Dial 911 and Die


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
The FBI Stats, please:

•2,600,000 home invasions 2011
•Equals a home invasion every 12 seconds
•3.5 million burglaries per year reported
•Each year 13% of homes are burglarized
•19.2% of rental properties are burglarized per year
•85% of all break-ins are through the door
•67% of all burglaries involved forcible entry
•38% of all assaults occur during a home invasion
•60% of all rapes occur during a home invasion
•70% of burglaries involve residential properties
•Burglaries happen between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
•Home Invasions happen between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.
•FBI stats show only 12% - 13% of burglars are ever apprehended. [1]

Hold on to your shorts. From the United States Bureau of Justices Statistics Titled "Percent distribution of incidents where police came to the victim, by police response time and type of crime":

Crimes of Violence:

•Within 5 minutes 31.0%
•Within 6 - 10 minutes 24.5%
•Within 11 minutes - 1 hour 32.4%
•Within 1 day - 6.5%
•Longer than 1 day - 1.9%
•Time of response not known - 3.6%
•Not ascertained - 0.2% [2]

From American Police Beat website: the average of seven same-sized city police response to a High-Priority 911 call is a staggering 11 minutes, 11 seconds.

Before I go further, note neither our national media nor our national crime fighter data takes into account if you are - (1) middle of a heavily populated metropolitan area, (2) in the perimeter urban areas, (3) in suburban areas or (4) you're out there in rural areas.

Makes a difference. Makes a big blankety blank difference.

Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke says calling 911 is a bad option and urged Milwaukee residents to arm themselves and take certified firearms classes.
"Personal safety is no longer a spectator sport. I need you in the game."

His political radio spot goes on "With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option," Clarke intones.

"You could beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back."

Clarke said to citizens "so you can defend yourself until we get there."

"You have a duty to protect yourself and your family. We're partners now. Can I count on you?"

Read more: Articles: Dial 911 and Die
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The first responders are us. The mop up crew are the cops. Protect yourself...dial 911 then slap that banana clip in and start shooting.
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The Newtown Police took 11 minutes to respond from 2.3 miles away.
The Connecticut State Police took 20 minutes to respond from 5.5 miles away.
Humans are one of the few species that will kill another member of its own species just for the pleasure of killing.
You might as well try outlawing defecating, micturating, and fornicating, but after the Dems outlaw guns the police will decide they have even an even longer time to respond since you're now so safe.
Where I live, it is not unusual for the cops not to show up at all.

When a friend called 9-1-1 because he could see a meth addict was robbing his neighbor's house, and then the cops never showed, I told him it was time to get a gun. He agreed.
For all practical purposes, I have no police protection. Response time can easily top an hour...best case, it's 30-45 minutes. That's if nobody called in sick, if the guy gets the radio call right away (reception here is spotty in places), if he's not halfway across the county, and if he finds the driveway on the first try (anything but a given).

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