Did Donald Trump just guarantee prison for Michael Flynn?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
I'm watching Fox News.

Because Trump and other Republicans suggested Flynn was being railroaded, The Judge ask Flynn if he was guilty, and if he had been coerced? Flynn said no one coerced him and he was guilty.

The courtroom gasped when the Judge asked if Flynn committed treason.

The judge said he can't hide his disgust and disdain. The judge told Flynn he sold his country out. And the judge laughed when he brought up the Logan Act. He said no one had ever been prosecuted under the Logan Act before and that was why he laughed.

The newscasters on Fox said if Flynn had just gone in he probably wouldn't have had any jail time. But because of what the President said and what Flynn's lawyers said, the judge put off the sentencing for 90 days so the judge can review the evidence.

Flynn could be fuked. We'll know in 90 days.

Fox made it seem like it's all Trump's fault.

What do you think?
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I'm shocked Fox is doing such a good job of reporting.


It's been like forever.

When there has been breaking news about Trump and all his Russian connections and other stuff, they reported on the Clinton Foundation and Hillary's emails. Since that was six years ago, It may be passed the statute of limitations.

But now, they are reading from Mike Flynn statements and Comey transcripts from congress.
Wait you get your news from Fox?

We thought for the past 10 years they lie?

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Wait you get your news from Fox?

We thought for the past 10 years they lie?

I know, right?

I usually like to watch them to hear fresh lies.

But they are actually telling the truth. Have they given up on Trump?
Wait you get your news from Fox?

We thought for the past 10 years they lie?

I know, right?

I usually like to watch them to hear fresh lies.

But they are actually telling the truth. Have they given up on Trump?

Fox news lies they always do, so you telling us you are a sheep?

I do a very good job of telling lies from truth.

However, sometimes, the lie is so bold and so false that even a Trumpkin blinks when face slapped with it's oily surface. I saw it coming a loooong time ago from a loooooong way off.
Trump put out a flaming bag of pooh and Progressives dog piled on it
Trump IS a flaming bag of pooh.

Flynn is not going to prison. The judge is not convinced that the guilty plea was honestly given.
Yea, the judge is very convinced? That's why he asked if this were treason and why he had disgust and disdain for Flynn.

Michael Flynn sentencing delayed - CNNPolitics

But the mood visibly shifted as the hearing progressed and things got much more serious, specifically when Judge Emmet Sullivan admonished Flynn for lying, saying he “arguably sold your country out” and brought up questions of treason.

Two of Flynn’s sisters sat with their fingers pressed upon their lips. Another member of the Flynn party tensely leaned forward to hear the answers when the judge asked prosecutors about whether Flynn’s actions were treasonous.


If he thought Flynn was so innocent, he never would have asked if Flynn were a traitor. Duh!
Trump put out a flaming bag of pooh and Progressives dog piled on it
Trump IS a flaming bag of pooh.


I wondered how the rank and file at the FBI let their agency get turned into the democrat Party's secret police without any workplace violence, were there ANY good people let at the agency?

It troubled me. Surely the entire Agency can't be little goosestepping Starkey Progressive SS Officers?!

I think they've been working behind the scenes with Trump for a while now to set their once proud agency right and bring to Justice those who abused their power and turned the FBI into Obama's secret police
Flynn is not going to prison. The judge is not convinced that the guilty plea was honestly given.
Yea, the judge is very convinced? That's why he asked if this were treason and why he had disgust and disdain for Flynn.

Michael Flynn sentencing delayed - CNNPolitics

But the mood visibly shifted as the hearing progressed and things got much more serious, specifically when Judge Emmet Sullivan admonished Flynn for lying, saying he “arguably sold your country out” and brought up questions of treason.

Two of Flynn’s sisters sat with their fingers pressed upon their lips. Another member of the Flynn party tensely leaned forward to hear the answers when the judge asked prosecutors about whether Flynn’s actions were treasonous.


If he thought Flynn was so innocent, he never would have asked if Flynn were a traitor. Duh!

Sullivan set a trap for the Prosecutor and he refused to take the bait
Flynn's lawyers made a huge mistake last Friday when they claimed Flynn was tricked in to lying, which has been and is the Trump tweeting mantra.

The Judge usually rules against government officials and for the defendant in many of his cases, showing a disdain for anything remotely corrupt with government workers.

Today, it was the defendant that the Judge's disdain was focused on.

Mainly because Flynn was a government employee, when he committed some of his crimes.

Also, remember.... there is a lot redacted in this case.... the Judge KNOWS what all of that is, and what they have on Flynn in every aspect of criminality, even if Flynn was not charged with his other crimes....

so, maybe the Judge is indirectly saying that he is giving Flynn 3 more months to get his shat together and help the FBI even more than he has...???
Trump put out a flaming bag of pooh and Progressives dog piled on it
Trump IS a flaming bag of pooh.


I wondered how the rank and file at the FBI let their agency get turned into the democrat Party's secret police without any workplace violence, were there ANY good people let at the agency?

It troubled me. Surely the entire Agency can't be little goosestepping Starkey Progressive SS Officers?!

I think they've been working behind the scenes with Trump for a while now to set their once proud agency right and bring to Justice those who abused their power and turned the FBI into Obama's secret police

Once again, the "Obama" card.

Placed at a strategic time.

Obama was an actual scumbag setting up a Fascist government to turn over to Hillary. He purged the military of anyone who disagreed and turned the FBI into his Fascist democrat secret police.

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