Dennis Miller: Feminists Hate Sarah Palin Because She and Todd Have Great Sex

You going to have to fastforward to 1:40 minute mark.
Homo homini lupus. Man is a wolf to man or in this case woman is a wolf to woman.

Dennis Miller's my man. Has some interesting thoughts about Obama.

Pat Dollard | Young Americans | Blog Archive Dennis Miller: Feminists Hate Sarah Palin Because She And Todd Have Great Sex

Dennis used to be cool... he's retarded now, but there was a time he was funny.

My favorite of his is "have you ever noticeed that no one gives their life to
[G-d] until they've [f'd] it up so badly there's nothing else they can do with it"?

and on term limits:

"Stop us before we vote again".
Dennis used to be cool... he's retarded now, but there was a time he was funny.

My favorite of his is "have you ever noticeed that no one gives their life to
[G-d] until they've [f'd] it up so badly there's nothing else they can do with it"?

and on term limits:

"Stop us before we vote again".

said the raging feminist?
Most feminists are hot.

The trouble is that they're not. The feminist movement lost a lot of credibility when they decided not to go against Bill Clinton even when the rumors were proved true. They still supported him!

Dennis Miller has been around for decades and there's a reason why. He speaks the truth. To liberals, he's fingernails on the blackboard...
i disagree with a lot of what he thinks but, fuck it, Dennis Miller is not only one of the funniest motherfuckers out there but could verbally pimp slap you using words that you've probably never even heard of. He's a smart guy and I can respect him a lot more than Hannity types.
I rarely rage. If anyone were truly interested in discussing why women found the palin pick insulting, then it's worth a chat. Otherwise, it's just the rightwingers raging at the moon.

Too bad. I haven't met a raging feminist in a long time. Did women find the Palin pick insulting?

The impression I had was that it all depended on Palin's politics. If you were a McCain fan--then you found reasons to back Palin--soccer mom--flannel shirt--moose hunter--pretty etc.

If you were an Obama fan, you were more interested in her political deficiti--lack of knowledge and experience--religious extremism--abuse of power.

The truth is no VP pick would have pushed McCain over the top. Voteres saw him as more of the failed Bushco.
Yeah, I'm sure that's it.

Dennis Miller needs to get out of the bible belt; that feminazi type joke is about 20 years old. Most feminists are hot.
Real hot:

I'd bet anything, glock, that if you took the average age of those gals and compared it with your age, while posting your picture, you'd back right the hell off using that dogs image ever again.
Michelle Obama is hot. That's the most unflattering photo I've ever seen of her.

She is beautiful.
elizabeth hesslebeck is 31, dude. You wanna start posting images of 31 year old liberals or would you rather continue to prove my point. Indeed, political ideology sure is a factor in aging, isn't it?

And do you REALLY want to talk about old people who don't age well with all the fat, old white bald dudes in your party?
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