Did Obama Sabotage BP Deepwater Horizon For Cap n' Trade?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The more you think about it, the more you have to wonder if the destruction of BP Deepwater Horizon was ordered by the Obama Administration to complete the destruction of the US economy and to pass Cap N Trade.

Either Obama really is a total fuck up with no one advising him and couldn't figure out what to do in the first 42 days, or he just wanted to insure that a massive spill would wash up on the shores.

There's no other possibility: he's either the biggest lazy fuck up ever, or he got the result he wanted, an environmental disaster to drive up the cost of energy, pass Cap N Trade and make him look like a pretend executive "I'm gonna kick ass"

There just no way someone who understood the hazards of the oil leak would have waited so long to take any action and moreover, why are Obama and the EPA still denying permits and plans to prevent further damage?

You know why? Because he NEEDS the devastation and his speech Tuesday night tipped his hand.
I've thought the same thing - intentional damage to promote cap and trade. I don't trust Obama or any of his cronies.
This is Obama's "Operation Canned Goods", a fake attack to launch an all out war against our critical energy sector.

There are Russian Warplanners, people who planned nuclear strikes, who are laughing themselves to death at how they spent a lifetime targeting vital areas of our economy for annihilation when all they had to do was support Democrats.
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Cap'n Trade is only half of the Obama scheme. There's the issue of pulling the rug out from under the U.S. petroleum industry to the tune of tens of billions of dollars. And it doesn't stop there. The attack reaches the smallest of oil companines in this country- small family owned businesses that took decades to build will come tumbling down.
The more you think about it, the more you have to wonder if the destruction of BP Deepwater Horizon was ordered by the Obama Administration to complete the destruction of the US economy and to pass Cap N Trade.

Either Obama really is a total fuck up with no one advising him and couldn't figure out what to do in the first 42 days, or he just wanted to insure that a massive spill would wash up on the shores.

There's no other possibility: he's either the biggest lazy fuck up ever, or he got the result he wanted, an environmental disaster to drive up the cost of energy, pass Cap N Trade and make him look like a pretend executive "I'm gonna kick ass"

There just no way someone who understood the hazards of the oil leak would have waited so long to take any action and moreover, why are Obama and the EPA still denying permits and plans to prevent further damage?

You know why? Because he NEEDS the devastation and his speech Tuesday night tipped his hand.

Kind of makes you think, God is a democrat. :lol:

God bless Obama and God bless the United States of America.
I've thought the same thing - intentional damage to promote cap and trade. I don't trust Obama or any of his cronies.

So, Obama flew in with his black helicopters, dove down and sabotaged this thing, so he could pass cap and trade?

The more you think about it, the more you have to wonder if the destruction of BP Deepwater Horizon was ordered by the Obama Administration to complete the destruction of the US economy and to pass Cap N Trade.

Either Obama really is a total fuck up with no one advising him and couldn't figure out what to do in the first 42 days, or he just wanted to insure that a massive spill would wash up on the shores.

There's no other possibility: he's either the biggest lazy fuck up ever, or he got the result he wanted, an environmental disaster to drive up the cost of energy, pass Cap N Trade and make him look like a pretend executive "I'm gonna kick ass"

There just no way someone who understood the hazards of the oil leak would have waited so long to take any action and moreover, why are Obama and the EPA still denying permits and plans to prevent further damage?

You know why? Because he NEEDS the devastation and his speech Tuesday night tipped his hand.

Shit, that plan is nearly as diabolical as when Cheney kidnapped three airplanes full of people, executed them, then flew retrofitted missles painted to looked like airplanes into the WTC and Pentagon to give us a reason to invade Iraq and kill Saddam Hussein!!!
The more you think about it, the more you have to wonder if the destruction of BP Deepwater Horizon was ordered by the Obama Administration to complete the destruction of the US economy and to pass Cap N Trade.

Either Obama really is a total fuck up with no one advising him and couldn't figure out what to do in the first 42 days, or he just wanted to insure that a massive spill would wash up on the shores.

There's no other possibility: he's either the biggest lazy fuck up ever, or he got the result he wanted, an environmental disaster to drive up the cost of energy, pass Cap N Trade and make him look like a pretend executive "I'm gonna kick ass"

There just no way someone who understood the hazards of the oil leak would have waited so long to take any action and moreover, why are Obama and the EPA still denying permits and plans to prevent further damage?

You know why? Because he NEEDS the devastation and his speech Tuesday night tipped his hand.


YOU are one devious and SICK AS SICK CAN BE puppy frank.

GET HELP, seek the help you need!
"The President presented a vision of a future where we as a nation are not held hostage by our dependence on fossil fuels -- and a plan for an economy that invests in energy generated right here and creates jobs for millions of Americans in the process. Under his leadership, some of this is beginning to take shape -- clean energy is starting to put people back to work across the country, building more efficient cars and trucks, repurposing old factories to manufacture wind turbines, and investing in research that will discover new energy technologies."

Mitch Stewart, BarackObama.com to me

Look at the shiny metal object we're swinging back and forth, it's so pretty, it's a new energy technology
poor insane baby...

"The next generation will not be held hostage to energy sources from the last century. The American people are ready for clean energy.

Add your name as a strong supporter of comprehensive energy and climate reform:

I stand with President Obama to pave the way for a clean-energy future that:

• Combats climate change;

• Creates a new economy powered by green jobs; and

• Ends our dependence on foreign oil.

It's time, once and for all, for our nation to fully embrace a clean energy future:

First Name: Jillian
Last Name: HopeyChangey
Email: Jillian HopeyChangey@gmail
Zip: Yes, I'm a zip, you got a problem with that?

Organizing for America | BarackObama.com
Obama will accomplish one thing with his proposed legislation/taxes/budgets - the systematic destruction of the U.S. petroleum industry from the top down.

I am not against transitioning to a "greener" economy (over time and in a rational manner), but the process will do nothing to reduce imports of petroleum and its byproducts. As it's now structured, the greening of America begins with reducing domestic production of oil and natural gas- which will have to be replaced by imports.
And yet companies drill off the coasts of Norway and Canada...two countries at least that have better safety standards than we do.

And they turn a profit.

Imagine that.
Obama will accomplish one thing with his proposed legislation/taxes/budgets - the systematic destruction of the U.S. petroleum industry from the top down.

I am not against transitioning to a "greener" economy (over time and in a rational manner), but the process will do nothing to reduce imports of petroleum and its byproducts. As it's now structured, the greening of America begins with reducing domestic production of oil and natural gas- which will have to be replaced by imports.

Every prediction you guys threw out ....Ol Newt, Dick Morris and others...have been wrong so far, but continue..............:eusa_whistle:

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