DHS shuts down FAKE NEWS from CNN'S Jim Sciutto

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Here's how this works....CNN reports Trump made up a statistic they don't like. Instead of checking up on the stat...they just say Trump made it up...i.e.....lied. When the guy who heads up Homeland Security tweets out not only was Trump right, he tells CNN all you had to do was ask, CNN ignores him. There is nowhere, citizens of this country can turn to get an honest report...on anything.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) responded Wednesday after CNN accused President Donald Trump of making up statistics about illegal immigration.

Trump claimed during a meeting with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer this week that terrorists are illegally immigrating to the United States.

“People are pouring into our country, including terrorists. We caught 10 terrorists over a short period of time,” Trump said.

CNN anchor Jim Sciutto asserted multiple times that Trump was incorrect, writing, “DHS did not provide evidence of a single terrorist caught at the southern border over the very last short period of time as the president claimed.”

Read more at dailycaller.com ..

You know they are making things up when they use a phrase such as this-

“over the very last short period of time as the president claimed.”

You just have to laugh. You just have to! Lol
I heard BEFORE the Caravan arrived that border patrol had captured some terrorists, that had nothing to do with the Caravan people on the news... it might have been on FOX, but there was no details so I just thought it was President Trump just making up stuff like he usually does.... you know, lie, lie, lie..... or conflate one issue with another issue... no press conference from Homeland security about it with any kind of details....

but I have also read that our Border Patrol has captured people that they believed were terrorists over the years, trying to cross the border.
Odd that they didn't note that virtually all of those potential terrorists were caught at normal points of entry. Airports, etc. Why no indication of how many, if any were stopped from walking across the desert?
Here's how this works....CNN reports Trump made up a statistic they don't like. Instead of checking up on the stat...they just say Trump made it up...i.e.....lied. When the guy who heads up Homeland Security tweets out not only was Trump right, he tells CNN all you had to do was ask, CNN ignores him. There is nowhere, citizens of this country can turn to get an honest report...on anything.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) responded Wednesday after CNN accused President Donald Trump of making up statistics about illegal immigration.

Trump claimed during a meeting with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer this week that terrorists are illegally immigrating to the United States.

“People are pouring into our country, including terrorists. We caught 10 terrorists over a short period of time,” Trump said.

CNN anchor Jim Sciutto asserted multiple times that Trump was incorrect, writing, “DHS did not provide evidence of a single terrorist caught at the southern border over the very last short period of time as the president claimed.”

Read more at dailycaller.com ..

Nice tweet, but zero attempt to support Trump's claim that 10 terrorists were recently "caught" at the border.

I heard BEFORE the Caravan arrived that border patrol had captured some terrorists, that had nothing to do with the Caravan people on the news... it might have been on FOX, but there was no details so I just thought it was President Trump just making up stuff like he usually does.... you know, lie, lie, lie..... or conflate one issue with another issue... no press conference from Homeland security about it with any kind of details....

but I have also read that our Border Patrol has captured people that they believed were terrorists over the years, trying to cross the border.

No of course not. The caravan folks are not terrorists. They are the communist political opposition of narco Prez Hernandez. He was more than glad to see them leave Honduras. Caravans organized by the Libre party with funding from Venezuela. Thus the demonstrations in Mexico City. The display of the Honduran flag.

Thousands of radical communists relocating outside of a corrupt, narco state. Welcome to America comrades.
Here's how this works....CNN reports Trump made up a statistic they don't like. Instead of checking up on the stat...they just say Trump made it up...i.e.....lied. When the guy who heads up Homeland Security tweets out not only was Trump right, he tells CNN all you had to do was ask, CNN ignores him. There is nowhere, citizens of this country can turn to get an honest report...on anything.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) responded Wednesday after CNN accused President Donald Trump of making up statistics about illegal immigration.

Trump claimed during a meeting with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer this week that terrorists are illegally immigrating to the United States.

“People are pouring into our country, including terrorists. We caught 10 terrorists over a short period of time,” Trump said.

CNN anchor Jim Sciutto asserted multiple times that Trump was incorrect, writing, “DHS did not provide evidence of a single terrorist caught at the southern border over the very last short period of time as the president claimed.”

Read more at dailycaller.com ..

Nice tweet, but zero attempt to support Trump's claim that 10 terrorists were recently "caught" at the border.


Like ALL numbers from the Fed Govt -- they are all highly cooked and prepared and worthless to argue about. When most people think of terrorist, they hear Allahu Ahkbar. But to the border patrol, 80% of those "terrorists" are cartel employees and narco-terrorists.

They be bad for sure. But it's hardly worth fighting about. IN FACT, the terrorist numbers apprehended are actually classified due to national security. So only "general accounting" for them at the border is EVER available.
I heard BEFORE the Caravan arrived that border patrol had captured some terrorists, that had nothing to do with the Caravan people on the news... it might have been on FOX, but there was no details so I just thought it was President Trump just making up stuff like he usually does.... you know, lie, lie, lie..... or conflate one issue with another issue... no press conference from Homeland security about it with any kind of details....

but I have also read that our Border Patrol has captured people that they believed were terrorists over the years, trying to cross the border.

No of course not. The caravan folks are not terrorists. They are the communist political opposition of narco Prez Hernandez. He was more than glad to see them leave Honduras. Caravans organized by the Libre party with funding from Venezuela. Thus the demonstrations in Mexico City. The display of the Honduran flag.

Thousands of radical communists relocating outside of a corrupt, narco state. Welcome to America comrades.

Got it. You are temporarily. abandoning an outrageous disproved claim for another outrageous disproved claim. How long before you go back to insisting terrorists are crossing our southern border? Tomorrow? Later this evening?
I heard BEFORE the Caravan arrived that border patrol had captured some terrorists, that had nothing to do with the Caravan people on the news... it might have been on FOX, but there was no details so I just thought it was President Trump just making up stuff like he usually does.... you know, lie, lie, lie..... or conflate one issue with another issue... no press conference from Homeland security about it with any kind of details....

but I have also read that our Border Patrol has captured people that they believed were terrorists over the years, trying to cross the border.

No of course not. The caravan folks are not terrorists. They are the communist political opposition of narco Prez Hernandez. He was more than glad to see them leave Honduras. Caravans organized by the Libre party with funding from Venezuela. Thus the demonstrations in Mexico City. The display of the Honduran flag.

Thousands of radical communists relocating outside of a corrupt, narco state. Welcome to America comrades.

Got it. You are temporarily. abandoning an outrageous disproved claim for another outrageous disproved claim. How long before you go back to insisting terrorists are crossing our southern border? Tomorrow? Later this evening?
We are going to start trading on the border..........We get rid of a Hard core Lib.............and take a Hard working Mexican in exchange............

I like that.......you want to sign up..........LOL
I heard BEFORE the Caravan arrived that border patrol had captured some terrorists, that had nothing to do with the Caravan people on the news... it might have been on FOX, but there was no details so I just thought it was President Trump just making up stuff like he usually does.... you know, lie, lie, lie..... or conflate one issue with another issue... no press conference from Homeland security about it with any kind of details....

but I have also read that our Border Patrol has captured people that they believed were terrorists over the years, trying to cross the border.

No of course not. The caravan folks are not terrorists. They are the communist political opposition of narco Prez Hernandez. He was more than glad to see them leave Honduras. Caravans organized by the Libre party with funding from Venezuela. Thus the demonstrations in Mexico City. The display of the Honduran flag.

Thousands of radical communists relocating outside of a corrupt, narco state. Welcome to America comrades.

Got it. You are temporarily. abandoning an outrageous disproved claim for another outrageous disproved claim. How long before you go back to insisting terrorists are crossing our southern border? Tomorrow? Later this evening?

I have no doubt what I posted is true. Backed it up on about 10 pages of another thread last week.. Can't complain about your ignorance if you INSIST on reading only the Democrat party media.

Go start here..

Caravan Activists Are Weaponizing Poor Central Americans

Just like the migrant caravan earlier this March, organizers of this march are weaponizing poor Central Americans. This caravan was organized by Bartolo Fuentes, a former Honduran legislator and member of the radical leftist Libre party. He was detained by Guatemalan authorities on Tuesday for illegally entering the country.

Libre is not a political party but a destabilizing movement. It was founded in 2011 by former President Manuel (Mel) Zelaya. In 2009, Zelaya was removed from power after repeated attempts to undermine the constitutional order and rule of law. Zelaya is an ally of socialist governments in Latin America like the Castro and Maduro regimes in Cuba and Venezuela.

Following Libre’s losses in the 2013 and 2017 presidential elections, Libre’s turned to a public campaign of generating turmoil and instability.

This caravan antic is right out of the left’s disorder and chaos playbook. The timing before the U.S.’s midterm elections and the change of presidency in Mexico is not coincidental. It is also clear the caravan organizers are more interested in creating turmoil than the well-being of the migrants.

The journey through Central America and Mexico is full of hazards, and migrants are frequently robbed, sexually assaulted, and go for long stretches without eating. Some fall prey to human trafficking organizations. Women and children are particularly vulnerable to these crimes.


The Wall Street Journal editorial board and the conservative Heritage Foundation also have highlighted reports that the caravan was organized by a former Honduran lawmaker, Bartolo Fuentes, of the leftist Libre party.

Fuentes was deported from Guatemala on Friday after being arrested for entering the country illegally with Honduran migrants who had trekked from San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

The Honduran newspaper La Tribuna quoted Fuentes on October 16 as acknowledging that he and other Libre members organized the caravan through Facebook.

Libre was founded by a coalition of leftist groups led by Manuel Zelaya, a former Honduran president and ally of the late Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. Zelaya was ousted by the military in 2009.

Read more: Pence points to leftist groups as caravan organizers
I heard BEFORE the Caravan arrived that border patrol had captured some terrorists, that had nothing to do with the Caravan people on the news... it might have been on FOX, but there was no details so I just thought it was President Trump just making up stuff like he usually does.... you know, lie, lie, lie..... or conflate one issue with another issue... no press conference from Homeland security about it with any kind of details....

but I have also read that our Border Patrol has captured people that they believed were terrorists over the years, trying to cross the border.

No of course not. The caravan folks are not terrorists. They are the communist political opposition of narco Prez Hernandez. He was more than glad to see them leave Honduras. Caravans organized by the Libre party with funding from Venezuela. Thus the demonstrations in Mexico City. The display of the Honduran flag.

Thousands of radical communists relocating outside of a corrupt, narco state. Welcome to America comrades.

Got it. You are temporarily. abandoning an outrageous disproved claim for another outrageous disproved claim. How long before you go back to insisting terrorists are crossing our southern border? Tomorrow? Later this evening?

BTW -- Terrorists are crossing the south border illegally each week in large numbers. Maybe they aren't Allahu Ahkbar type terrorists, but nonetheless they are terrorists. Composed of narco thugs, MS-13 type gang members and the other VERMIN that are the ROOT CAUSE of the refugee stream from Central America.

Like the 13 members of HONDURAN GOVT arrested in the US in past couple years for MARKETING and coordinating distribution of the Cartels drugs in our country.. Includes the current brother and sister of the Big CheeseDick narco-Prez Hernadez.
I heard BEFORE the Caravan arrived that border patrol had captured some terrorists, that had nothing to do with the Caravan people on the news... it might have been on FOX, but there was no details so I just thought it was President Trump just making up stuff like he usually does.... you know, lie, lie, lie..... or conflate one issue with another issue... no press conference from Homeland security about it with any kind of details....

but I have also read that our Border Patrol has captured people that they believed were terrorists over the years, trying to cross the border.

No of course not. The caravan folks are not terrorists. They are the communist political opposition of narco Prez Hernandez. He was more than glad to see them leave Honduras. Caravans organized by the Libre party with funding from Venezuela. Thus the demonstrations in Mexico City. The display of the Honduran flag.

Thousands of radical communists relocating outside of a corrupt, narco state. Welcome to America comrades.

Got it. You are temporarily. abandoning an outrageous disproved claim for another outrageous disproved claim. How long before you go back to insisting terrorists are crossing our southern border? Tomorrow? Later this evening?
We are going to start trading on the border..........We get rid of a Hard core Lib.............and take a Hard working Mexican in exchange............

I like that.......you want to sign up..........LOL

But hopefully not trading bulldog for a radical commie that gets out of Honduras before they get jailed or exiled. BullDoggy ain't quite THAT bad... :113:
I heard BEFORE the Caravan arrived that border patrol had captured some terrorists, that had nothing to do with the Caravan people on the news... it might have been on FOX, but there was no details so I just thought it was President Trump just making up stuff like he usually does.... you know, lie, lie, lie..... or conflate one issue with another issue... no press conference from Homeland security about it with any kind of details....

but I have also read that our Border Patrol has captured people that they believed were terrorists over the years, trying to cross the border.

No of course not. The caravan folks are not terrorists. They are the communist political opposition of narco Prez Hernandez. He was more than glad to see them leave Honduras. Caravans organized by the Libre party with funding from Venezuela. Thus the demonstrations in Mexico City. The display of the Honduran flag.

Thousands of radical communists relocating outside of a corrupt, narco state. Welcome to America comrades.

Got it. You are temporarily. abandoning an outrageous disproved claim for another outrageous disproved claim. How long before you go back to insisting terrorists are crossing our southern border? Tomorrow? Later this evening?
We are going to start trading on the border..........We get rid of a Hard core Lib.............and take a Hard working Mexican in exchange............

I like that.......you want to sign up..........LOL

But hopefully not trading bulldog for a radical commie that gets out of Honduras before they get jailed or exiled. BullDoggy ain't quite THAT bad... :113:
Trying to ruin my fun with the dog..........ruff ruff...........LOL
The irony of this situation --- if you read the DETAILS of the clusterfuck goin on Honduras -- is that these Honduran flag-waving Commies (that hate Trump BTW) are the best kind of "amnesty" candidates.

Because they ARE facing systematic persecution and jail from narco DickTater Hernandez who just ROBBED the election down there last November. Caravans were NOT just spontaneous "disenfranchised, abused workers". They are the political refugees that Hernandez is persecuting.

As much as the DNC and the Dem political action committee known as the MSM, would LOVE a whole bunch of dedicated proven leftists as new permanent resident asylum seekers, there is NO GOOD choice for America here. Importing that kind of political insurgency into this county would be disastrous.

Without a principled media or leadership that refuses to treat American citizens as adults and tell them the WHOLE STORY -- we're gonna lose this country arguing in GENUINE IGNORANCE with each other about memes and cover stories that don't matter.

Like "the number of terrorists that crossed the border last month" topic of this thread. THERE ARE LARGER ISSUES with Central America. And Trump is playing footsie with narco-dictators down there while threatening to cut off their foreign aid.

For example -- another story that NO ONE has heard from MSM is the huge FAVOR El Dicktator/Cartel Prez Hernandez MADE with Trump this past year. Remember the American Embassy move to Jerusalem??? And the flack that Trump got for that?

What you probably did NOT CONNECT was the news that week of the TWO other countries that followed Trump's embassy move... It was Honduras and Guatemala... We THANKED those dictators personally in the UN for the move. And we were training their police forces FOR YEARS with our Foreign Aid. So that they could STEAL elections and suppress the opposition.. Viva le Stupidity...

I'm not a conspiracy theory guy. This is real..

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