters who think Congress is a mess, but their representatives are doing a good job. It's just everyone else who is the problem. This is why the disapproval rating for Congress could be well over 90%, yet 90% of representatives will continue to be re-elected. Until voters start blaming their own elected representatives, we won't see any change.
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/05/us/politics/05poll.html?_r=1&hpThe debt crisis is obviously the big issue here. I think American voters want a Congress that will work together and not be dogmatic about issues.
They DID work together, that's how we got the Debt Bill which is why Congress has low approval numbers.

Republicans and Democrats play for the same team. Wake the fuck up.

While 60+% of the public said the pain should be shared, the GOP and tea baggers said NO! They didn't want the rich and affluent to have to suffer. Tax Revenues were "OFF THE TABLE." They didn't listen to the public and they will pay.

Denial. It ain't just a river in Egypt.

It must be hard to be such a total partisan hack.
So let me get this starit... Congress with full Dem control had amazingly bad rating because they didn't do anything right/important... Now Dems only own the Senate and are doing about the same as before (passing bullshit bills) and people are unhappy and you want us to believe the minority "Tea Party" should take all the blame?

Man, you guys are gonna get owned in the next elections if that's what you're running off of.
Term limits!!! By the time they find their offices lets vote them out again.

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