Did Hillary Put One Over Obama One Last Time?


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May 1, 2012
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Did Hillary Put One Over Obama One Last Time?

December 10, 2012
By Daniel Greenfield

If Susan Rice fails to become the next Secretary of State it will be due less to Republican Senators and more to the quiet civil war of staffers that has been raging inside the Obama Administration for the last four years. While Obama’s people have retained most of their hold on domestic policy, foreign policy has been slipping into the hands of Clinton loyalists. And with Hillary Clinton leaving, allowing her position to fall into the hands of the woman who betrayed her would be a reversal of the Clintonization of Obama’s foreign policy.

While the Republicans have attacked Rice for lying about Benghazi, only to be met with cries of racism, the Clintons have taken a more cunning route, targeting Rice for her African record. Much of the blame for that record lies with the Clintons, who neglected Africa, at least as much as it does with Rice, but the Clintons have never been sticklers when it comes to launching completely hypocritical attacks.


But it’s the New York Times that is most clearly playing the Clinton’s game, casting doubt on Rice’s nomination and her history, while pushing Kerry into place.

The Rice vs Kerry battle has wider implications. An open Senate seat can mean an opportunity for Scott Brown to get back into the Senate.

Did Hillary Put One Over Obama One Last Time?

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