Dick Morris needs to explain why he was so wrong


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
about Romney having a runaway win.

Nobody will take him serious any longer.

I believed him.
He has explained it. He said he lied in order to cheer up the Republican base, and he's not sorry about lieing. Meaning he'll be doing it again.

Dick Morris Explains Romney Landslide Prediction: ‘I Felt It Was My Duty’ To ‘Say What I Said’ | Mediaite

“I spoke about what I believed, and I think that there was a period of time when the Romney campaign was falling apart, people were not optimistic, nobody thought there was a chance of victory. And I felt that it was my duty at that point to go out and say what I said. And at the time that I said it, I believe I was right."
No matter how many times Morris explains himself, democrats will always say he didn't.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_EH6yTo654]FOXNEWS FOX NEWS:Dick Morris explains his wrong Romney victory prediction - YouTube[/ame]
Anyone who took Morris seriously with his election predictions has only themselves to blame. Has the guy ever been right?
about Romney having a runaway win.

Nobody will take him serious any longer.

I believed him.

He tried to explain himself the other night on FOX. Basically he said Dem Turn out was higher, and Republican Turn out was lower, than he was factoring with his Predictions.

Not that I am excusing him being so far off, just thought you should know he already did try and explain it.
The variation in election prognostications was due almost entirely to projections of voter turnout. Only a select few were aware of the effectiveness of the Obama reelection machine.
about Romney having a runaway win.

Nobody will take him serious any longer.

I believed him.

The Republican Party/ Conservative Movement has conducted an experiment to see if when enough people drink the koolaid, the koolaid ceased to be poisonous. The left did the same thing in the late 60's (Yes, I was there). The result: no matter how massive the self-delusion, it still does not replace reality.
Anyone who took Morris seriously with his election predictions has only themselves to blame. Has the guy ever been right?

He was very accurate in 2000, 2004 and 2010. That I know of. In fact in 2010 he was way ahead of the curve predicting the GOP sweep.

No. No he was not accurate in 2000, 2004 and 2010.

You skipped a few years for some reason.

This asshole predicts a GOP sweep EVERY ELECTION.

Please...........exhibit some intelligence and insult the guy in the manner that he deserves.
If dick Morris were to predict the sun would rise in the east tomorrow morning, I would look for it to rise in the west.
If dick Morris were to predict the sun would rise in the east tomorrow morning, I would look for it to rise in the west.

isn't it amazing?

i think i'll dedicate this one to the dick morris apologists...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6G3hUtu150]Fleetwood mac - Little Lies - Tell me lies - YouTube[/ame]

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