Department of Justice failing to investigate Fraud and Abuses of Authority


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2009
Would you say that the government is violating peoples rights as well as our laws and regulations if you knew the following?

Last year I had the unique and bizarre opportunity to challenge the state and federal government in a California administrative court of law over a policy implementation mistake I had become a victim of from the federal Emergency Unemployment Cooperation Program (recovery act funds). Due to mistakes the government published back in 2008, my state paid me EUC08 benefits improperly from an older and terminated benefit year that should have had no entitlement to any remaining balance (causing me to be paid $2786 less than I should have over 26 weeks).

DOL Regulations for EUC08/Extended Benefits
20CFR Chapter V - Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor

§ 615.5(2) Definition of “exhaustee.”
eCFR — Code of Federal Regulations
"The individual's Extended Benefit Account shall be terminated upon the occurrence of any such week, and the individual shall have no further right to any balance in that Extended Benefit Account."

I was able to point to strong evidence to prove that I had been paid federal recovery act benefits improperly due to a historic implementation mistake that had been published by the federal Department of Labor Employment & Training Administration (in August on 2008, by Robert Wagner the Chief of Special Benefits and others, in UIPL 23-08 change 1+ which was issued to ALL states nationwide to advise them how to implement the EUC08 program and the billions of dollars in ARRA funds meant for our weak economy and millions of struggling workers and families).
(the "Multiple EUC Claims" MISTAKE that has wasted billions of dollars from the Q&A under section D7 is what caused my state to deny me the funds my appeal restored)

The illegal noncompliant EUC08 Policy in writing Photos by corazonroto512 | Photobucket
(the EUC08 program policy implementation error about the "applicable benefit year" that led to the illegal and harmful EUC08 program Q&A response above that have affected millions)

My 10/20/11 still standing decision in a California administrative court of law contradicts how the government is illegally implementing the federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation program (EUC08), and exposes abuses of authority by multiple state and federal officials, but nobody will act except to delay and cover up Public Corruption and Economic Stimulus Fraud despite what they say at the Department of Justice and FBI:

Home • About Us • What We Investigate • Public Corruption, Economic Stimulus Fraud

FBI — Potential Stimulus Fraud
FBI — Stimulus Fraud
FBI — Public Corruption
"It’s our top priority among criminal investigations—and for good reason."

Official Misconduct
(18 U.S.C. § 241, 18 U.S.C. § 242)
Civil Rights Division Home Page
Intentional acts by law enforcement officials who misuse their positions to unlawfully deprive individuals of constitutional rights, such as the right to be free from unwarranted assaults, illegal arrests and searches, and theft of property.

(like the federal Department of Labor officials conspiring to interfere with and subvert the results of a standing state of California court decision to make sure no precedent decision was set, no investigations started nor federal funds paid based on the strong evidence that refuted their EUC08 program implementation errors, while threatening millions of other citizens with the loss of their emergency designated recovery act funds to make sure the state agencies would obey their illegal demands and their mistakes would remain undiscovered).
USAM 8-3.000 Enforcement of Civil Rights Criminal Statutes

But, despite this information and many other oversight requirements under multiple laws/regulations, our government refuses to investigate themselves to restore these benefits to the millions of victims that were denied ARRA emergency designated benefits due to government/public corruption, abuse of authority, malfeasance in office, ARRA Fraud and Improper Payments, subverting and interfering in a state appeal determination by federal officials, and the violations of numerous rights, laws and regulations that I have detailed here in this post:

Economic Stimulus Fraud and Public Corruption

Federal officials at the Department of Labor have made a historic implementation error in the EUC08 Program that violates three of their own federal regulations at Title 20 Chapter V Part 615. This affects millions of claimants for emergency benefits. This affects the Recovery Act (ARRA of 2009), the Improper Payments Act, The Inspector General Act, Public Law 110-252 and 111-205 (HR4213 that "Part Time Penalty EUC08 Fix"). This also affects the Unemployment Rate and the Extended Benefits last 20 Weeks of emergency aid (triggers for EB are based on the unemployment rate over a three month look back trigger). Billions of ARRA, state and federal dollars have been wasted implementing a recovery program that has serious errors and flaws that violate federal law and regulations.

The bigger problem: the government has been exposed trying to subvert my efforts post appeal. I tried to make this case a precedent so other claimants nationwide would benefit from the same victory against the same ERROR they were affected by. They ignored the precedent request and got caught (see scans below). They cut a secret deal to keep this out of court and pay me state funds to cover this up (see FOIA documents below that exposed this). They made illegal threats to end benefits for ALL California claimants if a precedent was set (see scans below). I have exposed this all and they still won't respond, especially before the election (the White House was notified about this last November 2011...see scans below):

1. This is my appeal victory in CUIAB Case A0-265448 from 10/20/2011 that refuted the Department of Labor and California EDD's EUC08 implementation (and every other state's too). I challenged the "Multiple EUC Claim Error" that forced me to be paid from an older and lesser remaining EUC08 account balance from an older benefit year that should have been terminated and ignored. I lost $2786 dollars due to the EUC08 implementation error by the Federal Department of Labor (published in UiPL 23-08 Change 1 Q&A #7 on August 15, 2008). This mistake also caused me to fail the HR4213/Part Time Penalty "fix" from Public Law 111-205, because the "older benefit year" was before the eligibility date. My appeal victory fixed this problem and I was paid based on the MOST RECENT BENEFIT YEAR while ALL older ones were ignored (20 CFR 615.5(2))........ Case A0265448 Victory on October 20 2

2. THIS is the POLICY MISTAKE I refuted, given to me by the Department of Labor just Prior to my appeal victory above (they paid me and millions of others nationwide EUC08 improperly from an older and terminated claim for lesser benefits that should have been closed in the first place with no entitlement to ANY remaining balance):
The illegal noncompliant EUC08 Policy in writing Photos by corazonroto512 | Photobucket
(what the DOL said IN WRITING on October 7, 2011 that WAS REFUTED on 10/20/11 by my appeal victory. I challenged this POLICY ERROR and had it REFUTED for ME ONLY. Millions of other victims have not had their rights restored due to the FRAUD that is meant to cover up their errors and my appeal victory)

3. 1990s EUC Implementation and Applicable Benefit Year
1990s Department of Labor EUC implementation Photos by corazonroto512 | Photobucket

4. Rashawne Lowe Case NJ/PA Courts
Rashawn Lowe Applicable Benefit Year Case Photos by corazonroto512 | Photobucket

5. Federal Regulations for EUC08 (and Extended Benefits as a whole)
Regulations for Extended Benefits Photos by corazonroto512 | Photobucket

6. What the DOL did to subvert my appeal case and precedent/investigation requests
Department of Labor Abuse of Authority Photos by corazonroto512 | Photobucket

7. And How California Agencies caved in to the threats above
California EDD and CUIAB Abuse of Authority Photos by corazonroto512 | Photobucket

8. White House notified before the election about my appeal victory and efforts
White House notified about CUIAB Case A0-265448 Photos by corazonroto512 | Photobucket

All my Evidence on Photobucket with comments/highlights (scroll to bottom of document):
Abuse of Authority All Documents Photos by corazonroto512 | Photobucket (the 1-26 scans with highlights and more comments all the way through)

The Change.Org Petition:
Department of Labor Errors are Robbing the Unemployed out of Recovery Aid

Looks like ACLU territory to me, just a thought. You should contact them.

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