Destroying Norway’s Socialist Paradise?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Our progressive/left-wing/socialist should lean forward and move there to help them out...:eusa_pray:

Destroying Norway’s Socialist Paradise?

September 12, 2013 By Bruce Bawer



On Monday, Norwegian voters, by a convincing margin, turned out the socialists and opted for a new, non-socialist government. This was how the British daily the Independent – which is regarded in some circles as a serious paper – headlined the news:

“Norway election results: Anti-immigrant party with links to mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik set to enter government under Conservative leader Erna Solberg.”

Just below the headline, to underscore the most important part of the message – namely, that the Progress Party has “links” to Breivik – were two equally large pictures of Breivik, the murderer, and Siv Jensen, the head of the Progress Party, which won 16.3 percent of the vote in Monday’s parliamentary ballot. The Independent‘s reporter, Tony Paterson, devoted a considerable chunk of his text to a recap of the Breivik murders, and only several paragraphs into the piece did he make it clear that the nature of Breivik’s “links” to the party was that he’d supported it “in his youth,” but later turned away from it because it wasn’t “militant enough.”

That’s it.


Then again, Stoltenberg and his socialist cronies will probably be back in power soon enough. Consider this: a new report shows that about 50% of the country’s Third World immigrants support Labor, while another 25% vote for the two parties on the far side of Labor – the Socialist Left and the Reds (i.e., Communists). After the new government takes control, any effort at significant immigration reform by the Progress Party is likely to be heavily watered down (if not killed outright) by other parties. Meaning that non-Westerners will continue to flow into Norway – and that the socialists will stand a better chance every day of being returned to power, so they can crush the “hostile environment” created by the Progress Party and reboot the left-wing, Islamophilic, anti-Semitic lovefest.

Destroying Norway?s Socialist Paradise? | FrontPage Magazine
It's too late for Western Europe...including Britain.
They were warned many times, but refused to listen.
Now they have to live with what they've created.

America has been warned, it's not listening either.
In Norwegian psychiatric hospitals, the craziest thing isn't the patients.
June 1, 2017

Bruce Bawer


Many of the practices Frank encounters come under the category of naive do-gooderism – such as the volunteer night patrols that are trained to respond to gangster criminality with “dialogue.” In one episode, the manager of a day-care center brainwashes small children with a puppet show about “Muriburiland,” an imaginary Communist utopia rich in solidarity and free of the evils of capitalism. As I wrote in my review, Frank “even spends a few days in a Norwegian prison, which he finds surprisingly cushy ('I should have been arrested a lot sooner!') and where he and other inmates – and guards – are taught to play the recorder by a hippie lady.”

One institution Frank doesn't experience is a Norwegian psychiatric ward – which is a shame, because Norway's approach to mental illness would have made for one of the series' more instructive episodes. In other countries, it's understood that if somebody's suffering from, say, bipolar disorder, he needs medication to keep from getting depressed (and potentially suicidal) as well as from becoming manic (which entails destructive conduct toward one's family, friends, and finances, and which can also lead to suicide). It's further understood in other countries that if a bipolar person goes off his meds and has a severe manic or depressive episode, he needs to be hospitalized, kept under lock and key, and medicated until he ceases to be a danger to himself and others.

In this as in so many other ways, however, Norway is special. Among psychologically healthy people, Norwegian law is very clear about who counts as an individual's next of kin: for example, a spouse trumps a parent, an adult offspring trumps a sibling. But psychotics who are committed to psych wards are permitted to name their own “next of kin” – which has vital repercussions, because the persons treating a patient are only obliged to share information about his treatment and the current state of his health with the designated next of kin, and are prohibited by privacy laws from sharing such information with anyone else. So it is that a psychotic patient may, for example, name as his next of kin his mailman, his garbageman, some celebrity he's never met, or the self-styled fortune teller in the hospital room next to his – thereby leaving his real next of kin entirely in the dark about how his treatment and condition.


Insanity in Norway
You know islam don't like fat pigs...

Norway's Dhimmi-in-Chief
What won't Erna Solberg do to suck up to Muslims?
July 3, 2017
Bruce Bawer

In recent months, those of us who worry about Europe's ongoing Islamization have been paying more attention than usual to recent elections on the continent. Geert Wilders, in the Netherlands, and Marine le Pen, in France, didn't win, but at least they made some progress. In September, it'll be Norway's turn. Unfortunately, there's not much of a choice. There are several political parties in Norway, but the likelihood is that we'll end up with a Labor or Conservative prime minister. The Labor honcho is Jonas Gahr Støre, a globalist empty suit from Central Casting who's perfectly happy with Islam and high-level immigration. Heading up the Conservatives option is the current Prime Minister, Erna Solberg, whose position on these issues is virtually indistinguishable from Gahr Støre's. When it comes to Islam, she's always been a first-class dhimmi. As my friend Peder “Fjordman” Jensen recalled the other day, Erna, back in 2011, “stated that Muslims in Europe are now harassed just like Jews were in the 1930s, during the rise of the Nazis.”

She's even good at taqiyya: four years ago, she recounted a visit to an Oslo mosque whose members find it “difficult to be accepted in society.” What she failed to mention was that they were Ahmadi Muslims who, as I noted at the time, “are oppressed, persecuted, beaten, and even executed throughout much of the Islamic world, where they're considered infidels.” Far from having problems being accepted by Norwegians, they've found in Norway a refuge from the oppression and violence they endured in their homelands at the hands of mainstream Muslims Islam. But you won't hear that from Erna, for whom Muslims are always the victims and Norwegians the bad guys.


Norway's Dhimmi-in-Chief
The Norwegian government's token truth-teller.
August 8, 2017

Bruce Bawer


In a political class awash in cravenness and cowardice, there are few people who dare to voice the concerns of the many Norwegians who actually do worry about their country's future. Meet 39-year-old Sylvi Listhaug, a Progress Party politician who currently serves as Minister of Migration and Integration. Since taking office, she's repeatedly made headlines – and caused outrage throughout the political, media, and academic establishment – for saying what most of us would consider highly reasonable things. Last summer she dared to admit that most foreign aid amounts to throwing cash down a rat hole and that too many Norwegian politicians are less concerned with the actual results of such aid that with the good feeling it gives them to spread it around. In response, the Christian People's Party – of which Listhaug had given a perfect description – had a conniption fit. Last December came reports that Listhaug and Ayaan Hirsi Ali were working together on a conference about women's equality. That drew attacks, too.

In July, Listhaug argued that little girls shouldn't be allowed to wear hijab in Norwegian schools, asserting that such garb sexualizes them and has obviously been forced on them by their parents; in reply, both Education Minister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (Conservative) and Labor Party education spokesman Trond Giske rejected the idea out of hand. Speaking earlier this month at an “anti-extremism” conference for Muslim youth, Listhaug boldly noted that there are plenty of “wolves in sheep's clothing” in the Muslim community and chastized the guest of honor, the purportedly moderate Pakistani-Canadian imam Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, who has proclaimed that Islamic law should supersede Western law and who helped formulate a Pakistani law prescribing the death penalty for blasphemy. The conference organizer castigated Listhaug, saying that instead of “stretched out a hand” to Muslim youth she had “put up walls” by disrespecting “one of the leading Muslim scholars in Europe and the West, and one of those who have opposed extremism most severely and unequivocally.”

The other day she got in hot water for mentioning in a TV interview that during the election campaign, several people have told her about neighbors who came to Norway as asylum seekers but who have taken vacations in the countries they supposedly fled from. It's no secret to anyone that this sort of scam is going on all over Europe. Listhaug suggested that any citizen who's aware of such cases report them to the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration, noting that those engaging in such deception are taking up places that might otherwise be occupied by individuals who are genuinely in need of protection. Sounds reasonable enough, no? But of course all the usual suspects instantly jumped down her throat. Knut Arild Hareide, head of the Christian People's Party and one of the most fervent defenders of irresponsible immigration policies, accused her of calling for “snitching.” Reporters echoed the charge. Labor Party politician Martin Kolberg, for his part, accused her of violating “Christian values.” (This in a country, mind you, where a long-cherished national pastime is looking up your hard-working native-born neighbor's income and tax information – which is freely available online – and ratting on him to the authorities because you think he might be cheating.)

Listhaug is – to put it bluntly – a diamond in a dungheap. I suspect that if Norway's equivalent of red-state voters had their druthers, she'd be running the country. Instead the electorate will face a hopeless choice next month between Tweedledee and Tweedledum – Scandinavia's answer to those execrable American politicians who reflexively place the interests of potentially dangerous foreigners and folks who've entered the country illegally or under false pretenses above the legitimate rights, wishes, and security of law-abiding citizens.

A Diamond In A Dungheap
You reap what you sow...

Sharia in sheep's clothing?
August 30, 2017

Bruce Bawer

Born in Norway to Pakistani parents, Abid Q. Raja studied law, criminology, and psychology at the universities of Oslo, Southampton, and Oxford, and later worked in Norway at several law firms, the Immigration Appeals Board, and the Police Department's Immigration Office. He was also active in groups with names like the Center against Ethnic Discrimination, the Council for Crime Prevention, and the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Tribunal.

In 1999, Raja began to appear frequently on Norwegian TV and in the newspaper op-ed pages as a commentator on immigration and integration issue and as a spokesman for the nation's Muslims. As it happens, that was the same year I moved to Norway, so I've followed his entire public career. During those early years, Raja came off as angry and radical. In 2004, while serving as a spokesman for an Oslo mosque called World Islamic Mission, he arguedthat the Norwegian government should pay to build a school in Pakistan for the children of Pakistani Muslims living in Norway. (Many Muslims in Europe send their kids to schools “back home” to prevent their Westernization.) In 2005, after a Norwegian court found a father and son guilty of forcing a family member to marry, Raja wrote an article for Aftenposten in which he insisted that not all arranged marriages are forced marriages. Some young people, he risibly maintained, “can't manage to find their own spouse,” while some “don't want to find their own spouse” and therefore ask their parents to do the job for them. Yeah, right.


He claims to have embraced Western values wholeheartedly, and suggests that his long-term goal is to persuade his fellow Muslims to join him in doing so. Every time I watch him, all I can think is: I don't buy it. Listhaug has had the audacity to warn that there are “wolves in sheep's clothing” in Norway's Muslim community. I have no doubt whatsoever that Raja is one of them. And I fear that, with the help of the Norwegian media and the rest of the nation's Muslim-happy cultural establishment, he will someday – barring some unforeseeable impediment – become Norway's first Muslim prime minister.

Will this Man be Norway's First Muslim Prime Minister?

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