Die In scheduled by Parkland at Publix today


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
This was on twitter and I couldn’t copy paste from ipad

I’m not familiar with this grocery store
Apparently they gave money to a gubernatorial candidate
This has a few problems
It’s on private property
Several dems like their store model
And the NRA is planning on showing up with NRA hats and possible open carry while shopping
This was on twitter and I couldn’t copy paste from ipad

I’m not familiar with this grocery store
Apparently they gave money to a gubernatorial candidate
This has a few problems
It’s on private property
Several dems like their store model
And the NRA is planning on showing up with NRA hats and possible open carry while shopping

Publix is a damn fine grocery store. I hope I don't trip over one these deadites while shopping... I might have to sue Hogg...
Stop talking about that stupid kid. His power comes from you. Ignore the little asshat

Meh he has no power. Mock the little shit.
If he was a nobody with no power you guys wouldn't constantly be talking about him.

I do when he's mentioned...to mock him. He's a powerless little twerp
For now he is but with the attention you all give him he will soon be a political foe. Ya'll are creating your own adversary
The die in will have the same impact on Publix that the LW boycott had on Chick-fil-A.

Muad Hogg is just mad that his 15 minutes of fame have expired.
Publix is a great store, as far as grocery stores go.

Publix is also a good corporate citizen. They've donated $5M to Habitat for Humanity.

Muad Hogg picked the wrong target, which is hardly surprising.
Stop talking about that stupid kid. His power comes from you. Ignore the little asshat

Meh he has no power. Mock the little shit.
If he was a nobody with no power you guys wouldn't constantly be talking about him.

I do when he's mentioned...to mock him. He's a powerless little twerp
For now he is but with the attention you all give him he will soon be a political foe. Ya'll are creating your own adversary

I doubt me mocking him on an obscure message board is going to propel him to a worthy foe. Most see him for what he is...a clueless loudmouth shit stain

But I will admit the fact he thinks what people think where he buys muffins made me chuckle...and eye roll
This was on twitter and I couldn’t copy paste from ipad

I’m not familiar with this grocery store
Apparently they gave money to a gubernatorial candidate
This has a few problems
It’s on private property
Several dems like their store model
And the NRA is planning on showing up with NRA hats and possible open carry while shopping

Publix is a damn fine grocery store. I hope I don't trip over one these deadites while shopping... I might have to sue Hogg...

Trip? If I were there, I'd be kicking them, stepping on them, spilling stuff on them and spitting on them.
Stop talking about that stupid kid. His power comes from you. Ignore the little asshat

Meh he has no power. Mock the little shit.
If he was a nobody with no power you guys wouldn't constantly be talking about him.

What gave him power was the grocer themself. Instead of having the little creeps arrested, they fold and say that the chain "will have to reevaluate how they donate money!" Really? So Hogg does this protest trying to stop the chain from contributing to a Republican, and they go along with it? WHO are we worried is affecting the outcome of our elections? And just what is so terrible about the Adam Putnam guy he's protesting? Anybody? What has this guy done that is so terrible?

Adam Putnam - Wikipedia

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