Depression and how NOT to treat it


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
There is another thread on this board about a man self medication with alcohol and drugs and hookers to solve his depression. Believe me that does not work.

Alcohol is a depressant. It may deaden your senses and allow you to forget if you drink enough but it sure does not help with Depression in fact it makes it worse and destroys your life in the process. My father went down that route for years, he was an alcoholic and I believe a depressed man. He handled his problems by drinking to excess and then taking out his anger on others. Eventually he stopped drinking but he never stopped being self destructive. Eventually by not taking his medication he died of a heart attack. With out ever getting help for his depression.

I know about depression I suffer from it and have my whole life, I inherited it from my father. I handled it myself for years too. I ignored it and denied it and fought it as best i could. I never ask for help either. But I knew drinking wouldn't solve it so in 1984 I totally stopped drinking and have never drank since. I never took drugs either. Illegal drugs are no answer either.

After my mothers death in 93 I got worse and finally in December of 94 I had a complete break, ended up in a Naval Hospital and spent most of 6 months there. I only asked for help because I had seen a MSGT I knew ask me to take him to mental health for help a couple weeks before I lost it. If not for him I would have probably killed myself.

Illegal drugs and self medication are no answer. For one thing you get hooked on them and it makes things worse not better. For another it does not get rid of the underlying depression.

Most people deny they are sick deny the problems and refuse to get help. Like I and my father did.

Another problem is that when you are used to handling the problem as best you can and as slow as it is to find the right medications you do dumb things like stop taking your medications.

It took me 10 years to find the right meds because mental health is not an exact science. What works for one person does not always work for others. And it is a hit and miss process to find what does work.

But in the end it DOES work.

Do not fall for those people that claim meds are no good or claim that meds cause the problems. I and millions of others are living proof that meds do in fact work.

My condition is still a problem but the difference on meds that work and no meds is night and day. Without meds my life was a living hell with meds I can live an almost normal life. Without meds it was a constant fight to not kill myself with meds while I still have the thoughts and still don't like being alive the urge to act on those thoughts is nill.

There is hope for mental illness. The first step is to ask for help. The most important step is not to self medicate.
Depression is endemic in the US, and so are many of the symptoms associated with depression. Look at obesity in this country, which only compounds the problem for many people. Look at the incredible over-subscription of anti-depressants (40% of middle class white females will take them before their 21st birthday). We're a culture of drugs, and the biggest pushers in the world are American doctors and the pharmaceutical industry. Now if that's not depressing, I don't know what is.
"Ask your doctor today if ______________ is right for you!"

We hear it every. day. on tv in commercials. Every. Day.
There is another thread on this board about a man self medication with alcohol and drugs and hookers to solve his depression. Believe me that does not work.

I don't want to take anything away from your thread but the thread I started wasn't focused on "solving depression" but on stopping suicide. The dude went to Mexico to off himself and then said "What the hell, I may as well go out with a bang" and so he had himself an coke-fueled orgy with 6 Mexican hookers. Later, after banging the 6 hookers he discovered that life wasn't as bad as he had thought and so he didn't commit suicide. His tale doesn't say anything about self-medicating but it does speak to finding a life preserver and clinging to life. His life preservers were named Maria and Emilia and Ava and Rosa and Lucia and Antonia.
Hookers and booze will get you killed Look at Charlie Harper.

"Ask your doctor today if ______________ is right for you!"

We hear it every. day. on tv in commercials. Every. Day.
That is the problem with America. People being told they have imaginary illnesses and why they should take X for it.
There is another thread on this board about a man self medication with alcohol and drugs and hookers to solve his depression. Believe me that does not work.

Alcohol is a depressant. It may deaden your senses and allow you to forget if you drink enough but it sure does not help with Depression in fact it makes it worse and destroys your life in the process. My father went down that route for years, he was an alcoholic and I believe a depressed man. He handled his problems by drinking to excess and then taking out his anger on others. Eventually he stopped drinking but he never stopped being self destructive. Eventually by not taking his medication he died of a heart attack. With out ever getting help for his depression.

I know about depression I suffer from it and have my whole life, I inherited it from my father. I handled it myself for years too. I ignored it and denied it and fought it as best i could. I never ask for help either. But I knew drinking wouldn't solve it so in 1984 I totally stopped drinking and have never drank since. I never took drugs either. Illegal drugs are no answer either.

After my mothers death in 93 I got worse and finally in December of 94 I had a complete break, ended up in a Naval Hospital and spent most of 6 months there. I only asked for help because I had seen a MSGT I knew ask me to take him to mental health for help a couple weeks before I lost it. If not for him I would have probably killed myself.

Illegal drugs and self medication are no answer. For one thing you get hooked on them and it makes things worse not better. For another it does not get rid of the underlying depression.

Most people deny they are sick deny the problems and refuse to get help. Like I and my father did.

Another problem is that when you are used to handling the problem as best you can and as slow as it is to find the right medications you do dumb things like stop taking your medications.

It took me 10 years to find the right meds because mental health is not an exact science. What works for one person does not always work for others. And it is a hit and miss process to find what does work.

But in the end it DOES work.

Do not fall for those people that claim meds are no good or claim that meds cause the problems. I and millions of others are living proof that meds do in fact work.

My condition is still a problem but the difference on meds that work and no meds is night and day. Without meds my life was a living hell with meds I can live an almost normal life. Without meds it was a constant fight to not kill myself with meds while I still have the thoughts and still don't like being alive the urge to act on those thoughts is nill.

There is hope for mental illness. The first step is to ask for help. The most important step is not to self medicate.

Agreed 100%. Of course, there are always "arm-chair physicians," and those who have NO idea what they are talking about.
There is another thread on this board about a man self medication with alcohol and drugs and hookers to solve his depression. Believe me that does not work.

I don't want to take anything away from your thread but the thread I started wasn't focused on "solving depression" but on stopping suicide. The dude went to Mexico to off himself and then said "What the hell, I may as well go out with a bang" and so he had himself an coke-fueled orgy with 6 Mexican hookers. Later, after banging the 6 hookers he discovered that life wasn't as bad as he had thought and so he didn't commit suicide. His tale doesn't say anything about self-medicating but it does speak to finding a life preserver and clinging to life. His life preservers were named Maria and Emilia and Ava and Rosa and Lucia and Antonia.

That's bull. Who's to say the next time he gets depressed, he won't just off himself, or end up in a psychiatric facility because he's screwed up his mind even more? The prescription medications have mood stabilizers, and they work if people take them as they are prescribed. However, people abuse them, miss doses, or otherwise do NOT take them as directed.
Hookers and booze will get you killed Look at Charlie Harper.

"Ask your doctor today if ______________ is right for you!"

We hear it every. day. on tv in commercials. Every. Day.
That is the problem with America. People being told they have imaginary illnesses and why they should take X for it.

Charlie who?

Yeah, killed his career. He is SOOOOO smart. :lol: Not to mention, no one respects him anymore, and his personal life (as far as his ex-wife and children go) is a mess.
There is another thread on this board about a man self medication with alcohol and drugs and hookers to solve his depression. Believe me that does not work.

Alcohol is a depressant. It may deaden your senses and allow you to forget if you drink enough but it sure does not help with Depression in fact it makes it worse and destroys your life in the process. My father went down that route for years, he was an alcoholic and I believe a depressed man. He handled his problems by drinking to excess and then taking out his anger on others. Eventually he stopped drinking but he never stopped being self destructive. Eventually by not taking his medication he died of a heart attack. With out ever getting help for his depression.

I know about depression I suffer from it and have my whole life, I inherited it from my father. I handled it myself for years too. I ignored it and denied it and fought it as best i could. I never ask for help either. But I knew drinking wouldn't solve it so in 1984 I totally stopped drinking and have never drank since. I never took drugs either. Illegal drugs are no answer either.

After my mothers death in 93 I got worse and finally in December of 94 I had a complete break, ended up in a Naval Hospital and spent most of 6 months there. I only asked for help because I had seen a MSGT I knew ask me to take him to mental health for help a couple weeks before I lost it. If not for him I would have probably killed myself.

Illegal drugs and self medication are no answer. For one thing you get hooked on them and it makes things worse not better. For another it does not get rid of the underlying depression.

Most people deny they are sick deny the problems and refuse to get help. Like I and my father did.

Another problem is that when you are used to handling the problem as best you can and as slow as it is to find the right medications you do dumb things like stop taking your medications.

It took me 10 years to find the right meds because mental health is not an exact science. What works for one person does not always work for others. And it is a hit and miss process to find what does work.

But in the end it DOES work.

Do not fall for those people that claim meds are no good or claim that meds cause the problems. I and millions of others are living proof that meds do in fact work.

My condition is still a problem but the difference on meds that work and no meds is night and day. Without meds my life was a living hell with meds I can live an almost normal life. Without meds it was a constant fight to not kill myself with meds while I still have the thoughts and still don't like being alive the urge to act on those thoughts is nill.

There is hope for mental illness. The first step is to ask for help. The most important step is not to self medicate.

Coulda gotten all the same benefits with half an hour of masturbation that guy. :)
There is another thread on this board about a man self medication with alcohol and drugs and hookers to solve his depression. Believe me that does not work.

Alcohol is a depressant. It may deaden your senses and allow you to forget if you drink enough but it sure does not help with Depression in fact it makes it worse and destroys your life in the process. My father went down that route for years, he was an alcoholic and I believe a depressed man. He handled his problems by drinking to excess and then taking out his anger on others. Eventually he stopped drinking but he never stopped being self destructive. Eventually by not taking his medication he died of a heart attack. With out ever getting help for his depression.

I know about depression I suffer from it and have my whole life, I inherited it from my father. I handled it myself for years too. I ignored it and denied it and fought it as best i could. I never ask for help either. But I knew drinking wouldn't solve it so in 1984 I totally stopped drinking and have never drank since. I never took drugs either. Illegal drugs are no answer either.

After my mothers death in 93 I got worse and finally in December of 94 I had a complete break, ended up in a Naval Hospital and spent most of 6 months there. I only asked for help because I had seen a MSGT I knew ask me to take him to mental health for help a couple weeks before I lost it. If not for him I would have probably killed myself.

Illegal drugs and self medication are no answer. For one thing you get hooked on them and it makes things worse not better. For another it does not get rid of the underlying depression.

Most people deny they are sick deny the problems and refuse to get help. Like I and my father did.

Another problem is that when you are used to handling the problem as best you can and as slow as it is to find the right medications you do dumb things like stop taking your medications.

It took me 10 years to find the right meds because mental health is not an exact science. What works for one person does not always work for others. And it is a hit and miss process to find what does work.

But in the end it DOES work.

Do not fall for those people that claim meds are no good or claim that meds cause the problems. I and millions of others are living proof that meds do in fact work.

My condition is still a problem but the difference on meds that work and no meds is night and day. Without meds my life was a living hell with meds I can live an almost normal life. Without meds it was a constant fight to not kill myself with meds while I still have the thoughts and still don't like being alive the urge to act on those thoughts is nill.

There is hope for mental illness. The first step is to ask for help. The most important step is not to self medicate.

Sorry to hear about your depression, and your dad. I don't know if my dad suffered with depression or not, but he was a terrible alcoholic who never stopped drinking and drank himself to death literally. He died from alcoholic liver disease and was in terrible pain. Still refused to see a doctor.
Bottom line is that my dad chose alcohol over us and himself. THAT is what alcoholism and drug addiction gets you.

I remember rarely seeing my dad with anything to drink besides beer. That was pretty much the only thing he ever drank.
I'm sure there are people who's quality of life is improved with modern drugs but I also think our expectations today are very high, especially in this superficial spoiled culture.

We are a product of our ancestors, somehow they managed without medication. But living another day was good news. having a roof over your head was a good thing. Having food in your belly was a great thing. And working hard was considered normal. Focusing on what you have instead of what you don't have puts things in perspective.

I worked in a very rich part of the country while putting myself through school and discovered they were some of the most miserable people I've ever met. Best education I ever had.

We've become a nation of victims.
I'm sure there are people who's quality of life is improved with modern drugs but I also think our expectations today are very high, especially in this superficial spoiled culture.

We are a product of our ancestors, somehow they managed without medication. But living another day was good news. having a roof over your head was a good thing. Having food in your belly was a great thing. And working hard was considered normal. Focusing on what you have instead of what you don't have puts things in perspective.

I worked in a very rich part of the country while putting myself through school and discovered they were some of the most miserable people I've ever met. Best education I ever had.

We've become a nation of victims.

Yeah, but you really don't have any idea what you are talking about, right? You are not qualified to either diagnose nor treat depression, are you? What do you know about depression since you seem to think you're so smart.
Yeah, but you really don't have any idea what you are talking about, right? You are not qualified to either diagnose nor treat depression, are you? What do you know about depression since you seem to think you're so smart.
I didn't diagnose anyone, get over your lofty self. You want to diagnose anyone that dares to disagree with you and say they can't voice their opinion? Who do you think you are? What I said is true, I don't need your approval.
Yeah, but you really don't have any idea what you are talking about, right? You are not qualified to either diagnose nor treat depression, are you? What do you know about depression since you seem to think you're so smart.
I didn't diagnose anyone, get over your lofty self. You want to diagnose anyone that dares to disagree with you and say they can't voice their opinion? Who do you think you are? What I said is true, I don't need your approval.

Lol! What? I want to diagnose people who disagree with me? :lol: I'm sure you would NOT like the diagnosis.

However, it still seems as though you are completely ignorant about depression.
OP missed the point. It wasn't that "hookers and blow" cured his depression. It's that actually going out and living life cured his depression.

Some people need a gentle nudge back in the right direction. Others need "major surgery. The guy OP was talking about needed "major sugery" and found it.

You can also cure your depression by living life in these ways:
1. Getting a new job.
2. Learning a new skill.
3. Joining clubs and meeting people. (I wouldn't recommend VFW's because those are so damn depressing)
4. Visit foreign countries (Yes, Mexico and Canada count!)
5. Remove negative infulences and people from your life (that includes relatives)

Many ways to do it, that guy did what what turned out to be the best for him.
Lol! What? I want to diagnose people who disagree with me? :lol: I'm sure you would NOT like the diagnosis.

However, it still seems as though you are completely ignorant about depression.
You already did diagnose me and said I was unqualified. You don't know shit about my private life and don't know what I've experienced but felt free to reach that conclusion because it differed from your own. I would be amused by your analysis, why would it upset me? You think too highly of yourself so my analysis is that you're an egotist. I don't know if they have meds for it either.
Lol! What? I want to diagnose people who disagree with me? :lol: I'm sure you would NOT like the diagnosis.

However, it still seems as though you are completely ignorant about depression.
You already did diagnose me and said I was unqualified. You don't know shit about my private life and don't know what I've experienced but felt free to reach that conclusion because it differed from your own. I would be amused by your analysis, why would it upset me? You think too highly of yourself so my analysis is that you're an egotist. I don't know if they have meds for it either.

Sorry, but by your statements, it is obvious that you are just clueless. Don't need a doctor to make THAT diagnosis! :razz:
OP missed the point. It wasn't that "hookers and blow" cured his depression. It's that actually going out and living life cured his depression.

Some people need a gentle nudge back in the right direction. Others need "major surgery. The guy OP was talking about needed "major sugery" and found it.

You can also cure your depression by living life in these ways:
1. Getting a new job.
2. Learning a new skill.
3. Joining clubs and meeting people. (I wouldn't recommend VFW's because those are so damn depressing)
4. Visit foreign countries (Yes, Mexico and Canada count!)
5. Remove negative infulences and people from your life (that includes relatives)

Many ways to do it, that guy did what what turned out to be the best for him.

Yeah, let's see if he's still "happy" after he develops an addiction and blows all of his money on stupid shit and has nothing to show for it.

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