Did the program that funded the Solyndra loan start under George W. Bush?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Did the program that funded the Solyndra loan start under George W. Bush?
David Plouffe says so

Our ruling

Plouffe said that the loan guarantee program that awarded half a billion dollars in guarantees to Solyndra "was supported by President Bush." The program was created on Bush's watch by a law he signed and promoted. The program grew under the Obama administration, which ultimately awarded Solyndra's loan guarantee under a new section of the law created by the stimulus. The Bush administration, though, promoted the loan guarantee program, and Bush himself touted it on his way out of office. There's also evidence his administration specifically prioritized Solyndra's project. We find Plouffe's statement Mostly True.

Are you kidding?

Yes the "program" started under Bush...and yes...Bush supported the "program" but the Solyndra loan was put on a shelf by the Bush Administration because the numbers looked so bad.

Look, I know that you progressives would LOVE to make Solyndra a "W" thing just like you'd LOVE to make Fast & Furious a "W" thing but the fact is BOTH of those debacles belong solely to THIS Adminstration. Pathetic attempts like this one to spin it to be someone else's fault rather than Barry's show just how far some of you will go to excuse his screw ups.
You lefties must be desperate to come up with this kind of convoluted logic. Yeah, Bush signed on to green energy but it was Barry Hussein who gave Solyndra taxpayer funding against the advice of experts and even when he knew the company was in trouble. Solyndra was a big dnoer to his campaign.
Are you kidding?

Yes the "program" started under Bush...and yes...Bush supported the "program" but the Solyndra loan was put on a shelf by the Bush Administration because the numbers looked so bad.

Look, I know that you progressives would LOVE to make Solyndra a "W" thing just like you'd LOVE to make Fast & Furious a "W" thing but the fact is BOTH of those debacles belong solely to THIS Adminstration. Pathetic attempts like this one to spin it to be someone else's fault rather than Barry's show just how far some of you will go to excuse his screw ups.

Yup. Bush's boys had the smarts to kick Solyndra to the curb.

Barrys boys embraced it because its GREEN ENERGY. Fucking idiots.

The taxpayers are behind the investors on this one so we can kiss out half billion goodbye.

Oh Yeah. Barry and his boys are first rate investors. NOT.
Believe in Rush only believe in Rush.
Keep repeating that.

I hate to dissapoint but I don't think I've ever listened to Rush Limbaugh on the radio...have seen very little of him on TV...and in all honesty get most of what he supposedly says from you progressives who seem to be glued to his every word.

So did you want to help out Lil Ole Lady and back up her claim that Solyndra was really a Bush thing? Or did you want to run off and hide after making what you must think was a "biting" comment?
Believe in Rush only believe in Rush.
Keep repeating that.

I hate to dissapoint but I don't think I've ever listened to Rush Limbaugh on the radio...have seen very little of him on TV...and in all honesty get most of what he supposedly says from you progressives who seem to be glued to his every word.

So did you want to help out Lil Ole Lady and back up her claim that Solyndra was really a Bush thing? Or did you want to run off and hide after making what you must think was a "biting" comment?

It's a damn shame that liberals can't think anymore.
Believe in Rush only believe in Rush.
Keep repeating that.

I hate to dissapoint but I don't think I've ever listened to Rush Limbaugh on the radio...have seen very little of him on TV...and in all honesty get most of what he supposedly says from you progressives who seem to be glued to his every word.

So did you want to help out Lil Ole Lady and back up her claim that Solyndra was really a Bush thing? Or did you want to run off and hide after making what you must think was a "biting" comment?

It's a damn shame that liberals can't think anymore.
Oh I'm good with that. It's like why you don't want a smart dog or cat. They get into more trouble that way.
The White House noted to ABC News that the Bush administration was the first to consider Solyndra's application and that some executives at the company have a history of donating to Republicans.

The results of the Congressional probe shared Tuesday with ABC News show that less than two weeks before President Bush left office, on January 9, 2009, the Energy Department's credit committee had voted against offering a loan commitment to Solyndra.

Even after Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, analysts in the Energy Department and in the Office of Management and Budget were repeatedly questioning the wisdom of the loan. In one exchange, an Energy official wrote of "a major outstanding issue" -- namely, that Solyndra's numbers showed it would run out of cash in September 2011.

There was also concern about the high-risk nature of the project. Internally, the Office of Management and Budget wrote that "the risk rating for the project sponsor [Solyndra] … seems high." Outside analysts had warned for months that the company might not be a sound investment.

Read more: Bush Admin. Voted AGAINST Solyndra Loan - Solyndra - Fox Nation
Allow me to repeat a portion of the OP:

the Obama administration, which ultimately awarded Solyndra's loan guarantee under a new section of the law created by the stimulus.

Bam-Bam had the final signature, PERIOD

All this OP has accomplished is further prove that Obama = Bush 3
Sounds like mebbe it was fast-tracked too fast fer the track...
Watchdog finds Solyndra loan was 'rushed'
April 04, 2012 | Federal financial experts weren't consulted on a half-billion federal loan to a failed solar company until the last minute, and only then had "about a day" to complete their review, an internal watchdog concluded Wednesday.
The report from the Treasury Department's inspector general found that the department's review was "rushed" and began only after the Energy Department was poised to sign off on the terms of a $528 million loan to Solyndra Inc. The review was completed a day before Energy issued a press release saying it was approving the loan with conditions. Treasury officials complained to the White House that regulations governing federal loan guarantees say that the department should have been involved earlier in the process, but the inspector general said it was unclear whether the review's late start violated the law.

Treasury officials also told investigators that the shortened time frame was sufficient to review the loan. But investigators found no evidence that concerns raised by those officials, such as the debt-to-equity ratio in the project, were ever addressed by the Energy Department. The investigation is the latest to look closely at the Obama administration's decision to back Solyndra. Congress also is examining the deal, which was used to showcase the economic stimulus bill's support for renewable energy projects and so-called green jobs.

Solyndra was the first renewable-energy company to receive backing from a loan program created by the stimulus bill. But last year it declared bankruptcy and laid off more than 1,000 people. The company's implosion and revelations that it received preferential treatment from federal officials have become an embarrassment for the Obama administration and a focal point for GOP criticism of the president's green-energy agenda.

While the Energy Department approved the loan, and taxpayers were on the hook when it failed, the Treasury Department's Federal Financing Bank was the entity that actually disbursed the money. Internal emails obtained by the inspector general suggest that Treasury officials' concerns at the time the loan was granted were dismissed in order to get it out the door. "DOE says their hands are tied on this issue...They are under pressure to complete a deal," one email read. Another said: "We pressed on certain issues...but the train has really left the station on this deal."

Read more: Watchdog Finds Solyndra Loan Was 'rushed' | Fox News

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