Did I hear that Right?


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Did someone post yesterday that 65% of the population of Los Angeles are Illegals? How did that happen?
Free shit.

CA just passed the Dream Act. Now a "Mexican National" will pay 100K less for college than a kid from Ohio.

I wonder if they know how to say "thank you"
Did someone post yesterday that 65% of the population of Los Angeles are Illegals? How did that happen?

I haven't seen the stats, but I would guess that's a lower limit. Go to LA, walk around, and look. It's like being in mexico.
Did someone post yesterday that 65% of the population of Los Angeles are Illegals? How did that happen?

I can't tell you with any kind of certainty that 65% of the population of Los Angeles are illegal but I can tell you that it's been my experience that 95% of all the Californians I've ever met are pretty well fucked up.
t/j - Angelhair i think that is one of the cutest boardnames i've seen.

ok end t/j

according to this report the % is under 7

Illegal Immigrants in California

maybe the other threat missed a decimal 6.5 not 65. ?

it is just an estimate ....it is probably more like 7-8 %...but who is counting....in a few years it will hit 10%.....

ok, sure. but its not 65%.

of course not.....but maybe in some of the border towns like El Centro it could just about be that high.......and this is no joke.....a friend of mine who was Mexican used to live there......and as far as he was concerned they might as well let Mexico administer the place.......English was the Second Language there.....

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