Diplomacy with Iran is over


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Strafing Iranian RGs with my .50 Cal
After 8 wasted, failed years of nonsensical BS fed to the world by the salaried, career, lifetme diplomats (paid for with my tax dollars flushed down), we can now begin war preparations to terminate iran's nuclear weapons program, and hopefully its wretched, diseased, criminal fascist dictatorship of thugs and murderers:


"Iran Nuclear Talks Collapse With No Progress
Published: January 22, 2011

ISTANBUL — Two days of talks between Iran and six world powers ended in failure on Saturday, with Iran refusing to engage on any concrete proposals to build confidence that its nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes and with no date set for another meeting."


There is nothing left to discuss, and it is way, way past time to issue a fatal blow to this regime using the only means I said 8 years could do so, a war.
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After 8 (...) years (...)

For 8 years we hear that Iran is going to have the nuclear weapon within 2 to 6 months and will blow the whole world into nirvana.

I think, that some countries need that doomsday-scenario so the $ from the US taxpayer's pocket is flowing into Israel's pocket without much opposition.

Another asshole who cannot discuss iran without mentioning israel.

Iran is a fuckhole whose diseased government cannot be wiped off the map fast enough. Perhaps when the US gets a real president in 2 years and takes military action, some of the douchebag/paid iran apologists/liberal garbage will be in iran when it gets pulverized.
Another asshole who cannot discuss iran without mentioning israel.

Iran is a fuckhole whose diseased government cannot be wiped off the map fast enough. Perhaps when the US gets a real president in 2 years and takes military action, some of the douchebag/paid iran apologists/liberal garbage will be in iran when it gets pulverized.

What's this talk with "maybe when we get another potus Iran will get wiped off the map" ?
Bush ruled 8 years with military surges in this area, still nothing happened.
In last Lisbon NATO meeting, NATO decided to set-up missile defense, that should give you the answer if Iran gets "pulverized".

Another asshole
Province Idiot.
After 8 (...) years (...)

For 8 years we hear that Iran is going to have the nuclear weapon within 2 to 6 months and will blow the whole world into nirvana.

I think, that some countries need that doomsday-scenario so the $ from the US taxpayer's pocket is flowing into Israel's pocket without much opposition.

Another asshole who cannot discuss iran without mentioning israel.

Iran is a fuckhole whose diseased government cannot be wiped off the map fast enough. Perhaps when the US gets a real president in 2 years and takes military action, some of the douchebag/paid iran apologists/liberal garbage will be in iran when it gets pulverized.

We can be sure that you'll never ever be anywhere near the place you want others to attack. Like all quality REMFs you'll be at home with the laundry.
Another asshole who cannot discuss iran without mentioning israel.

Iran is a fuckhole whose diseased government cannot be wiped off the map fast enough. Perhaps when the US gets a real president in 2 years and takes military action, some of the douchebag/paid iran apologists/liberal garbage will be in iran when it gets pulverized.

The only reason we invaded Iraq or care about Iran is because we are a servant to Israeli security interests.

Neither Iraq or Iran pose even the slightest threat to the US.
What? But Obama promised that if only we would be willing to sit and talk to these dictators, we could talk them into peace? Obama said so!!!!

Ok, enough childs play.

Everyone look at a map. See Iran. See to the right and left of Iran is what? Iraq and Afghanistan. Wonder why we are still there? Well, remember Germany in WW2. They had the allies to the West, and the commie Russians to the East.

Now everyone can realize why were are still in Irag and Afghanistan. We have Iran flanked. We've known for years talks would collapse. We, the USA and more importantly it's military, is ready for this war.

When you preach about wiping Israel off the map in a mushroom cloud, you get whats coming. And there isn't much Obama can do to stop it unless he wants to be watching the 2013 Super Bowl in a recliner at his new, civilian home in Chicago.
Another asshole who cannot discuss iran without mentioning israel.

Iran is a fuckhole whose diseased government cannot be wiped off the map fast enough. Perhaps when the US gets a real president in 2 years and takes military action, some of the douchebag/paid iran apologists/liberal garbage will be in iran when it gets pulverized.

The only reason we invaded Iraq or care about Iran is because we are a servant to Israeli security interests.

Neither Iraq or Iran pose even the slightest threat to the US.

Germany also posed no threat to the US.

And in 1776, England didn't attack France. But France got involved. Good thing, right?
For 8 years we hear that Iran is going to have the nuclear weapon within 2 to 6 months and will blow the whole world into nirvana.

I think, that some countries need that doomsday-scenario so the $ from the US taxpayer's pocket is flowing into Israel's pocket without much opposition.

Another asshole who cannot discuss iran without mentioning israel.

Iran is a fuckhole whose diseased government cannot be wiped off the map fast enough. Perhaps when the US gets a real president in 2 years and takes military action, some of the douchebag/paid iran apologists/liberal garbage will be in iran when it gets pulverized.

We can be sure that you'll never ever be anywhere near the place you want others to attack. Like all quality REMFs you'll be at home with the laundry.

Thats bold talk from a guy in ENGLAND.

Remember way back when a country (Germany) who posed no threat to the USA was bombing the living hell out of your country and about to conquer it? And remember when that county that wasn't being threatened (USA) got involved anyway and saved your asses?

You'll type your response in English because my country got involved in that war when we didn't have to.

I suppose you don't feel other nations (Israel) deserve the same aid we gave you, right?
After 8 wasted, failed years of nonsensical BS fed to the world by the salaried, career, lifetme diplomats (paid for with my tax dollars flushed down), we can now begin war preparations to terminate iran's nuclear weapons program, and hopefully its wretched, diseased, criminal fascist dictatorship of thugs and murderers:


"Iran Nuclear Talks Collapse With No Progress
Published: January 22, 2011

ISTANBUL — Two days of talks between Iran and six world powers ended in failure on Saturday, with Iran refusing to engage on any concrete proposals to build confidence that its nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes and with no date set for another meeting."


There is nothing left to discuss, and it is way, way past time to issue a fatal blow to this regime using the only means I said 8 years could do so, a war.

Rhodescholar stated:

"There is nothing left to discuss, and it is way, way past time to issue a fatal blow to this regime using the only means I said 8 years could do so, a war."


Did so myself.

Another asshole who cannot discuss iran without mentioning israel.

Iran is a fuckhole whose diseased government cannot be wiped off the map fast enough. Perhaps when the US gets a real president in 2 years and takes military action, some of the douchebag/paid iran apologists/liberal garbage will be in iran when it gets pulverized.

We can be sure that you'll never ever be anywhere near the place you want others to attack. Like all quality REMFs you'll be at home with the laundry.

Thats bold talk from a guy in ENGLAND.

Remember way back when a country (Germany) who posed no threat to the USA was bombing the living hell out of your country and about to conquer it? And remember when that county that wasn't being threatened (USA) got involved anyway and saved your asses?

You'll type your response in English because my country got involved in that war when we didn't have to.

I suppose you don't feel other nations (Israel) deserve the same aid we gave you, right?

When you have served as many tours in Iraq and Afghanistan as I have, then you can talk boldly. Until then, go forth and multiply!
There is no Moslem nation the WEST ought to be allied with than Iran.

With the exception of Turkey, not Moslem nation is more ready to be a secular state than Iran.

Instead, our allies in the Moslem world are more typically dicatatorships, SHAMocracies and monarchies.

Kinda makes one wonder what our masters' REAL agenda is, doesn't it?
The only reason we invaded Iraq or care about Iran is because we are a servant to Israeli security interests.

Report: US Told Olmert Not to Attack Iran or Invade Gaza - Politics & Gov't - Israel News - Israel National News

Israel begged the US for PERMISSION to attack iran, and was refused...who's controls who, again mental champion?

Neither Iraq or Iran pose even the slightest threat to the US.

General: Iran Training Shiite Insurgents

"General: Iran Training Shiite Insurgents

The Associated Press
Wednesday, August 23, 2006; 10:00 PM
WASHINGTON -- The Iranian government is training and equipping much of the Shiite insurgency in Iraq, a senior U.S. general said Wednesday, drawing one of the most direct links by the Pentagon."


"Pentagon report: Iran keeps funding militias in Iraq"

NTI: Global Security Newswire - Iran Developing Longer-Range Rocket

Iran Developing Longer-Range Rocket
Friday, Aug. 6, 2010


In addition to developing ICBMs that can reach the US mainland, they have already launched satellites to help guide them to their target. See a pattern, or do you get paid to lie for iran like other fucking trash here, monkey?
There is no Moslem nation the WEST ought to be allied with than Iran.

With the exception of Turkey, not Moslem nation is more ready to be a secular state than Iran.

Instead, our allies in the Moslem world are more typically dicatatorships, SHAMocracies and monarchies.

Kinda makes one wonder what our masters' REAL agenda is, doesn't it?

My issues are NOT with the bulk of the iranian public - save that scum that serve in the Basij - only with the filthy lowlifes are the regime, ahmadinejad, khameini and the republican guard.
Thats bold talk from a guy in ENGLAND.

Remember way back when a country (Germany) who posed no threat to the USA was bombing the living hell out of your country and about to conquer it? And remember when that county that wasn't being threatened (USA) got involved anyway and saved your asses?

You'll type your response in English because my country got involved in that war when we didn't have to.

I suppose you don't feel other nations (Israel) deserve the same aid we gave you, right?

Iran doesn't even have 1/50th of the capabilities the Germans had in those times.
Please stop portraying Iran as some adventurer (Germany) ready to conquer new lands as Lebensraum.
Except the 1st Gulf-War, which wasn't provoked by Iran, Iran has a white vest when it comes to hostile territorial movements.
Lol reading this man's threads is why I never babysit.

"Save me save me from the boogeymen in Iran! We're doomed if we don't kill them all, doomed I say, DOOOOOMED!!"

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