Destroying symbols


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Not too long ago destroying statues of Confederate soldiers was all the rage.

That never set well with me though I could never really articulate why. I ran across this saying in the novel The Malta Exchange which is pretty good about a lot of things, not just statues, but any symbol.

Even if it's sometimes over dramatic. To them, destroying a monument like this is only a sign of weakness, of fear, not strength.
Not too long ago destroying statues of Confederate soldiers was all the rage.

That never set well with me though I could never really articulate why. I ran across this saying in the novel The Malta Exchange which is pretty good about a lot of things, not just statues, but any symbol.

Even if it's sometimes over dramatic. To them, destroying a monument like this is only a sign of weakness, of fear, not strength.
I believe that instead of destroying the statues, that they need to be collected and put into a museum with why the racist Demoncrats of the south wanted to fight a war against the country other than to keep black people as slaves. Why should Jefferson Davis have a road named after him? Why should Woodrow Wilson, the racist president who segregated bathrooms and the government have a bridge named after him where millions of blacks drive over it each year, without a clue? History needs to taught, not destroyed or changed, but shown to our children so they can grow up and not be a fucking liberal idiot.

Why Non-Slaveholding Southerners Fought
The short answer, of course, is Abraham Lincoln’s election as president of the United States. What concerned Southerners most about Lincoln’s election was his opposition to the expansion of slavery into the territories; Southern politicians were clear about that. If new states could not be slave states, went the argument, then it was only a matter of time before the South’s clout in Congress would fade, abolitionists would be ascendant, and the South’s “peculiar institution” – the right to own human beings as property – would be in peril.
That was why the "losers" became the KKK, fought to keep guns out of the blackman's hands, so it would be easier for the Klan to terrorize the blacks. Sorta like liberals today who want the blacks in the city not to be able to defend themselves...Liberals were racists, are racists today, and always will be racists forever, unless removed from society...
Not too long ago destroying statues of Confederate soldiers was all the rage.

That never set well with me though I could never really articulate why. I ran across this saying in the novel The Malta Exchange which is pretty good about a lot of things, not just statues, but any symbol.

Even if it's sometimes over dramatic. To them, destroying a monument like this is only a sign of weakness, of fear, not strength.

Where have Confederate statues been destroyed? :dunno:
Not too long ago destroying statues of Confederate soldiers was all the rage.

That never set well with me though I could never really articulate why. I ran across this saying in the novel The Malta Exchange which is pretty good about a lot of things, not just statues, but any symbol.

Even if it's sometimes over dramatic. To them, destroying a monument like this is only a sign of weakness, of fear, not strength.

Where have Confederate statues been destroyed? :dunno:

The Googles really oughta pay me something for all the traffic they're getting when I post these questions that can't be answered. Half hour later they're STILL looking for it. :lol:

I literally don't know of a single Confederate monument that's been "destoryed". Not even this one.


The building's new owner (I believe it was 1989) deliberately kept the plaque there but turned it around backward. Wasn't destroyed, and still makes the point.
Destroying symbols (whether literally or figuratively) is an extension of the PC crap.
Destroying symbols (whether literally or figuratively) is an extension of the PC crap.

How interesting.

Can you show us any?

How 'bout this?

Does blowing up a symbol erase history?

Excellent. Clearly it does not. Nobody fails to recognize the symbol being destroyed above even if it happened before we were born. Obviously history is unaffected.

Symbols/statues/monuments aren't there to encapsulate history anyway. They're there to glorify. Well of course as soon as you put up a monument to glorify someone or something the immediate question is, who/what is it glorifying? Upon examining the answer that question, the various communities, like New Orleans, like Charlottesville (etc) said "Nah, not on our land".

I still have yet to see one that was "destroyed" though.
New Orleans monuments -- don't look "destroyed" to me :dunno:

General Lee looks like he really meant business, doesn't he? It's pretty unusual to see them unhorsed.

And the irony is, he's posed that way, defiant body language, peering (in his original position) to the North, which is a posture he specifically rejected in his own life. So this one was not only lying about a noble cause, it was even lying about the figure represented, in a statue Lee specifically said shouldn't be done.

There's nothing more intelligent that coming to the realization that what you've been doing is counterproductive, and then throwing up your hands and continuing to do it anyway knowing it's wrong. That would be SO New Orleans. This time they took a step forward, and good for them.
Destroying symbols (whether literally or figuratively) is an extension of the PC crap.

How interesting.

Can you show us any?

How 'bout this?

Does blowing up a symbol erase history?

Excellent. Clearly it does not. Nobody fails to recognize the symbol being destroyed above even if it happened before we were born. Obviously history is unaffected.

Symbols/statues/monuments aren't there to encapsulate history anyway. They're there to glorify. Well of course as soon as you put up a monument to glorify someone or something the immediate question is, who/what is it glorifying? Upon examining the answer that question, the various communities, like New Orleans, like Charlottesville (etc) said "Nah, not on our land".

I still have yet to see one that was "destroyed" though.
You've never seen an American flag destroyed by fire?

Destroying symbols (whether literally or figuratively) is an extension of the PC crap.

How interesting.

Can you show us any?

How 'bout this?

Does blowing up a symbol erase history?

Excellent. Clearly it does not. Nobody fails to recognize the symbol being destroyed above even if it happened before we were born. Obviously history is unaffected.

Symbols/statues/monuments aren't there to encapsulate history anyway. They're there to glorify. Well of course as soon as you put up a monument to glorify someone or something the immediate question is, who/what is it glorifying? Upon examining the answer that question, the various communities, like New Orleans, like Charlottesville (etc) said "Nah, not on our land".

I still have yet to see one that was "destroyed" though.
You've never seen an American flag destroyed by fire?


Why no actually. Care to demonstrate?

I believe the Flag Fetish Code prescribes burning as the "proper" method of disposal, does it not?
Destroying symbols (whether literally or figuratively) is an extension of the PC crap.

How interesting.

Can you show us any?

How 'bout this?

Does blowing up a symbol erase history?

Excellent. Clearly it does not. Nobody fails to recognize the symbol being destroyed above even if it happened before we were born. Obviously history is unaffected.

Symbols/statues/monuments aren't there to encapsulate history anyway. They're there to glorify. Well of course as soon as you put up a monument to glorify someone or something the immediate question is, who/what is it glorifying? Upon examining the answer that question, the various communities, like New Orleans, like Charlottesville (etc) said "Nah, not on our land".

I still have yet to see one that was "destroyed" though.
You've never seen an American flag destroyed by fire?


Why no actually. Care to demonstrate?

I believe the Flag Fetish Code prescribes burning as the "proper" method of disposal, does it not?
Nice try.


How interesting.

Can you show us any?

How 'bout this?

Does blowing up a symbol erase history?

Excellent. Clearly it does not. Nobody fails to recognize the symbol being destroyed above even if it happened before we were born. Obviously history is unaffected.

Symbols/statues/monuments aren't there to encapsulate history anyway. They're there to glorify. Well of course as soon as you put up a monument to glorify someone or something the immediate question is, who/what is it glorifying? Upon examining the answer that question, the various communities, like New Orleans, like Charlottesville (etc) said "Nah, not on our land".

I still have yet to see one that was "destroyed" though.
You've never seen an American flag destroyed by fire?


Why no actually. Care to demonstrate?

I believe the Flag Fetish Code prescribes burning as the "proper" method of disposal, does it not?
Nice try.



I can't tell what's happening in the second pic (is it a Confederate symbol?) but the first one is disturbing. WHY can't people use real cameras to take pictures instead of their phones? That's SO lazy.
Destroying symbols (whether literally or figuratively) is an extension of the PC crap.

How interesting.

Can you show us any?

How 'bout this?

What does blowing up this symbol accomplish?

Another good question. The blowing of the symbol up (wink to E.B. White) is a commentary, just as the original erection of the symbol was also a commentary. That's what symbols and monuments and statues are --- opinions. The opinion represented by a statue, for example, is usually "how great thou art".

In this case the symbol was originally put up to mean "Deutschland Über Alles". And the blowing up was done to mean, "Fich dich". As in the point about symbols/statues not representing history, no history was harmed in the blowing of the symbol up. Just the structure itself.

More than a dozen Confederate statues vandalized around the country so far in 2019

Read more here:

At the conclusion of the article is a bunch of idiots trying to "destroy" a statue.

Lost Cause statues/monuments have been defaced for their entire history. This isn't new. "Silent Sam" mentioned in your link for example was vandalized over half a century ago among other times. That's because, again, such a monument is by definition an opinion, a value judgment. And when some group of wackos puts up opinions especially ones pointed at some minority, they're going to be controversial.

STILL none of them were "destroyed" though.

And let's be clear about exactly what these are. These are Lost Cause Cult propaganda transmitters, not just "Confederate monuments". That's exactly why they're located where they are.
And let's be clear about exactly what these are.
In your opinion- didn't I just see that somewhere?

That's because, again, such a monument is by definition an opinion, a value judgment. And when some group of wackos puts up opinions especially ones pointed at some minority, they're going to be controversial.

Oh- never mind. I guess all opinions aren't to be considered. That's how an objective analysis is formed. Right?

IMO, as I stated at the beginning, it's a fear they're displaying, no different from any political "opinion" on whatever label.
The question I have is; What's to fear? If your opinion is so much better or stronger shouldn't that suffice?
And let's be clear about exactly what these are.
In your opinion- didn't I just see that somewhere?

That's because, again, such a monument is by definition an opinion, a value judgment. And when some group of wackos puts up opinions especially ones pointed at some minority, they're going to be controversial.

Oh- never mind. I guess all opinions aren't to be considered. That's how an objective analysis is formed. Right?

IMO, as I stated at the beginning, it's a fear they're displaying, no different from any political "opinion" on whatever label.
The question I have is; What's to fear? If your opinion is so much better or stronger shouldn't that suffice?

I don't see the "fear" but yes the stronger opinion, that is, the more reasonable and more widely accepted, should prevail. And the various communities that have removed (note: not "destroyed" but removed) such Lost Cause monuments from the public land they were plunked on, did so upon assessing that the particular propaganda they were put there to transmit was not in the spirit of their community.

Here's a very good speech about one of those instances:

You'll notice these are the same undestroyed monuments pictured in post 5. They're still not destroyed. What they are is removed from the positions where they assumed the city's blessing. And that's a very different thing from being "destroyed".

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