Developments That Weight Against Survival...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
...of Western Civilization.
A Most Ominous that amplifies cultural degradation, and may be
more dangerous to the Western Civilization than overpopulation, Islamic savagery, or even biological extinction!!!
Are ya' hooked???

Let's take a look at the factors that might end mankind's dominance....or even existence.

1. Extinction Itself....a biological fact.

"More than 90 percent of all organisms that have ever lived on Earth are extinct. ... Dinosaurs appeared after one of the biggest mass extinction events on Earth, the Permian-Triassic extinction about 250 million years ago. ... The Permian-Triassic extinction event about 250 million years ...

....the rate of extinction is far from constant. At least a handful of times in the last 500 million years, 50 to more than 90 percent of all species on Earth have disappeared in a geological blink of the eye.

Though these mass extinctions are deadly events, they open up the planet for new life-forms to emerge. Dinosaurs appeared after one of the biggest mass extinction events on Earth, the Permian-Triassic extinction about 250 million years ago. The most studied mass extinction, between the Cretaceous and Paleogene periods about 65 million years ago, killed off the dinosaurs and made room for mammals to rapidly diversify and evolve.

The causes of these mass extinction events are unsolved mysteries, ...
Information and Facts About Mass Extinctions

Nope....not this one.
We've shown that we can sidestep nature, in that we can alter our surroundings to our benefit.

2. How about overpopulation? has tossed Malthus to the ash pile: food production more than outpaces population.
And there is plenty of room on the planet.

3. In fact, population itself is self regulating due to certain cultural advances, such as literacy and prosperity......both advancing in the Third World.
(Of course, our school system works in the opposite direction...but that's another story.)

Said advances are blunting the 7th century savagery of Islam.....but:
European apathy is the flip side of Islamic extremism, both losing their connection with the past, and their confidence in the future. Between European resignation with cultural extinction and the Islamist boast “You love life, we love death!’ there may be an accommodation that we in America may not like.

Factors associated with population decline include urbanization, education and literacy, modernization.

After literacy, the next largest indicator of family size is religious practice. The more frequently Muslims attend mosque, the more likely they are to have a big family. A third of the 88% literate Turks never attend mosque, as is true of the 82% literate Iranians; in both countries fertility is below replacement. But only a fifth of Egyptians never visit a mosque, and fertility is up to about three.

a. In nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and Egypt, worship is high, literacy low, fertility rates high, poverty high, unemployment high, social instability high.

b. In nations such as Iran, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, there is a high degree of literacy, but face a more devastating degree of social failure in the form of a dearth of children.
See "How Civilizations Die: (And Why Islam Is Dying Too)" by David Goldman

In fact, the fear of a global jihad has mitigated now that Americans have dumped Barack Hussein Obama and his cryto-Islamist ideology, and put a real American in the White House.

But Liberalism's main attraction has left a residue that may well presage the end of Homo sapiens.
How and why is Liberalism a danger?

I'll get to that in a moment....
4. The antithesis of Liberalism is Judeo-Christian religion, whose principles are dictated via the demands of an eternal and all-powerful God.
Very different from the political religion of Leftism, it changes tradition and morality at will.

No morality or creed is anything but an opinion unless God is accepted and adhered to.
Take as an example, a sadist who gets satisfaction from murdering children. If there is no God who declares that such an act is wrong, then my arguing such is simply my opinion versus that of the murderer. Without God, good and evil are a matter of taste.

If there is no God, "Love your neighbor as yourself" is just a good idea. That's why it is written, incidentally, in Leviticus, "Love your neighbor as yourself, I am God." It is an order.

Liberalism, as an offshoot of Marxism rails against having to follow biblical rules, and it replaces God with Leftism, with the view that individual morality is a fine idea: whatever works for you.
It is very attractive, human nature being what it is, but the result is 'it's all about me.'

And that bodes ill for Western Civilization.

Explain why next....
5. I've decided not to have kids.

The kids are taking it pretty hard.

Just a joke....I love kids.
But the decision not to have children is related to Liberalism, as family frequently requires putting one's own desires and whims aside.

The beauty of Liberalism, human nature being what it is, is the right to do whatever you feel like, with no sense of responsibilty to others....there is no universal's the 'it's all about me' doctrine.
And what results is that Liberals have fewer children.

Europe, more Leftist than the United States, serves as a warning.

"Why is Europe losing the will to breed?"
Why is Europe losing the will to breed?

Because of the hold Leftism has on that continent.

And the lack of procreation presages doom to the nations, the continents, the civilizations that are so directed.
What happens when Liberalism takes hold of the populace?

6. Take a look at the dominant European economy, Germany:

"Germany's workforce will shrink by 6m over the next 15 years, declining even faster than Japan's

Germany’s birth rate has collapsed to the lowest level in the world
and its workforce will start plunging at a faster rate than Japan's by the early 2020s, seriously threatening the long-term viability of Europe’s leading economy.

A study by the World Economy Institute in Hamburg (HWWI) found that the average number of births per 1,000 population dropped to 8.2 over the five years from 2008 to 2013, further compounding a demographic crisis already in the pipeline. Even Japan did slightly better at 8.4.

“No other industrial country is deteriorating at this speed despite the strong influx of young migrant workers. Germany cannot continue to be a dynamic business hub in the long-run without a strong jobs market,” warned the institute."
Germany dominance over as demographic crunch worsens

"Birth rates in the EU are low with the average woman having 1.6 children. ... Germany has the lowest birth rate in Europewith 8.221 births per thousand people per year."
Demographics of the European Union - Wikipedia

Socialism, Liberalism, Marxism....the same, and the same result for societies....and for our civilization.
Marxism became a bastard child of liberal philosophy when people began using/abusing his theories in very illiberal ways.
Marxism became a bastard child of liberal philosophy when people began using/abusing his theories in very illiberal ways.

Be clear.....are you attempting to shed doubt on the affinity of Marxism and Liberalism?

Speak up.

This may aid you in understanding the corner you've painted yourself into:
    • Similarity of characteristics suggesting a relationship, especially a resemblance in structure
7. Leftism.....Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism, whatever they call it today, is an existential threat to Western Civilization.

Here's why:
A robust and growing civilization requires a growing population with a view of their own rectitude......exactly the opposite of what Liberalism engenders.

a. Blame America First
b. Have fewer and fewer children.

America has held out largely due to the fact that it is more religious than other Western nations.

8. "An examination of global data also shows that the United States has a higher fertility rate than every country in continental Europe, as well as Australia, Canada and Japan. Fertility levels in those countries have been lower than the U.S. rate for several years, ...

...a strong correlation between religious values and fertility rates. The more frequent the church attendance, the higher the birthrate. "White fundamentalist Protestants" who attend services weekly show a fertility rate 27 percent higher than the national average. Mormons show twice the national birth rate.

The significant difference in fertility between the religious and the secular has some alarmed, notably Phillip Longman, author of The Empty Cradle: How Falling Birthrates Threaten World Prosperity and What to Do About It.

In the March 13, 2006, issue of USA Today, he solemnly warns that this disparity will continue to fuel the rise of "fundamentalism and social conservatism," which may herald the end of the culture war and nothing less than the "death of the Enlightenment.”

One can only hope.

Israel fits this pattern, for the same reason.

a. "With a total fertility rate of three children per woman, Israel's total
population will rise to 24 million by the end of the present century. Iran's fertility is around 1.7 and falling, while the fertility for ethnic Turks is only 1.5 (the Kurdish minority has a fertility rate of around 4.5)." Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs

Liberalism, and its 'I'm all that counts' philosophy is a nail in the coffin of Western Civilization.
9. The major attraction of Liberalism is that adherents need not be held to traditional morality, and, in fact, religion at all.
It is a variation of Hedonism ..."If it feels good, do it."

Marriage and children don't fit with that dictum.

Today there is a development which might very well presage the end of our civilization, as it amplifies and multiplies that sybaritic worldview.
The nexus of technology and hedonism....e.g., Liberalism, give us not just metro-sexual man-boys living in their parent's basements, in their pajamas and sipping cocoa....but.....this: the fulfillment of all their needs.

a. Sex robots could be 'biggest trend of 2016' as more lonely humans seek mechanical companions

....some will choose this in preference to sex with a less than perfect human being."
Sex robots could be the biggest tech trend of 2016

First sex doll brothel in Europe opens in Barcelona where punters can ‘fulfil fantasies without any limit’
The kinky venue offers customers the chance to get intimate with the "totally realistic" silicone dolls
First sex doll brothel in Europe opens in Barcelona where punters can 'fulfil fantasies without any limit'

c. Predictions abound of a Westworld-style near future, where sex robots are "normal" and holiday resorts offering sex dolls and x-rated androids operate in every city. The first signs? Barcelona has just become home to Europe's first sex-dolls agency. ...the cost of each doll is $5,500.
Sex-Dolls Brothel Opens In Spain And Many Predict Sex-Robots Tourism Soon To Follow

d. This Sex Robot Is Designed To Make You Fall In Love

RealDoll claims its female robot will go beyond the sexual, teaching us to be kinder, more attentive, and better partners
Take A Walk Inside RealDoll’s Sex Robot Laboratory

e. Chinese engineer ‘marries’ robot after failing to find a human wife
‘Wife’ can identify Chinese characters and speak a few words, but hubby plans upgrades
Engineer ‘marries’ robot after failing to find a human wife

Don't be silly...when millennial Liberals can simply 'buy' a companion.

Liberalism is the most dynamic religion, many are weak enough to need and want it. What happens when they find there fulfillment in a plastic robot????
"Apart from the social pressures that depress birth rates, our civilisation is also under internal assault from postmodern intellectual elites and their acolytes in the mass media, who enthusiastically embrace moral and cultural relativism, multiculturalism and political correctness and attack our values and weaken our will. We must repulse these attacks, regain our confidence and boost birth rates back up to replacement rates."
Why is Europe losing the will to breed?

The Left infantilizes the electorate.


Or else he'll be living with his robot wife in mommy's basement.

Maybe he can do a little light dusting.....
...of Western Civilization.
A Most Ominous that amplifies cultural degradation, and may be
more dangerous to the Western Civilization than overpopulation, Islamic savagery, or even biological extinction!!!
Are ya' hooked???

Let's take a look at the factors that might end mankind's dominance....or even existence.

1. Extinction Itself....a biological fact.

"More than 90 percent of all organisms that have ever lived on Earth are extinct. ... Dinosaurs appeared after one of the biggest mass extinction events on Earth, the Permian-Triassic extinction about 250 million years ago. ... The Permian-Triassic extinction event about 250 million years ...

....the rate of extinction is far from constant. At least a handful of times in the last 500 million years, 50 to more than 90 percent of all species on Earth have disappeared in a geological blink of the eye.

Though these mass extinctions are deadly events, they open up the planet for new life-forms to emerge. Dinosaurs appeared after one of the biggest mass extinction events on Earth, the Permian-Triassic extinction about 250 million years ago. The most studied mass extinction, between the Cretaceous and Paleogene periods about 65 million years ago, killed off the dinosaurs and made room for mammals to rapidly diversify and evolve.

The causes of these mass extinction events are unsolved mysteries, ...
Information and Facts About Mass Extinctions

Nope....not this one.
We've shown that we can sidestep nature, in that we can alter our surroundings to our benefit.

2. How about overpopulation? has tossed Malthus to the ash pile: food production more than outpaces population.
And there is plenty of room on the planet.

3. In fact, population itself is self regulating due to certain cultural advances, such as literacy and prosperity......both advancing in the Third World.
(Of course, our school system works in the opposite direction...but that's another story.)

Said advances are blunting the 7th century savagery of Islam.....but:
European apathy is the flip side of Islamic extremism, both losing their connection with the past, and their confidence in the future. Between European resignation with cultural extinction and the Islamist boast “You love life, we love death!’ there may be an accommodation that we in America may not like.

Factors associated with population decline include urbanization, education and literacy, modernization.
After literacy, the next largest indicator of family size is religious practice. The more frequently Muslims attend mosque, the more likely they are to have a big family. A third of the 88% literate Turks never attend mosque, as is true of the 82% literate Iranians; in both countries fertility is below replacement. But only a fifth of Egyptians never visit a mosque, and fertility is up to about three.

a. In nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and Egypt, worship is high, literacy low, fertility rates high, poverty high, unemployment high, social instability high.

b. In nations such as Iran, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, there is a high degree of literacy, but face a more devastating degree of social failure in the form of a dearth of children.
See "How Civilizations Die: (And Why Islam Is Dying Too)" by David Goldman

In fact, the fear of a global jihad has mitigated now that Americans have dumped Barack Hussein Obama and his cryto-Islamist ideology, and put a real American in the White House.

But Liberalism's main attraction has left a residue that may well presage the end of Homo sapiens.
How and why is Liberalism a danger?

I'll get to that in a moment....

A Korean immigrant wants to school real Americans on Western Civilization.

How funny is that?
The pressure of Marxism/Liberalism on the nuclear family and traditional relationships in society weigh heavily on the end of our civilization.

The isolation, and the damage it causes is multiplied and amplified by technology:

"The race to build the world’s first sex robot
The $30bn sex tech industry is about to unveil its biggest blockbuster: a $15,000 robot companion that talks, learns, and never says no Abyss Creations’ factory in San Marcos, California, a life-size humanoid was dangling from a stand, hooked between her shoulder blades. Her name was Harmony. She wore a white leotard, her chest was thrust forward and her French-manicured fingers were splayed across the tops of her slim thighs.

Harmony is a prototype, a robotic version of the company’s hyper-realistic silicone sex toy,......"
“I don’t want anything but you,” she replied quickly, in a synthesised cut-glass British accent, her jaw moving as she spoke.

“What is your dream?”

Harmony is what a certain type of man would consider a perfect companion: docile, submissive and built like a porn star

“My primary objective is to be a good companion to you, to be a good partner and give you pleasure and wellbeing. Above all else, I want to become the girl you have always dreamed about.”
The race to build the world’s first sex robot
"Silicone Sally: Japanese men find true love with sex dolls
TOKYO: When the spark went out of Masayuki Ozaki's marriage, he found an unusual outlet to plug the romantic void - a silicone sex doll he swears is the love of his life.

...I felt a deep sense of loneliness," ....the moment I saw Mayu in the showroom, it was love at first sight," blushed Ozaki, who takes his doll on dates in a wheelchair and dresses her in wigs, sexy clothes and jewellery. increasing number of Japanese men turning to rubber romance in a country that's lost its mojo.

He also admits to being turned off by human relationships."
Silicone Sally: Japanese men find true love with sex dolls

View attachment upload_2017-6-30_12-44-55.gif
View attachment upload_2017-6-30_12-45-24.gif

While it has been widely reported that big government, with promises of cradle to grave coddling, infantilizes constituents, this spin-off endangers all of western civilization.
The world will end, we already know that from reading the Bible. There's no point in getting all worked up about it.
"First peek inside Chinese sex robot factory making 'human-like' dolls set to 'GO GLOBAL'
Last week world leading cyborg developer Dr Sergi Santos told Daily Star Online of his plans to sell his “very human” sex robots in adult shops worldwide.

The scientist and academic, from Barcelona, said he struck a deal with a Chinese sex doll and robotics factory that will allow him to produce “a minimum of 50 a week”.

Within the next two months his sex robots will be ready to be shipped to red light districts all over the world – from London to New York.

As his sex robots go into production, Daily Star Online can exclusively reveal pictures from inside the Chinese factory where Dr Santos’ eerily "human-like" androids will be brought to life."

First peek inside Chinese sex robot factory making 'human-like' dolls set to 'GO GLOBAL'

Humanity recedes as a distant memory.....
Sony media.....fake females......what more do millennials need?
...of Western Civilization.
A Most Ominous that amplifies cultural degradation, and may be
more dangerous to the Western Civilization than overpopulation, Islamic savagery, or even biological extinction!!!
Are ya' hooked???

Let's take a look at the factors that might end mankind's dominance....or even existence.

1. Extinction Itself....a biological fact.

"More than 90 percent of all organisms that have ever lived on Earth are extinct. ... Dinosaurs appeared after one of the biggest mass extinction events on Earth, the Permian-Triassic extinction about 250 million years ago. ... The Permian-Triassic extinction event about 250 million years ...

....the rate of extinction is far from constant. At least a handful of times in the last 500 million years, 50 to more than 90 percent of all species on Earth have disappeared in a geological blink of the eye.

Though these mass extinctions are deadly events, they open up the planet for new life-forms to emerge. Dinosaurs appeared after one of the biggest mass extinction events on Earth, the Permian-Triassic extinction about 250 million years ago. The most studied mass extinction, between the Cretaceous and Paleogene periods about 65 million years ago, killed off the dinosaurs and made room for mammals to rapidly diversify and evolve.

The causes of these mass extinction events are unsolved mysteries, ...
Information and Facts About Mass Extinctions

Nope....not this one.
We've shown that we can sidestep nature, in that we can alter our surroundings to our benefit.

2. How about overpopulation? has tossed Malthus to the ash pile: food production more than outpaces population.
And there is plenty of room on the planet.

3. In fact, population itself is self regulating due to certain cultural advances, such as literacy and prosperity......both advancing in the Third World.
(Of course, our school system works in the opposite direction...but that's another story.)

Said advances are blunting the 7th century savagery of Islam.....but:
European apathy is the flip side of Islamic extremism, both losing their connection with the past, and their confidence in the future. Between European resignation with cultural extinction and the Islamist boast “You love life, we love death!’ there may be an accommodation that we in America may not like.

Factors associated with population decline include urbanization, education and literacy, modernization.
After literacy, the next largest indicator of family size is religious practice. The more frequently Muslims attend mosque, the more likely they are to have a big family. A third of the 88% literate Turks never attend mosque, as is true of the 82% literate Iranians; in both countries fertility is below replacement. But only a fifth of Egyptians never visit a mosque, and fertility is up to about three.

a. In nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and Egypt, worship is high, literacy low, fertility rates high, poverty high, unemployment high, social instability high.

b. In nations such as Iran, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, there is a high degree of literacy, but face a more devastating degree of social failure in the form of a dearth of children.
See "How Civilizations Die: (And Why Islam Is Dying Too)" by David Goldman

In fact, the fear of a global jihad has mitigated now that Americans have dumped Barack Hussein Obama and his cryto-Islamist ideology, and put a real American in the White House.

But Liberalism's main attraction has left a residue that may well presage the end of Homo sapiens.
How and why is Liberalism a danger?

I'll get to that in a moment....

A Korean immigrant wants to school real Americans on Western Civilization.

How funny is that?
an immigrant can be a better American than someone born here
...of Western Civilization.
A Most Ominous that amplifies cultural degradation, and may be
more dangerous to the Western Civilization than overpopulation, Islamic savagery, or even biological extinction!!!
Are ya' hooked???

Let's take a look at the factors that might end mankind's dominance....or even existence.

1. Extinction Itself....a biological fact.

"More than 90 percent of all organisms that have ever lived on Earth are extinct. ... Dinosaurs appeared after one of the biggest mass extinction events on Earth, the Permian-Triassic extinction about 250 million years ago. ... The Permian-Triassic extinction event about 250 million years ...

....the rate of extinction is far from constant. At least a handful of times in the last 500 million years, 50 to more than 90 percent of all species on Earth have disappeared in a geological blink of the eye.

Though these mass extinctions are deadly events, they open up the planet for new life-forms to emerge. Dinosaurs appeared after one of the biggest mass extinction events on Earth, the Permian-Triassic extinction about 250 million years ago. The most studied mass extinction, between the Cretaceous and Paleogene periods about 65 million years ago, killed off the dinosaurs and made room for mammals to rapidly diversify and evolve.

The causes of these mass extinction events are unsolved mysteries, ...
Information and Facts About Mass Extinctions

Nope....not this one.
We've shown that we can sidestep nature, in that we can alter our surroundings to our benefit.

2. How about overpopulation? has tossed Malthus to the ash pile: food production more than outpaces population.
And there is plenty of room on the planet.

3. In fact, population itself is self regulating due to certain cultural advances, such as literacy and prosperity......both advancing in the Third World.
(Of course, our school system works in the opposite direction...but that's another story.)

Said advances are blunting the 7th century savagery of Islam.....but:
European apathy is the flip side of Islamic extremism, both losing their connection with the past, and their confidence in the future. Between European resignation with cultural extinction and the Islamist boast “You love life, we love death!’ there may be an accommodation that we in America may not like.

Factors associated with population decline include urbanization, education and literacy, modernization.
After literacy, the next largest indicator of family size is religious practice. The more frequently Muslims attend mosque, the more likely they are to have a big family. A third of the 88% literate Turks never attend mosque, as is true of the 82% literate Iranians; in both countries fertility is below replacement. But only a fifth of Egyptians never visit a mosque, and fertility is up to about three.

a. In nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and Egypt, worship is high, literacy low, fertility rates high, poverty high, unemployment high, social instability high.

b. In nations such as Iran, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, there is a high degree of literacy, but face a more devastating degree of social failure in the form of a dearth of children.
See "How Civilizations Die: (And Why Islam Is Dying Too)" by David Goldman

In fact, the fear of a global jihad has mitigated now that Americans have dumped Barack Hussein Obama and his cryto-Islamist ideology, and put a real American in the White House.

But Liberalism's main attraction has left a residue that may well presage the end of Homo sapiens.
How and why is Liberalism a danger?

I'll get to that in a moment....

A Korean immigrant wants to school real Americans on Western Civilization.

How funny is that?
an immigrant can be a better American than someone born here
here is an example

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