Dick Armey to Tea People: Shhhhh... Don't Tell


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
good to know he's the same disingenuous twit he's always been...

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Republican candidates popular with tea party activists should refrain from self-identifying as tea party candidates — and also should stay off MSNBC, Dick Armey said Wednesday.

The former House majority leader, who has emerged as a leading figure within the tea party movement as head of the nonprofit group FreedomWorks told reporters at a lunch sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor, that candidates who call themselves tea party leaders are opening themselves up for more negative scrutiny from hostile media outlets, and he singled out MSNBC as a leading antagonist of the tea party movement and its favored candidates.

“Any legitimate newsperson would be embarrassed to see them pretending to be newspeople,” he said of MSNBC. “They’re not news people. They’re political hacks,” he said, specifically citing the network’s liberal hosts Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann. “I’m sorry. I watch that network. I watch that Keith Olberby guy — cracks me up. I know very well he’s never gotten over the Americans beating the Russians in ’80. And he’s got this mean nasty side to him, and it’s entertaining, but don’t tell me he’s a newsperson. It’s a disrespect to the profession.”

Olbermann said Armey "is, as ever, perfectly, wonderfully tone deaf. I actually attended the USA upset of the USSR in Lake Placid in 1980 and it remains one of the most joyous memories of my life as a proud American. I also wonder about why Mr. Armey so happily took money to appear on my show during his days as a paid MSNBC contributor."

Armey’s criticism came after he was asked if he had any advice for tea party-backed candidates such as GOP Senate candidates Rand Paul of Kentucky, who took heat after stumbling under tough questioning from Maddow about whether he supports the Civil Rights Act, and Sharron Angle of Nevada, who has avoided taking questions from most mainstream media outlets.

“Rand Paul made an amateur mistake — a freshman mistake, a rookie mistake. He thought MSNBC was a legitimate news operation. Bless his heart,” Armey said. “If he had called me and said ‘should I go on that show?’ I would have said ‘no, they’re political hacks. They will abuse the truth purposefully for a political purpose.’”

Later, though, Armey said Paul’s “bigger mistake” came in his victory speech after securing the nomination, when he said “I have a message from the tea party. ... We've come to take our government back" and added: "This tea party movement is a message to Washington that we are unhappy and we want things done differently."

Armey said “I think that hurt him more than (the Civil Rights Act exchange), because the principles of liberty won that position and he won by adhering to them.” He quipped that Paul’s reasoning for positioning himself as a tea party leader might have been, “Alright, I don’t have a big enough target on my back. Since the left hates the tea party and they hate me, let’s see if we can get ‘em to double down on me by me claiming to be the leader of the tea party.”

“Don’t ask for more of what you really don’t want,” Armey said. Pointing out that Paul “ran as a Republican — he won the Republican primary,” Armey suggested that Paul and other tea party-backed candidates can remain true to the movement’s limited government principles without becoming targets by declaring themselves tea party leaders.

He recommended that tea party-backed candidates stick to local media outlets and Fox News, which is regarded as friendlier turf for conservatives.

“Fox News for many of us, we believe is more accurate and reliable than most news most of the time, and we are quite comfortable enjoy when we’ve given interviews there,” he said.

Still, he described a “a free, fair, professional press” as crucial to a functioning democracy and said “irrespective of the number of disappointments that you will have in the press — and you will have them, you must always be willing to take a chance on anybody who says ‘I am from the press and I am here to interview you,’ until you know for certain that this is one of the unreliable ones. You should all be thought to be reliable until proven otherwise.”

POLITICO Forums:politics: Armey: Avoid 'tea party' label, MSNBC - POLITICO.com

the best part is the loon is still whining that rachel maddow was mean to poor rand paul. the nerve of her asking him questions and not tossing softballs like faux news.
good to know he's the same disingenuous twit he's always been...

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Republican candidates popular with tea party activists should refrain from self-identifying as tea party candidates — and also should stay off MSNBC, Dick Armey said Wednesday.

The former House majority leader, who has emerged as a leading figure within the tea party movement as head of the nonprofit group FreedomWorks told reporters at a lunch sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor, that candidates who call themselves tea party leaders are opening themselves up for more negative scrutiny from hostile media outlets, and he singled out MSNBC as a leading antagonist of the tea party movement and its favored candidates.

“Any legitimate newsperson would be embarrassed to see them pretending to be newspeople,” he said of MSNBC. “They’re not news people. They’re political hacks,” he said, specifically citing the network’s liberal hosts Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann. “I’m sorry. I watch that network. I watch that Keith Olberby guy — cracks me up. I know very well he’s never gotten over the Americans beating the Russians in ’80. And he’s got this mean nasty side to him, and it’s entertaining, but don’t tell me he’s a newsperson. It’s a disrespect to the profession.”

Olbermann said Armey "is, as ever, perfectly, wonderfully tone deaf. I actually attended the USA upset of the USSR in Lake Placid in 1980 and it remains one of the most joyous memories of my life as a proud American. I also wonder about why Mr. Armey so happily took money to appear on my show during his days as a paid MSNBC contributor."

Armey’s criticism came after he was asked if he had any advice for tea party-backed candidates such as GOP Senate candidates Rand Paul of Kentucky, who took heat after stumbling under tough questioning from Maddow about whether he supports the Civil Rights Act, and Sharron Angle of Nevada, who has avoided taking questions from most mainstream media outlets.

“Rand Paul made an amateur mistake — a freshman mistake, a rookie mistake. He thought MSNBC was a legitimate news operation. Bless his heart,” Armey said. “If he had called me and said ‘should I go on that show?’ I would have said ‘no, they’re political hacks. They will abuse the truth purposefully for a political purpose.’”

Later, though, Armey said Paul’s “bigger mistake” came in his victory speech after securing the nomination, when he said “I have a message from the tea party. ... We've come to take our government back" and added: "This tea party movement is a message to Washington that we are unhappy and we want things done differently."

Armey said “I think that hurt him more than (the Civil Rights Act exchange), because the principles of liberty won that position and he won by adhering to them.” He quipped that Paul’s reasoning for positioning himself as a tea party leader might have been, “Alright, I don’t have a big enough target on my back. Since the left hates the tea party and they hate me, let’s see if we can get ‘em to double down on me by me claiming to be the leader of the tea party.”

“Don’t ask for more of what you really don’t want,” Armey said. Pointing out that Paul “ran as a Republican — he won the Republican primary,” Armey suggested that Paul and other tea party-backed candidates can remain true to the movement’s limited government principles without becoming targets by declaring themselves tea party leaders.

He recommended that tea party-backed candidates stick to local media outlets and Fox News, which is regarded as friendlier turf for conservatives.

“Fox News for many of us, we believe is more accurate and reliable than most news most of the time, and we are quite comfortable enjoy when we’ve given interviews there,” he said.

Still, he described a “a free, fair, professional press” as crucial to a functioning democracy and said “irrespective of the number of disappointments that you will have in the press — and you will have them, you must always be willing to take a chance on anybody who says ‘I am from the press and I am here to interview you,’ until you know for certain that this is one of the unreliable ones. You should all be thought to be reliable until proven otherwise.”

POLITICO Forums:politics: Armey: Avoid 'tea party' label, MSNBC - POLITICO.com

the best part is the loon is still whining that rachel maddow was mean to poor rand paul. the nerve of her asking him questions and not tossing softballs like faux news.

Like when Chris Matthews was so mean to Michelle M.
good to know he's the same disingenuous twit he's always been...

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Republican candidates popular with tea party activists should refrain from self-identifying as tea party candidates — and also should stay off MSNBC, Dick Armey said Wednesday.

The former House majority leader, who has emerged as a leading figure within the tea party movement as head of the nonprofit group FreedomWorks told reporters at a lunch sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor, that candidates who call themselves tea party leaders are opening themselves up for more negative scrutiny from hostile media outlets, and he singled out MSNBC as a leading antagonist of the tea party movement and its favored candidates.

“Any legitimate newsperson would be embarrassed to see them pretending to be newspeople,” he said of MSNBC. “They’re not news people. They’re political hacks,” he said, specifically citing the network’s liberal hosts Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann. “I’m sorry. I watch that network. I watch that Keith Olberby guy — cracks me up. I know very well he’s never gotten over the Americans beating the Russians in ’80. And he’s got this mean nasty side to him, and it’s entertaining, but don’t tell me he’s a newsperson. It’s a disrespect to the profession.”

Olbermann said Armey "is, as ever, perfectly, wonderfully tone deaf. I actually attended the USA upset of the USSR in Lake Placid in 1980 and it remains one of the most joyous memories of my life as a proud American. I also wonder about why Mr. Armey so happily took money to appear on my show during his days as a paid MSNBC contributor."

Armey’s criticism came after he was asked if he had any advice for tea party-backed candidates such as GOP Senate candidates Rand Paul of Kentucky, who took heat after stumbling under tough questioning from Maddow about whether he supports the Civil Rights Act, and Sharron Angle of Nevada, who has avoided taking questions from most mainstream media outlets.

“Rand Paul made an amateur mistake — a freshman mistake, a rookie mistake. He thought MSNBC was a legitimate news operation. Bless his heart,” Armey said. “If he had called me and said ‘should I go on that show?’ I would have said ‘no, they’re political hacks. They will abuse the truth purposefully for a political purpose.’”

Later, though, Armey said Paul’s “bigger mistake” came in his victory speech after securing the nomination, when he said “I have a message from the tea party. ... We've come to take our government back" and added: "This tea party movement is a message to Washington that we are unhappy and we want things done differently."

Armey said “I think that hurt him more than (the Civil Rights Act exchange), because the principles of liberty won that position and he won by adhering to them.” He quipped that Paul’s reasoning for positioning himself as a tea party leader might have been, “Alright, I don’t have a big enough target on my back. Since the left hates the tea party and they hate me, let’s see if we can get ‘em to double down on me by me claiming to be the leader of the tea party.”

“Don’t ask for more of what you really don’t want,” Armey said. Pointing out that Paul “ran as a Republican — he won the Republican primary,” Armey suggested that Paul and other tea party-backed candidates can remain true to the movement’s limited government principles without becoming targets by declaring themselves tea party leaders.

He recommended that tea party-backed candidates stick to local media outlets and Fox News, which is regarded as friendlier turf for conservatives.

“Fox News for many of us, we believe is more accurate and reliable than most news most of the time, and we are quite comfortable enjoy when we’ve given interviews there,” he said.

Still, he described a “a free, fair, professional press” as crucial to a functioning democracy and said “irrespective of the number of disappointments that you will have in the press — and you will have them, you must always be willing to take a chance on anybody who says ‘I am from the press and I am here to interview you,’ until you know for certain that this is one of the unreliable ones. You should all be thought to be reliable until proven otherwise.”

POLITICO Forums:politics: Armey: Avoid 'tea party' label, MSNBC - POLITICO.com

the best part is the loon is still whining that rachel maddow was mean to poor rand paul. the nerve of her asking him questions and not tossing softballs like faux news.

Like when Chris Matthews was so mean to Michelle M.

One of his best shows ever. He roughed her up, she was in shock!
In other words, Armey is telling them to go back to being the GOP's dependable, only slightly embarassing base of rightwingers -

shut up, mothball the clown costumes, enjoy the summer, then come out en masse to the polls in November, there's a good puppy,

and vote REPUBLICAN!!
No surprise the left wing brainwashees here can't figure out what Armey is saying and can only read the headline.
He's absolutely right, of course. Armey is one of the smartest political operators since Lee Atwater.
And why anyone cares what that ugly dyke Rachel Maddow says is beyond me.
No surprise the left wing brainwashees here can't figure out what Armey is saying and can only read the headline.
He's absolutely right, of course. Armey is one of the smartest political operators since Lee Atwater.
And why anyone cares what that ugly dyke Rachel Maddow says is beyond me.

This should be rich, genius....please tell all of us what Armey is REALLY saying....:cuckoo:
No surprise the left wing brainwashees here can't figure out what Armey is saying and can only read the headline.
He's absolutely right, of course. Armey is one of the smartest political operators since Lee Atwater.
And why anyone cares what that ugly dyke Rachel Maddow says is beyond me.

This should be rich, genius....please tell all of us what Armey is REALLY saying....:cuckoo:

Have someone read the article, dumbshit. If you can't get it from that, then I have no hope of penetrating that thick neanderthal skull into that walnut you call a brain.
No surprise the left wing brainwashees here can't figure out what Armey is saying and can only read the headline.
He's absolutely right, of course. Armey is one of the smartest political operators since Lee Atwater.
And why anyone cares what that ugly dyke Rachel Maddow says is beyond me.

This should be rich, genius....please tell all of us what Armey is REALLY saying....:cuckoo:

Have someone read the article, dumbshit. If you can't get it from that, then I have no hope of penetrating that thick neanderthal skull into that walnut you call a brain.

In other words, you have NO explanation other than what has been stated here already. :lol:
This should be rich, genius....please tell all of us what Armey is REALLY saying....:cuckoo:

Have someone read the article, dumbshit. If you can't get it from that, then I have no hope of penetrating that thick neanderthal skull into that walnut you call a brain.

In other words, you have NO explanation other than what has been stated here already. :lol:

None that you are capable of understanding. That's correct.
In other words, Armey is telling them to go back to being the GOP's dependable, only slightly embarassing base of rightwingers -

shut up, mothball the clown costumes, enjoy the summer, then come out en masse to the polls in November, there's a good puppy,

and vote REPUBLICAN!!

and quit packing heat!

Is he old enough to be suffering from dementia. His brother Charley used to be Vice President of the St. Louis Rams. He basically ran them into the ground, until they finally cut him lose. Maybe Dick will do the same thing with the Tea baggers?
No surprise the left wing brainwashees here can't figure out what Armey is saying and can only read the headline.
He's absolutely right, of course. Armey is one of the smartest political operators since Lee Atwater.
And why anyone cares what that ugly dyke Rachel Maddow says is beyond me.
LOL, Maddow didn't say it. Rand Paul did. It's all on tape.
good to know he's the same disingenuous twit he's always been...

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Republican candidates popular with tea party activists should refrain from self-identifying as tea party candidates — and also should stay off MSNBC, Dick Armey said Wednesday.

POLITICO Forums:politics: Armey: Avoid 'tea party' label, MSNBC - POLITICO.com

the best part is the loon is still whining that rachel maddow was mean to poor rand paul. the nerve of her asking him questions and not tossing softballs like faux news.
Ya' KNOW the Granddaddy O' The Teabaggers is crazy, when he decides takin'-on-Jon-Stewart is a good-idea!!!!!!



If you've got the time, ya' GOTTA check-out some Louie Gohmert GOLD, in the first-segment of the Full Episode video. Whatta GREAT Rep for Crazy Town he is!!!
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Like when Chris Matthews was so mean to Michelle M.

malkin is a vile, nasty little liar... she should be called on everything that comes out of her nasty mouth.

your point?

oh wait... you don't have one. :thup:

I think you misunderstood her post, Jill, or thought it was the other Bod.

Anyway, I had never seen that Matthews-Malkin clip before.

Holy crap! I can't stand Matthews but he was spanking her so hard I was half expecting her to ask him to stop or call him daddy.
This country has gone so far toward the left that we have to conduct "Operation Norman Thomas" in reverse, he said ""The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under
the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist
program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without
knowing how it happened."

We need to take one or two steps right each time and think ...

"The American people will never knowingly adopt Constitutionalism . But under
the name of ' "Conservatism"they will adopt every fragment of the libertarian/constitutional
program, until one day America will be a Constitutional Republic again , without
knowing how it happened."

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