Dinesh D'Souza: 9-11 Terrorists BRAVE WARRIORS


Active Member
Aug 27, 2012
D'souza was quoted after 9-11 as saying,
"One of the themes that we hear constantly, is that the people who did this [the 9/11 terrorists] are
cowards, NOT TRUE! Look at what they did. You have a bunch of guys willing to give their lives. None
of them backed out. All of them slammed themselves into pieces of concrete, these are BRAVE WARRIORS!"

Have you heard, 2016 film maker Dinesh D'souza called 9/11 terrorist "Brave" and said they were "Not Cowards"?

Nice try loser! You backwater website has as much creditability as you do. He has never said nothing of the sort! Your website makes a claim with zero proof. They and you lack honor and integrity!
D'souza was quoted after 9-11 as saying,
"One of the themes that we hear constantly, is that the people who did this [the 9/11 terrorists] are
cowards, NOT TRUE! Look at what they did. You have a bunch of guys willing to give their lives. None
of them backed out. All of them slammed themselves into pieces of concrete, these are BRAVE WARRIORS!"

Have you heard, 2016 film maker Dinesh D'souza called 9/11 terrorist "Brave" and said they were "Not Cowards"?

Conservatives will just spin on a dime and start loving Muslims, because Dinesh told them to.
D'souza was quoted after 9-11 as saying,
"One of the themes that we hear constantly, is that the people who did this [the 9/11 terrorists] are
cowards, NOT TRUE! Look at what they did. You have a bunch of guys willing to give their lives. None
of them backed out. All of them slammed themselves into pieces of concrete, these are BRAVE WARRIORS!"

Have you heard, 2016 film maker Dinesh D'souza called 9/11 terrorist "Brave" and said they were "Not Cowards"?

Nice try loser! You backwater website has as much creditability as you do. He has never said nothing of the sort! Your website makes a claim with zero proof. They and you lack honor and integrity!

Watch the video at this link where D'Souza admits it and eat your words!
Bill Maher lost his TV show for agreeing with D'Souza.

Correct, D'Souza was the original source.

Fast forward to the 6:00 minute mark of the video I posted above if you don't want to watch the whole thing.

Gotta love the way D'Souza cowered at the end of the video like the weaselly little fucktard he is!
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D'souza was quoted after 9-11 as saying,
"One of the themes that we hear constantly, is that the people who did this [the 9/11 terrorists] are
cowards, NOT TRUE! Look at what they did. You have a bunch of guys willing to give their lives. None
of them backed out. All of them slammed themselves into pieces of concrete, these are BRAVE WARRIORS!"

Have you heard, 2016 film maker Dinesh D'souza called 9/11 terrorist "Brave" and said they were "Not Cowards"?

Nice try loser! You backwater website has as much creditability as you do. He has never said nothing of the sort! Your website makes a claim with zero proof. They and you lack honor and integrity!

You are wrong on this one. I saw a recent interview of D'souza with Bill Maher, and he freely admitted that he said that. Maher got on his case for not coming to his defense back in 2011. Bill Maher was only agreeing with D'souza's statement when he, himself, got in trouble over this remark. D'souza tried to parse it NOW by saying that yes, he had said that the hijackers were brave, but he had not said anything about OUR military NOT being brave, whereas Maher had said that it DOES take a great deal more courage to fly a plane directly into a building knowing you are going to die, than it does to fire a cruise missile from 30K feet and 600 miles away and then fly home to your base. The right CRUCIFIED Maher for that comment, but the gist of it was only spoken in agreement with Dinesh D'souza... the film maker whom the right just adores NOW... that same guy said that the 9/11 hijackers were courageous. How does that make you feel?
Huh, now the clueless leftist kiddies might get the impression D'souza supports jihadists.........

Impressive LOL
D'Souza is right, of course. It does take guts to crash a plane into a building with you on board.

But the question is why this is coming up now? D'Souza said it, what 10 years ago? Why now?
Could it be attempts to discredit him for his phenomenally successful 2016 film exposing Obama? Hmmm.
D'Souza is right, of course. It does take guts to crash a plane into a building with you on board.

But the question is why this is coming up now? D'Souza said it, what 10 years ago? Why now?
Could it be attempts to discredit him for his phenomenally successful 2016 film exposing Obama? Hmmm.

Or is it perhaps that the same people who attacked Bill Maher 10 years ago are now canonizing D'Souza and his ridiculous "film"?
D'Souza is right, of course. It does take guts to crash a plane into a building with you on board.

But the question is why this is coming up now? D'Souza said it, what 10 years ago? Why now?
Could it be attempts to discredit him for his phenomenally successful 2016 film exposing Obama? Hmmm.

It is just amusing to see the right fawn all over him now... when he had expressed those sentiments a decade ago... I mean, look at GHook's reaction... one of total disbelief. Lefties had to be making that up because this great filmmaker would NEVER have said those things... and yet, he did. :lol:
It is just amusing to see the right fawn all over him now... when he had expressed those sentiments a decade ago... I mean, look at GHook's reaction... one of total disbelief. Lefties had to be making that up because this great filmmaker would NEVER have said those things... and yet, he did. :lol:

So what did the right do a decade ago when he expressed those sentiments?
I knew a lot of people at that time who felt America brought 9/11 on herself. Dear heavens I had screaming matches with good friends and even a few family members every time I pointed out that the victims of 9/11 never earned their fate and never deserved it.

Then they grew up and realized that life isn't black and white, but many shades of grey. It's an intricate dance we do with each other on this planet.

People can change their minds over years.
and it never would have come out if D'souza hadn't been been making the talk show rounds shilling for his movie. Maher had him on his show and, once there, called him on what he said, but really called him on being a pussy and not standing up for Maher after Maher had agreed with him. When the heat all came tumbling down on Maher for his remarks, D'souza was nowhere to be found.

So really... today's darling of the right is both a man who believes that the terrorists who flew airplanes into our buildings and killed thousands of Americans were courageous and brave...but he himself is anything BUT courageous and brave.

And the right LOVES him. WHy does that not surprise me in the least?

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