DHS Agrees to Let Fla. Access Database to Purge Non-Citizens from Voting Rolls


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a victory for Republicans, the federal government has agreed to let Florida use a law enforcement database to challenge people's right to vote if they are suspected of not being U.S. citizens.

The agreement, made in a letter to Florida Gov. Rick Scott's administration that was obtained by The Associated Press, grants the state access to a list of resident noncitizens maintained by the Homeland Security Department. The Obama administration had denied Florida's request for months but relented after a judge ruled in the state's favor in a related voter-purge matter

DHS Agrees to Let Fla. Access Database to Purge Non-Citizens from Voting Rolls | CNSNews.com
In a victory for Republicans - to let Florida use a law enforcement database to challenge people's right to vote if they are suspected ....

after spending 70 million of his own money to be elected governor, winning by less than 1% ... Scott pads his margin for 2014.
In a victory for Republicans - to let Florida use a law enforcement database to challenge people's right to vote if they are suspected ....

after spending 70 million of his own money to be elected governor, winning by less than 1% ... Scott pads his margin for 2014.

Do radical lefties really think aliens, legal and otherwise should be allowed to vote out of some fairness doctrine democrats invented? Maybe it's the union based education system or the fact that the Constitution has become a dirty word in elementary school but libs sure seem more ignorant than they used to be.
That seals it, no way Obama lets an election happen this November. He lost 10% of the votes in PA and now the non-living have been disenfranchised in FL.
In a victory for Republicans - to let Florida use a law enforcement database to challenge people's right to vote if they are suspected ....

after spending 70 million of his own money to be elected governor, winning by less than 1% ... Scott pads his margin for 2014.

He'll win by at least 10% next time now that you fuckers can't stuff the ballot box
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In a victory for Republicans - to let Florida use a law enforcement database to challenge people's right to vote if they are suspected ....

after spending 70 million of his own money to be elected governor, winning by less than 1% ... Scott pads his margin for 2014.

Do radical lefties really think aliens, legal and otherwise should be allowed to vote out of some fairness doctrine democrats invented? Maybe it's the union based education system or the fact that the Constitution has become a dirty word in elementary school but libs sure seem more ignorant than they used to be.
I'll take a stab at it:

The universe has a leftward bias. When a conservative wins, it's a crime against nature. Therefore, anything that ensures liberals win elections is the will of the universe.

Please...won't someone think of the children! :(

There, did I get that right, USMB lefties?

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a victory for Republicans, the federal government has agreed to let Florida use a law enforcement database to challenge people's right to vote if they are suspected of not being U.S. citizens.

The agreement, made in a letter to Florida Gov. Rick Scott's administration that was obtained by The Associated Press, grants the state access to a list of resident noncitizens maintained by the Homeland Security Department. The Obama administration had denied Florida's request for months but relented after a judge ruled in the state's favor in a related voter-purge matter

DHS Agrees to Let Fla. Access Database to Purge Non-Citizens from Voting Rolls | CNSNews.com
I expect the DoJ's case against Texas being utterly vaporized (your star witness a conspiracy kook who got all his evidence from Wikipedia? Really? :rofl:) has something to do with it.
In a victory for Republicans - to let Florida use a law enforcement database to challenge people's right to vote if they are suspected ....

after spending 70 million of his own money to be elected governor, winning by less than 1% ... Scott pads his margin for 2014.

Do radical lefties really think aliens, legal and otherwise should be allowed to vote out of some fairness doctrine democrats invented? Maybe it's the union based education system or the fact that the Constitution has become a dirty word in elementary school but libs sure seem more ignorant than they used to be.

DHS Agrees to Let Fla. Access Database to Purge Non-Citizens from Voting Rolls | CNSNews.com

Florida has agreed that it can challenge voters only if the state provides a "unique identifier," such as an "alien number," for each person in question. Alien numbers generally are assigned to foreigners living in the country legally, often with visas or other permits such as green cards.

The agreement will prevent Florida from using only a name and birthdate to seek federal data about a suspected noncitizen on voter rolls.

Some state governments have sought access to the federal database for years. Federal officials told Washington state in 2005 they saw no way to compare voters and the Homeland Security information.

In 2007, five years after the George W. Bush administration launched a crackdown on voter fraud, the Justice Department found virtually no evidence of organized efforts to influence federal elections with ineligible voters.

In 2007, five years after the George W. Bush administration launched a crackdown on voter fraud, the Justice Department found virtually no evidence of organized efforts to influence federal elections with ineligible voters.

hope it works for them -

Scott says spending that much money again just is not in the cards for 2014, wants to find a way to spend less.

(Hint) in Mexico's elections if they used their cell phones to photo their ballot and voted PRI they received debt cards $20.00 in return ... much cheaper than TV adds, $10 million buys 500,000 votes.
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If the DHS database is actually up to date and accurate I have no problem with this, let's wait for an equally hardcore effort to fight fraud by election officials, not holding my breath.
In a victory for Republicans - to let Florida use a law enforcement database to challenge people's right to vote if they are suspected ....

after spending 70 million of his own money to be elected governor, winning by less than 1% ... Scott pads his margin for 2014.

Do radical lefties really think aliens, legal and otherwise should be allowed to vote out of some fairness doctrine democrats invented?

Yes they do. They think they should be made Citizens, so they have no problem with the idea of them voting right now, Of course it helps that they are pretty sure who they will vote for.
I love how they call this a Victory for Republicans Only. It's a Victory for anyone who thinks this Country is a country of Laws, and those laws should be enforced. It's a Victory for anyone that wants our elections to be as Fraud Free as possible.
I love how they call this a Victory for Republicans Only. It's a Victory for anyone who thinks this Country is a country of Laws, and those laws should be enforced. It's a Victory for anyone that wants our elections to be as Fraud Free as possible.

Similarly, it's a defeat for those who benefit from voter fraud.

That's why the Democrats are so upset about it.
It's a Victory for anyone that wants our elections to be as Fraud Free as possible.

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a victory for Republicans, the federal government has agreed to let Florida use a law enforcement database to challenge people's right to vote if they are suspected of not being U.S. citizens.

Florida has agreed that it can challenge voters only if the state provides a "unique identifier," such as an "alien number," for each person in question. Alien numbers generally are assigned to foreigners living in the country legally, often with visas or other permits such as green cards.

In a victory for Republicans ...

there is not victory but fraud when a political party supersedes the States process of Registration for voter certification.

in this case for State intervention of an existing process neutrality is required to ensure that everyone residing in the State who is eligible to vote be give notice of their eligibility as well as the purpose to purge people from existing rolls and coincidentally the time necessary for certification - or otherwise they are working for the behalf of a single entity for political purposes - or Fraud.
Florida has a record of unevenly purging voters, there would be no problem if they did it in a nonpartisan way with a constant eye on avoiding purging eligible voters but sadly this has not been the case, Democrats fought Florida purges because they suck at it.
This should be nation wide not just in FL .. Of course Obama likes those people to still vote because he knows they will vote for him


WASHINGTON (AP) — In a victory for Republicans, the federal government has agreed to let Florida use a law enforcement database to challenge people's right to vote if they are suspected of not being U.S. citizens.

The agreement, made in a letter to Florida Gov. Rick Scott's administration that was obtained by The Associated Press, grants the state access to a list of resident noncitizens maintained by the Homeland Security Department. The Obama administration had denied Florida's request for months but relented after a judge ruled in the state's favor in a related voter-purge matter

DHS Agrees to Let Fla. Access Database to Purge Non-Citizens from Voting Rolls | CNSNews.com
In a victory for Republicans - to let Florida use a law enforcement database to challenge people's right to vote if they are suspected ....

after spending 70 million of his own money to be elected governor, winning by less than 1% ... Scott pads his margin for 2014.

You are full of shit son.

Thanks for the projection though.

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