Detroit: 32 Homicides in a 15 Day Period


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Detroit: 32 Homicides in a 15 Day Period

DETROIT ( - It has been a violent two weeks in Detroit. There have been 32 murders in just 15 days, and that doesn't include non-fatal shootings


David Nelson was one of the 32 people killed in Detroit over the last 15 days. It's the largest spike in homicides in as many days in the city's history.

Nelson lived through the war in Iraq and even earned a Purple Heart by saving his crew from a roadside bomb, but he couldn't survive the streets of Detroit.


To date, 277 people have been murdered in Detroit compared 259 at this same time last year.

We're told out of the 32 homicides, twelve cases have been closed.

32 people murdered over 15 day period in Detroit - Fox 2 News Headlines

Goddamn, wtf is wrong with you people???
Blacks kill each other at the drop of a hat because they have inborn traits tending toward hair-trigger tempers, high testosterone, more fast-twitch muscle, short time-horizons, physical explosiveness, "lion pride" and lower intelligence/morality.

Or it's because of racism, I don't know.

Blacks kill each other at the drop of a hat because they have inborn traits tending toward hair-trigger tempers, high testosterone, more fast-twitch muscle, short time-horizons, physical explosiveness, "lion pride" and lower intelligence/morality.

Is that why you're so scared of them, pussy? Is that what you tell yourself to try and justify your cowardice to whatever shreds of pride you might have left, pussy?

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