Did You Meet Your President on Twitter?

I did. I just came from Twitter to follow town hall meeting with Barack Obama! Interesting stuff going on at Twitter. You get to Mr. president on Twitter by going thru White House by Town Hall.

I actually met Obama in person.

He has to be the calmest person I ever met.
Obama killed two birds with one stone yesterday, he made himself look cool to those younger less educated on politics types by using twitter for his town hall, and he also avoided any tough questions by being able to screen the ones he wanted to answer. I'm not impressed to say the least, I'm embarrassed because the rest of the world sees this for what it is but our own citizens don't.

and you are not alone:

Critics unimpressed by Obama’s Twitter ‘gimmick’ - BostonHerald.com
I did. I just came from Twitter to follow town hall meeting with Barack Obama! Interesting stuff going on at Twitter. You get to Mr. president on Twitter by going thru White House by Town Hall.

Obama's Twitter Town Hall On Jobs Crashed By House Republicans

House Republicans using twitter, after they took lessons on how to do a tweet from Wiener, I guess.

I thought House Republicans had better things to do with their time than crash a President's public cyber speech access.

"?Several high-level House Republicans piled their questions into the feed throughout the morning and will continue to do so throughout Obama's event, which starts at 2 p.m EST. The White House has been publicizing the event for more than a week and telling people to reference "#askobama" when pitching their Twitter questions to the president. Republicans are now pouncing on that hashtag.

Obama's Twitter Town Hall On Jobs Crashed By House Republicans

I guess Republicans NEVER follow the rules, play fair, from childhood onward, they were the bully on the playground and still are.

Lesions from the Democrat Wiener?

And you have to know the whole meeting is staged... I mean, 40k questions submitted and you're telling me guys that can call up the president at any given time day or night got their question asked? Just pulled out of a hat, right? Leave it to a hack to attack Reps over it lol.
Folks, if you are American, then Barack Hussein Obama is your president! Barack H. Obama is the 44th president of the United States and will go down in history as such! Thus, for the sake of the nation and your sake, you might as well work with Obama for the betterment of the nation.

I didn't vote for him, and I'll never call him "my" president. "For the sake of the nation" we need to get him out of the White House. And work with him for the "betterment of the nation"???? what?? He needs to be gone for the betterment of the nation...
Why should we work with him & what has he worked with us on?? He's pushed through Obamacare when we said NO, he pushed thru the stimulus bill when we said NO, he lied about Gitmo, he lied about bring our troops home (just sent them on to another country!). He laughed about the Shovel ready jobs not really being shovel ready....i can't think of anything right now that he's done right or shown that he cares about what the people want at all. And don't say he got bin Laden....HE didn't.

And you are entitled to your opinion. Remember however that:

1). Obamacare stems from both the Patriot Act II and MEHPA, both passed by George W. Bush.

About MEHPA - Model Emergency Health Powers Act (MEHPA)

About Patriot Act II - ACLU Fact Sheet on PATRIOT Act II | American Civil Liberties Union

2). W. Bush initiated stimulus and bailouts, and Obama carried through

3). Gitmo and troops all around the world are goal of our warlike government dreaming of world domination by suppressing non-conformists both abroad and at home, just like we trained Al Qaeda and others to go against others and they later turn against us.

Bush and Obama are the same... got it. And you support them, neat.
I did. I just came from Twitter to follow town hall meeting with Barack Obama! Interesting stuff going on at Twitter. You get to Mr. president on Twitter by going thru White House by Town Hall.

Seriously, how old are you?
I think it's really sweet that people actually fall for the bullshit that it's actually Obama tweeting. That's really funny.

NO, Dim bulb, if you had the curiosity to find out how it's done, you could click the little thing we call a mouse button on your computer machine and see that Obama is sitting in a room in the White House, taking questions and looking at a big computer screen, where the viewers and Obama see the same tweets on screen at the time he answers them.

But intellectual curiosity and viewing reality are NOT your strong suits, are they? You Obama hating right wing fanatic!

You're obviously a very busy person...
Twitter = Intellectual Curiosity? Wow, then Facebook must be the Algonquin Round table of social media.

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