Deportation Hits Another Record Under Obama Administration


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Deportation Hits Another Record Under Obama Administration

The agency deported 409,849 immigrants in the 2012 fiscal year, up from 396,906 immigrants last year. More than 392,000 immigrants were deported in the 2010 fiscal year.

ICE touted one improvement: It reported that 96 percent of removals fell into a priority category -- not necessarily a high one -- and that about 55 percent overall were convicted of felonies or misdemeanors.

Deportation Hits Another Record Under Obama Administration

Good but not good enough. But every little bit help. 409.849 less to deal with. Didn't this separate familes?:clap2:
Obama Amnesty Plans Remain Mysterious

The Daily Caller’s Neil Munro mused in the piece below over how Obama’s 2013 amnesty might play out, since King Barak has not released many hints.

Will the President present some amnesty-lite proposals that are acceptable to border-squishy Republicans and might be actually passed in Congress?

Or, will he launch a mega-ton comprehensive package that is designed to fail because of being too extreme for conservatives to support, a fact which he could then use to bash Republicans in the 2014 election?
A comprehensive bill “will not pass, just as it didn’t last time around [and if Obama] were actually serious, he would agree to a piecemeal approach where each piece could garner sufficient support to pass,” said Rosemary Jenks, director of government relations at NumbersUSA, an immigration-reform group.
Obama Amnesty Plans Remain Mysterious | illegal immigration amnesty | Limits to Growth
what is the point in illegal aliens in the work force keeping the prices down when americans don't have jobs to buy cheap lettuce anyway.
I am beginning to belive that Obama is not serious about amnesty in any form but will put forth a plan that will sure to fail and he can blame the Right.

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