diffrence between a jew and a zionist

Martin Luther King Jr...
When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You are talking anti-Semitism.

I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality.

I solemnly pledge to do my utmost to uphold the fair name of the Jews -- because bigotry in any form is an affront to us all.
"I have a dream" for peace in the Middle East / King's special bond with Israel
Was Hitler's support for Zionism a human smokescreen?

"Hitler’s view of the Jews and the Jewish problem is sharply expressed in Mein Kampf.

"He goes to great lengths to demonstrate that his Jew-hatred was quite reasonable, that it flowed from experience and the logical inferences to be drawn from clear evidence.

"He always insisted that his first thoughts towards the Jews were all benign.

"His father, 'the old gentleman', looked upon anti-Semitism as a left-over religious prejudice and so, we are told, did the enlightened young Adolf.

"It was only after his mother died, and he moved from provincial Linz to Vienna, that Hitler found occasion to question the glib assumptions of his youth.

"For there he wandered through the old inner city and encountered a Galician Hasid, 'an apparition in a black caftan and black hair locks. Is this a Jew? was my first thought.'

"But the more he thought about what he had seen, the more his question assumed a new form: 'Is this a German?'

"It is in the context of his earliest ruminations on what was, for him, the central question of existence that he introduced Zionism into his opus.

"'And whatever doubts I may still have nourished were finally dispelled by the attitude of a portion of the Jews themselves. Among them there was a great movement, quite extensive in Vienna, which came out sharply in confirmation of the national character of the Jews: this was the Zionists.'"

Zionism in the Age of Dictators
How many "good Germans" during Hitler's reign were "proud conservatives"?

Do you have any doubt that you would have supported your Fuhrer had you been alive at that time?

I don't:

Shit clumps.
How many "good Germans" during Hitler's reign were "proud conservatives"?

Do you have any doubt that you would have supported your Fuhrer had you been alive at that time?

I don't:

Shit clumps.
You've got to be kidding me. You would have been first in line screeching "Juden!!" at anyone who disagreed with you.

Me, for instance.
What group can live around Palestinians?
They can barely live with each other.
Funny, I would've thought you would have been too busy "liberating" Poland.

Do you think many of Germany's "proud conservatives" put themselves between the storm troopers and the Juden?
Funny, I would've thought you would have been too busy "liberating" Poland.

Do you think many of Germany's "proud conservatives" put themselves between the storm troopers and the Juden?

George sucks off goats. LOL
How many "good Germans" during Hitler's reign were "proud conservatives"?

Do you have any doubt that you would have supported your Fuhrer had you been alive at that time?

I don't:

Shit clumps.

You have zero reputational points. No surprise, there.
"Jewish anti-Zionism has always been the most effective weapon in the hands of the enemies of Israel. Anti-Zionists are happy to quote the protests of anti-Zionist Jews that Zionism is apostasy and anti-Semitism. They omit other parts of these texts, which often show that they were based on fatuous fears, communist extremism, reactionary and oppressive religious ideas, and discredited racist biological theories. They neglect to note that the militant anti-Zionist Jews always represented a small and ever-shrinking minority, and that they today consist of a tiny handful of very vocal polemicists, whose views are magnified and echoed by anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic journals and Web sites. Writings of anti-Zionist Jews are often trotted out in revisionist (Holocaust denying) and neo-Nazi articles and Web sites, where they may appear alongside the writings of Adolf Hitler and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, offered as spurious "proof" that the the philosophy on offer is not racist."

jewish_anti-zionism - Jews Against Zionism

What the difference between a huge steaming pile of diseased shit and P.F. Tinhead?


No difference. A fucking anti-Semite pussy is a fucking pile of shit is a fucking waste of carbon . . . .
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What next, Jew eating cockroaches, a shame Roachel Cockroach got squashed, they could have used her instead.

Teach people against animal cruelty, by doing animal cruelty. :rolleyes:\

Hamas war strategy.
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diffrence between a jew and a zionist

To Jew-haters? They just say they're anti-Zionist as a smokescreen.

It never works, though.
you mean zionazis who spit on falachas israelites!

The debate continues both within and without the Jewish community.

He's right about one thing, though.

Before the state of Isreal was created, even before the Anglos occupied that land, religious Jews lived in that land peacefully with their Arab neighbors. They'd long had a motus vivendi with their Moslem and Christian neighbors

It wasn't until the Zionists started a mass migration with the stated intention of creating a Jewish state that these problems really started.

The early kibbutzen (pre WWI) went out of their way NOT to dismiss the Palestinian Arabs, too

The Kibbutzen bought the land they lived on, they honored the tenants on the land and the agreements they'd had with the former owners, and they hired Arabs to work along side them.

It was the desire to form a Jewish State (mostly coming from European Jews) and to flood the land with European Jews which put an end to that formerly peaceful existence that the Palestianian Jews and Palestinian Arabs had so long enjoyed.

Now I know nothing about the Torah, so I'll leave that part of this discussion to those who study that book.

But I do know that some Jewish scholars do not think that the State of Isreal is part of their prophecy of things to come.

They consider it an impediment to the end times, rather than its fulfillment.
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