DEMS. stacking town hall meetings--Union thugs guarding doors


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Well--the call out to the SS (the sheeple squad) worked in Tampa Bay over the weekend--but unfortunately for democrats--it was all caught on video.

The man who video taped the incident--stated that the town hall was capable of holding 200 people. When the doors were opened for the lined up crowd outside--low & behold 1/2 of the chamber was already seated in the front rows--indicating that this was organized by the dems. to stuff their own people in there first--before the outside crowd was let in. :clap2:

Then we see a young average sized woman who is trying to get around these 3--300 lb. guys screaming that her father is inside with cancer. The irony--her father has been a registered democrat for the last 28 years She finally manuvers around them to get to her father--then the doors shut & here are these 3-300 lb. guys standing in front of the doors so no one can hear what is going on inside this chamber.

NOW--this all could have been so easily avoided. Simply by this President & Congress using their power on national T.V. to explain in DETAIL what this plan is--how much is it going to cost & exactly who is going to pay for it & how.

Details on what does it mean-- when Obama states: "Sometimes it's better just to take the pain pill versus having the surgery." We have simply been left to assume that we will become a nation--addicted to prescription pain pills-- knowing that long term use of prescription pain medications will destroy ones kidneys & heart.

The real slap in the face, is knowing that the senate has 4 more versions of reform that are still in committee--that no one knows about--of which one of them might be a much better plan--than the one that they are trying to shove down our throats.

A new poll out today 8/10/09 shows that 51% of Americans trust their private insurance companies over Government.
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I brought this up days ago and was called partsian.

This is not a 'townhall' its an attempt at echo chamber.

Trying to force a policy on people they don't like and don't want never works out well.
Ads are appearing on Craigslist in search of people willing to “Help Pass Obama’s Health Care Reform!…Earn $325-$550 per week.” Political “activists”, some who can't even read the signs they are holding, are being paid to attend town hall meetings on behalf of Obamacare.

Politcal "Activists" Paid to Show Support for Obamacare | Red County

I'm finding links all over the place on Craigslist for these types of "jobs" offered by The Fund for the Public Interest - Citizen Outreach Staff - call Natasha at 415-622-0064. They've been posting for almost two weeks now. The ads are targeted/oriented to high school and/or college students as an alternative of working behind a cash register.

A quick review showed at least 15 California metro area ads with titles such as:

***Help Cure the Health Care Crisis 11-16$ per hour***

Make social change - Help Pass Obama's Health Care Reform!!!

Work to Pass Obama's Plans this Summer! Earn $9-14/hr!

*** HELP PASS OBAMA'S HEALTH CARE PLAN !!! $10-15/hr****
I brought this up days ago and was called partsian.

This is not a 'townhall' its an attempt at echo chamber.

Trying to force a policy on people they don't like and don't want never works out well.

So much for the protestors being organized. Right now the White House has 4 different web-sites over this plan--that basically a supporter of Obama--can click a button--have a flyer automatically printed out for them that they can deliver to their congressmen/woman--LOL. Confirming again that Obama voters need a lot of help in making their own decisions about anything.

Yet the protestors are called Astroturf--Nazi's & now un-American--all lead by right wing groups? :cuckoo:

I'll tell you if this keeps up we are going to see a sumani roll right through the House of Representatives in 2010.
Ads are appearing on Craigslist in search of people willing to “Help Pass Obama’s Health Care Reform!…Earn $325-$550 per week.” Political “activists”, some who can't even read the signs they are holding, are being paid to attend town hall meetings on behalf of Obamacare.

Politcal "Activists" Paid to Show Support for Obamacare | Red County

I'm finding links all over the place on Craigslist for these types of "jobs" offered by The Fund for the Public Interest - Citizen Outreach Staff - call Natasha at 415-622-0064. They've been posting for almost two weeks now. The ads are targeted/oriented to high school and/or college students as an alternative of working behind a cash register.

A quick review showed at least 15 California metro area ads with titles such as:

***Help Cure the Health Care Crisis 11-16$ per hour***

Make social change - Help Pass Obama's Health Care Reform!!!

Work to Pass Obama's Plans this Summer! Earn $9-14/hr!

*** HELP PASS OBAMA'S HEALTH CARE PLAN !!! $10-15/hr****

Acorn will be all over that kind of money. "The paid for volunteers" to show up at these town halls--LOL
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Well--the call out to the SS (the sheeple squad) worked in Tampa Bay over the weekend--but unfortunately for democrats--it was all caught on video.

The man who video taped the incident--stated that the town hall was capable of holding 200 people. When the doors were opened for the lined up crowd outside--low & behold 1/2 of the chamber was already seated in the front rows--indicating that this was organized by the dems. to stuff their own people in there first--before the outside crowd was let in. :clap2:

Then we see a young average sized woman who is trying to get around these 3--300 lb. guys screaming that her father is inside with cancer. The irony--her father has been a registered democrat for the last 28 years She finally manuvers around them to get to her father--then the doors shut & here are these 3-300 lb. guys standing in front of the doors so no one can hear what is going on inside this chamber.

NOW--this all could have been so easily avoided. Simply by this President & Congress using their power on national T.V. to explain in DETAIL what this plan is--how much is it going to cost & exactly who is going to pay for it & how.

Details on what does it mean-- when Obama states: Sometimes it's better just to take the pain pill versus having the surgery.

We have simply been left to assume that we will become a nation--addicted to prescription pain pills-- knowing that long term use of prescription pain medications will destroy ones kidneys & heart.

The real slap in the face, is knowing that the senate has 4 more versions of reform that are still in committee--that no one knows about--of which one of them might be a much better plan--than the one that they are trying to shove down our throats.

A new poll out today 8/10/09 shows that 51% of Americans trust their private insurance companies over Government.

rassenreports-0-0 Copy of Home

Just curious, what evidence is there that the "thugs" guarding a town hall (with good reason) had anything to do with any union?
Well--the call out to the SS (the sheeple squad) worked in Tampa Bay over the weekend--but unfortunately for democrats--it was all caught on video.

The man who video taped the incident--stated that the town hall was capable of holding 200 people. When the doors were opened for the lined up crowd outside--low & behold 1/2 of the chamber was already seated in the front rows--indicating that this was organized by the dems. to stuff their own people in there first--before the outside crowd was let in. :clap2:

Then we see a young average sized woman who is trying to get around these 3--300 lb. guys screaming that her father is inside with cancer. The irony--her father has been a registered democrat for the last 28 years She finally manuvers around them to get to her father--then the doors shut & here are these 3-300 lb. guys standing in front of the doors so no one can hear what is going on inside this chamber.

NOW--this all could have been so easily avoided. Simply by this President & Congress using their power on national T.V. to explain in DETAIL what this plan is--how much is it going to cost & exactly who is going to pay for it & how.

Details on what does it mean-- when Obama states: Sometimes it's better just to take the pain pill versus having the surgery.

We have simply been left to assume that we will become a nation--addicted to prescription pain pills-- knowing that long term use of prescription pain medications will destroy ones kidneys & heart.

The real slap in the face, is knowing that the senate has 4 more versions of reform that are still in committee--that no one knows about--of which one of them might be a much better plan--than the one that they are trying to shove down our throats.

A new poll out today 8/10/09 shows that 51% of Americans trust their private insurance companies over Government.

rassenreports-0-0 Copy of Home

Just curious, what evidence is there that the "thugs" guarding a town hall (with good reason) had anything to do with any union?
The man that was video taping the incident actually got a card from one of them. They were from the pipe-fitters union.

Oddly enough the man that was video taping is a former teamster. Again--showing that these town hall protestors that are opposed to this bill are democrats-independents & republicans.
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Well--the call out to the SS (the sheeple squad) worked in Tampa Bay over the weekend--but unfortunately for democrats--it was all caught on video.

The man who video taped the incident--stated that the town hall was capable of holding 200 people. When the doors were opened for the lined up crowd outside--low & behold 1/2 of the chamber was already seated in the front rows--indicating that this was organized by the dems. to stuff their own people in there first--before the outside crowd was let in. :clap2:

Then we see a young average sized woman who is trying to get around these 3--300 lb. guys screaming that her father is inside with cancer. The irony--her father has been a registered democrat for the last 28 years She finally manuvers around them to get to her father--then the doors shut & here are these 3-300 lb. guys standing in front of the doors so no one can hear what is going on inside this chamber.

NOW--this all could have been so easily avoided. Simply by this President & Congress using their power on national T.V. to explain in DETAIL what this plan is--how much is it going to cost & exactly who is going to pay for it & how.

Details on what does it mean-- when Obama states: Sometimes it's better just to take the pain pill versus having the surgery.

We have simply been left to assume that we will become a nation--addicted to prescription pain pills-- knowing that long term use of prescription pain medications will destroy ones kidneys & heart.

The real slap in the face, is knowing that the senate has 4 more versions of reform that are still in committee--that no one knows about--of which one of them might be a much better plan--than the one that they are trying to shove down our throats.

A new poll out today 8/10/09 shows that 51% of Americans trust their private insurance companies over Government.

rassenreports-0-0 Copy of Home

Just curious, what evidence is there that the "thugs" guarding a town hall (with good reason) had anything to do with any union?
The man that was video taping the incident actually got a card from one of them. They were from the pipe-fitters union.

Oddly enough the man that was video taping is a former teamster. Again--showing that these town hall protestors that are opposed to this bill are democrats-independents & republicans.

Link to that?
Just curious, what evidence is there that the "thugs" guarding a town hall (with good reason) had anything to do with any union?
The man that was video taping the incident actually got a card from one of them. They were from the pipe-fitters union.

Oddly enough the man that was video taping is a former teamster. Again--showing that these town hall protestors that are opposed to this bill are democrats-independents & republicans.

Link to that?

Nope no link yet--just heard the interview with the man who video taped this incident--it was on Fox News--Hannity--8/10/09.

Typically the link will not come out until the next day--but you may be able to get the video of this incident on youtube?
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I saw the interview along with the video and found the guy to be credible.
I saw the interview along with the video and found the guy to be credible.

Yeah--he was credible--thankfully he brought his video camera with him. When he was asked a question he didn't know--he stated he didn't know--which is always a clue that one is being honest.
They were tyring to grab at his camera too, maybe to take it away. He wasn't sure but hands were upon his camera.
They were tyring to grab at his camera too, maybe to take it away. He wasn't sure but hands were upon his camera.

He also mentioned something about another web-site that has a video of this instance--but I didn't catch where it was. I think something to prove that this meeting was organized & that the web-site was proof that they let in supporters of the Obama plan first? Do you remember the name of the site he quoted?
They were tyring to grab at his camera too, maybe to take it away. He wasn't sure but hands were upon his camera.

He also mentioned something about another web-site that has a video of this instance--but I didn't catch where it was. I think something to prove that this meeting was organized & that the web-site was proof that they let in supporters of the Obama plan first? Do you remember the name of the site he quoted?
no but hopefully they will have that transcript up by morning. I was watching as I was typing so missed that.
So... Why do those 3 large citizens have any authority at all to block the doors? This is gasoline looking for a spark and I hope it does not end in bloodshed.

Dont get between an American and his right to speak to his representative or somebody is gonna get hurt.
Not very surprising. I'm sure there were some ACORN Thugs there as well. I think it's hilarious watching Hopey Changey claim that the protests are "manufactured" when everyone knows that his town hall meetings are all manufactured scams. This coming from a guy who routinely stages and rigs his "Press Conferences." Oh well just another sad Hopey Changey scam i guess.

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