Dick Cavett on Zell Miller


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
Perhaps Cavett is trying on a new career as a political pundit. Given his propensity for moronic statements, it appears that this career will be just as successful as his previous.


Friday, Sept. 3, 2004 10:27 a.m. EDT
Dick Cavett: Zell 'Looks Like a Klansman'

Democratic hysteria over Sen. Zell Miller's Wednesday night keynote address to the GOP convention continues to escalate, with Kerry defenders now trying to label him a "Klansman."

"Zell Miller looks like a Klansman," media has-been Dick Cavett groused to radio host Don Imus on Friday.

When Imus objected to the characterization, Cavett joked, "You didn't think I meant the Ku Klux Klan, did you?" He then added in the next breath, "You would cast him as that in a movie."

Cavett was apparently picking up a riff first road tested on Thursday by pro-Kerry Republican David Gergen, who complained that Miller was a "man of hate" just like his long-ago boss Georgia Gov. Lester Maddox.

Of course, neither Cavett nor Gergen has ever had anything to say about the Senate's only genuine ex-Klansman, Sen. Robert Byrd - apparently because he supports John Kerry.

Cavett, whose claim to sudden relevancy is based on the fact that he hosted a 1971 Vietnam debate between John Kerry and Swiftvet leader John O'Neill, couldn't resist taking an ugly potshot at the man whose book "Unfit for Command" has turned the presidential campaign on its head.

Referring to the Swiftvet's appearance on his show, Cavett explained, "O'Neill had been groomed, entertained and fondled, for all I know, by Nixon and Haldeman."
I'm from Georgia and we have an old nickname for Miller that should turn anti-Kerry people off to him.

"Zig-Zag" Zell

Very similar to "Flip-Flopper". One reason Kerry is disliked is because of that - let's see if Zell is disliked for the same reason.
MJDuncan1982 said:
I'm from Georgia and we have an old nickname for Miller that should turn anti-Kerry people off to him.

"Zig-Zag" Zell

Very similar to "Flip-Flopper". One reason Kerry is disliked is because of that - let's see if Zell is disliked for the same reason.

I thought it was because he rolled his own.
MJDuncan1982 said:
I'm from Georgia and we have an old nickname for Miller that should turn anti-Kerry people off to him.

"Zig-Zag" Zell


Didn't work.

I thought Dick Cavett was dead .... Shows how much media attention he gets ! :poke:

Oh BTW, Zell still is da man in my book ! :dance:
i was just gonna say something similar. Dick Cavett has been revived ONLY because of the recent replays of the O'Neil/Kerry debates in 1971 or 72.

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