Direct Care model doesn't require insurance for routine costs


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District

I heard on one of these shows, either Mark Levin or Hannity I can't remember, about a doctor who consulted on a model for direct care instead of mandating insurance.

Is this the source that was cited?

Does anyone else know of a doctor recommended as promoting a better model for health care that would be constitutional by respecting free market choices?

I understand that for catastrophic or epidemic issues threatening national security, that would still rely on govt for extreme cases. But for daily and longterm care, the conservatives are arguing that free market models can work more cost effectively and without violating constitutional rights and limits.

Does anyone have other sources to post? I'm not sure if this is the one I heard about on the radio. Any others???
The Republicans are keeping the individual mandate. They're just not calling it that. Instead, they'll just charge you a fine if you don't buy insurance.

Now Trump says he'll just take even more away from the poor and raise premiums even more than the excuse planned initial 20%.

The Republicans have been chipping away at hurting Americans, just because they hate the black guy. Interesting, isn't it that they're exempting themselves. They'll get to keep OCare that we pay for while they were exude to let us buy it for ourselves.

Really crappy is what they call help for small businesses in that skinny bill. And taking insurance away from millions, right off the bat.

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The market isn't free when it's the government controlling medical licensing and student loans to go to medical school.

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