Despite repeated attempts....

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Black people are not nor have ever been as racist as white people in their actions. What other group of people on the planet and in the entire history of human kind itself has committed more crimes in the name of race than white people? This is not to say that all whites are racist, which would be stupid to say, all the Bass is saying that crimes, oppression, genocide and theft have been committed in the name by race predominately by white people. African, Asians, Austrailian Aborigines, Eskimos, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders can all attest to this fact and historically it cannot be denied, no matter how many racist acts the insecure whites try to dig up on non-whites.
Yep. You are correct. Black people were only put on earth so white people would have somebody to fuck with.
Whites are unmatched in their crimes against humanity, not just blacks, but entire ethnicities. White people's burden is absolutely unbearable, so it is necessary that they would imagine up all sorts of fanatical, scientific determinist dogma to rationalize away the plight of 3rd world people directly suffering from their destructive tendencies.
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Yep. You are correct. Black people were only put on earth so white people would have somebody to fuck with.

The race of the people who have oppressed nearly all non-whites have been whites, not all individual whites are guilty, but those whites who have perpetrated those crimes left an impression upon non-whites that whites are the most racist of all the groups on earth. Who else has committed crimes in the name of race and made up pseudoscience and altered and rewrote history to justify it?
Yawn... Same old stuff from Charlie Bass today. Come back when you have some new material. I think I've heard all you have to say in other posts.
Yawn... Same old stuff from Charlie Bass today. Come back when you have some new material. I think I've heard all you have to say in other posts.

Correct, racist power driven whites have been doing the same stuff. Come back when you have some new material to debunk what the Bass has stated. The Bass has heard all of what you had to say in other posts.

Just think, who else on earth colonized and raped an entire continent of its resources and oppressed the people of that continent and then made up lies such as "those poor people were uncivilized and needed us"? Who made up the who science around IQ tests to prove justify and "prove" their racial superiority? Who used such racist pseudoscience to oppress people and deny people equality?
Black people are not nor have ever been as racist as white people in their actions. What other group of people on the planet and in the entire history of human kind itself has committed more crimes in the name of race than white people? This is not to say that all whites are racist, which would be stupid to say, all the Bass is saying that crimes, oppression, genocide and theft have been committed in the name by race predominately by white people. African, Asians, Austrailian Aborigines, Eskimos, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders can all attest to this fact and historically it cannot be denied, no matter how many racist acts the insecure whites try to dig up on non-whites.

Ya cause in Africa blacks do not routinely murder other black and white groups just cause they are not from the same tribe. Anyone recall Rwanda? Uganda? Nigeria? Angola? Zaire? Blacks have butchered more blacks then whites ever have. And all because of Racism.
Black people are not nor have ever been as racist as white people in their actions. What other group of people on the planet and in the entire history of human kind itself has committed more crimes in the name of race than white people? This is not to say that all whites are racist, which would be stupid to say, all the Bass is saying that crimes, oppression, genocide and theft have been committed in the name by race predominately by white people. African, Asians, Austrailian Aborigines, Eskimos, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders can all attest to this fact and historically it cannot be denied, no matter how many racist acts the insecure whites try to dig up on non-whites.

Ya cause in Africa blacks do not routinely murder other black and white groups just cause they are not from the same tribe. Anyone recall Rwanda? Uganda? Nigeria? Angola? Zaire? Blacks have butchered more blacks then whites ever have. And all because of Racism.

Theres nothing racist about political conflicts of interest. Try again.
Ya cause in Africa blacks do not routinely murder other black and white groups just cause they are not from the same tribe. Anyone recall Rwanda? Uganda? Nigeria? Angola? Zaire? Blacks have butchered more blacks then whites ever have. And all because of Racism.

Funny that you mention that Africans murdering Africans in ethnic warfare constitutes racism while you simultaneously ignore the white on white ethnic warfare of WW1 and WW2. Why haven't you labelled that as racism? What about all the intra-European wars? Why aren't you labelling that as racism?

The ethnic warfare in Africa is a result of white man going into Africa and creating countries that didn't exist, lumping together people of different ethnic groups as "Negroes" without respect to the relationships these people shared prior.

Besides that, whites went everywhere in the world doing this, why do you think Dominican Republic and other islands in the Caribbean have zero traces of the native people who inhabited the islands *BEFORE* the coming of Europeans? How do you think the native people of Tasmania became extinct?
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Ya cause in Africa blacks do not routinely murder other black and white groups just cause they are not from the same tribe. Anyone recall Rwanda? Uganda? Nigeria? Angola? Zaire? Blacks have butchered more blacks then whites ever have. And all because of Racism.

Funny that you mention that Africans murdering Africans in ethnic warfare constitutes racism while you simultaneously ignore the white on white ethnic warfare of WW1 and WW2. Why haven't you labelled that as racism? What about all the intra-European wars? Why aren't you labelling that as racism?

The ethnic warfare in Africa is a result of white man going into Africa and creating countries that didn't exist, lumping together people of different ethnic groups as "Negroes" without respect to the relationships these people shared prior.

Blacks hate blacks more then whites do, proven by the numbers of blacks killed in Africa and even by the murder and crime rates in America.
Ya cause in Africa blacks do not routinely murder other black and white groups just cause they are not from the same tribe. Anyone recall Rwanda? Uganda? Nigeria? Angola? Zaire? Blacks have butchered more blacks then whites ever have. And all because of Racism.

Funny that you mention that Africans murdering Africans in ethnic warfare constitutes racism while you simultaneously ignore the white on white ethnic warfare of WW1 and WW2. Why haven't you labelled that as racism? What about all the intra-European wars? Why aren't you labelling that as racism?

The ethnic warfare in Africa is a result of white man going into Africa and creating countries that didn't exist, lumping together people of different ethnic groups as "Negroes" without respect to the relationships these people shared prior.

Blacks hate blacks more then whites do, proven by the numbers of blacks killed in Africa and even by the murder and crime rates in America.

Thats a lie, the motivation for wars in Africa is not race the same with crime rates in America. Neither of those situations are motivated by racism, but the white man's invasion of Africa was based on race. The white man considered wvery non-white race to be inferior to him and thus the white man did not respect the humanity of the non-whites they oppressed.
Black people are not nor have ever been as racist as white people in their actions.

Is this like a murderer who kills their victims with a single bullet is less of a murderer than one who kills their victims with 100 stab wounds, followed by complete dismemberment and disemboweling?
Black people are not nor have ever been as racist as white people in their actions. What other group of people on the planet and in the entire history of human kind itself has committed more crimes in the name of race than white people? This is not to say that all whites are racist, which would be stupid to say, all the Bass is saying that crimes, oppression, genocide and theft have been committed in the name by race predominately by white people. African, Asians, Austrailian Aborigines, Eskimos, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders can all attest to this fact and historically it cannot be denied, no matter how many racist acts the insecure whites try to dig up on non-whites.

Are you including the "black" people that use machettes to chop off people's hands and feet if they vote (in Africa)? Are you including the "black" people that sold the weaker people in their own tribe and conquered tribes to "slavers" that sold "black" people all over the world? Are you including the "black" people that used their enemies skulls as drink containers? Are you including the "black" people that ate other people (including "white" people)? Are you including the "black" people that used methods of torture and murder that are so morbid, that the methods will not be mentioned in public. Are you including the "Asian" races that enslaved and killed millions of similar races?

Before you start pointing your finger at whites, please consider all crimes of all peoples, I think you will find, that crime, is common among all races, and that whites are no more special or spectacular than any other race. It may be at THIS point in history, the whites "crimes" are more documented. That does not mean they are the only ones , or greatest at committing crimes.

If you want to be that discrimminating in characteristics, I could point out that "whites" have done more to promote "goodness" and works of charity than any other race. I could point out that "white Christians" (not saying other races don't, just the majority are "white") are responsible for the majority of charitible acts around the globe today. Missions and missionaries are probably in every single country trying to help other "races" to improve their lives and their communities. "Whites" have also promoted technology that improved life for all peoples on earth: electricity, electric pumps, medical advances (I am not saying all the ideas came from "whites", just that the "whites" communication made it public knowledge), etc.

All of us, every single race has reasons for guilt and shame. The question: can we learn from those mistakes and make the future better for our children, or will we repeat the mistakes of the past?
Black people are not nor have ever been as racist as white people in their actions.

Is this like a murderer who kills their victims with a single bullet is less of a murderer than one who kills their victims with 100 stab wounds, followed by complete dismemberment and disemboweling?

Comparing the race crimes of blacks to whites is like comparing a person who kills someone in self defense to Ted Bundy.
Black people are not nor have ever been as racist as white people in their actions. What other group of people on the planet and in the entire history of human kind itself has committed more crimes in the name of race than white people? This is not to say that all whites are racist, which would be stupid to say, all the Bass is saying that crimes, oppression, genocide and theft have been committed in the name by race predominately by white people. African, Asians, Austrailian Aborigines, Eskimos, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders can all attest to this fact and historically it cannot be denied, no matter how many racist acts the insecure whites try to dig up on non-whites.

Are you including the "black" people that use machettes to chop off people's hands and feet if they vote (in Africa)? Are you including the "black" people that sold the weaker people in their own tribe and conquered tribes to "slavers" that sold "black" people all over the world? Are you including the "black" people that used their enemies skulls as drink containers? Are you including the "black" people that ate other people (including "white" people)? Are you including the "black" people that used methods of torture and murder that are so morbid, that the methods will not be mentioned in public. Are you including the "Asian" races that enslaved and killed millions of similar races?

Before you start pointing your finger at whites, please consider all crimes of all peoples, I think you will find, that crime, is common among all races, and that whites are no more special or spectacular than any other race. It may be at THIS point in history, the whites "crimes" are more documented. That does not mean they are the only ones , or greatest at committing crimes.

If you want to be that discrimminating in characteristics, I could point out that "whites" have done more to promote "goodness" and works of charity than any other race. I could point out that "white Christians" (not saying other races don't, just the majority are "white") are responsible for the majority of charitible acts around the globe today. Missions and missionaries are probably in every single country trying to help other "races" to improve their lives and their communities. "Whites" have also promoted technology that improved life for all peoples on earth: electricity, electric pumps, medical advances (I am not saying all the ideas came from "whites", just that the "whites" communication made it public knowledge), etc.

All of us, every single race has reasons for guilt and shame. The question: can we learn from those mistakes and make the future better for our children, or will we repeat the mistakes of the past?

Have blacks and Asians gone to every continent in the world and wiped out whole islands of people via genocide? have blacks Asians created racist pseudoscience to justify their crimes?

The blacks who fight against each other in Africa do not fight because of anything "racially motivated" you retard and it is in no way comparable to the worldwide rape and oppression that whites collectively have heaped upon nonwhites.
The Basshole says, "Despite repeated attempts....
Black people are not nor have ever been as racist as white people . . . ."

Well, the claim is silly on one level. Read literally, the Basshole is contending that blacks TRY to be as racist as they can but come up a little short.

Read less restrictively (i.e., getting past the Basshole's functional illiteracy), the Basshole is contending that "those" whites are just more racist than blacks.

Racist shit like that is funny either way. :lol:

Hey Basshole! Newsflash: You are a racist.

And, in terms of the relative degree of racism, you happen to be one of the worst racists this board is subjected to from day to day.

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