Dems Say Border Is Secure, Illegal Crossings Down, No Wall Needed - Meet Jose Olegario Lopez


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Experts say where a wall / barrier is used illegal border crossing / crossing attempts go down 90+ percent.
- Democrats say we don't need it. The Border is secure, illegal crossings / crossing attempts are down - not needed.

They should meet Jose Olegario Lopez. In fact, since SoH Pelosi refuses to attend briefings by the Border Patrol or ICE and claims they are lying, they should walk Jose Olegario Lopez into her DC office and introduce her to him.

Jose Olegario Lopez is a 44yo MEXICAN NATIONAL from the state of Sinaloa.

Lopez was recently stopped by the police after refusing to pull over and having to be forcibly stopped. When they searched him they found traces of cocaine on his body. A further search resulted in the police finding multiple individually wrapped packages containing 2.35 pounds of cocaine, worth $106,000, and 16.7 pounds of methamphetamine, with an estimated street value of more than $750,000.

'Authorities charged Lopez with two first-degree felony counts of possessing a controlled substance with intent to distribute, one count of failing to respond to obey an officer, and one class A misdemeanor charge of drug paraphernalia possession.'

Yes, Jose Olegario Lopez is in the United States ILLEGALLY. but he is not JUST an ILLEGAL Thug / Drug Dealer. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials confirmed that Lopez is in the U.S. illegally and has been busted for illegally re-entering the country eight times ... through our 'secure' borders.

'Lopez is not the only eight-time deportee to make headlines. One judge threw the book at a Honduran national who had been deported from the U.S. eight times, sentencing the illegal alien to five years in federal prison.'

While refusing to negotiate with the President or compromise regarding Border Wall Funding, Pelosi's fellow Democrats have called for the elimination of ICE, the 2nd biggest law enforcement agency in the US - responsible for dealing with 8-TIME BORDER-CROSSING POS Criminal ILLEGALS like Lopez and are continuing to illegally run, operate, fund, and protect illegal Sanctuary Cities that protect 8-TIME BORDER-CROSSING POS Criminal ILLEGALS like Lopez.

While Pelosi, Schumer, and other Democrats are CLAIMING they advocate secure borders and enforcement of US law, they have actually chosen to stand with 8-TIME BORDER-CROSSING POS Criminal ILLEGALS like Lopez instead of the American people to keep the borders open, to prevent US Laws from being enforced, to continue to operate illegal Sanctuary cities at US Tax Payer cost, and to allow 8-TIME BORDER-CROSSING POS Criminal ILLEGALS like Lopez to keep coming across our border.

Eight-Time Deportee Accused of Trafficking $850,000 in Meth, Cocaine
Good then they can all build their mini mansions on the border of fences dems....
Illegal immigration is increasing, not decreasing, we need the wall, as per the border patrol
Well they caught him. Wonder how many are never caught??

Build the wall and they won't be getting in. Once its built we can boot those that are here out and they won't be able to get back in.

Works for me and millions of other Americans.
Experts say where a wall / barrier is used illegal border crossing / crossing attempts go down 90+ percent.
- Democrats say we don't need it. The Border is secure, illegal crossings / crossing attempts are down - not needed.

They should meet Jose Olegario Lopez. In fact, since SoH Pelosi refuses to attend briefings by the Border Patrol or ICE and claims they are lying, they should walk Jose Olegario Lopez into her DC office and introduce her to him.

Jose Olegario Lopez is a 44yo MEXICAN NATIONAL from the state of Sinaloa.

Lopez was recently stopped by the police after refusing to pull over and having to be forcibly stopped. When they searched him they found traces of cocaine on his body. A further search resulted in the police finding multiple individually wrapped packages containing 2.35 pounds of cocaine, worth $106,000, and 16.7 pounds of methamphetamine, with an estimated street value of more than $750,000.

'Authorities charged Lopez with two first-degree felony counts of possessing a controlled substance with intent to distribute, one count of failing to respond to obey an officer, and one class A misdemeanor charge of drug paraphernalia possession.'

Yes, Jose Olegario Lopez is in the United States ILLEGALLY. but he is not JUST an ILLEGAL Thug / Drug Dealer. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials confirmed that Lopez is in the U.S. illegally and has been busted for illegally re-entering the country eight times ... through our 'secure' borders.

'Lopez is not the only eight-time deportee to make headlines. One judge threw the book at a Honduran national who had been deported from the U.S. eight times, sentencing the illegal alien to five years in federal prison.'

While refusing to negotiate with the President or compromise regarding Border Wall Funding, Pelosi's fellow Democrats have called for the elimination of ICE, the 2nd biggest law enforcement agency in the US - responsible for dealing with 8-TIME BORDER-CROSSING POS Criminal ILLEGALS like Lopez and are continuing to illegally run, operate, fund, and protect illegal Sanctuary Cities that protect 8-TIME BORDER-CROSSING POS Criminal ILLEGALS like Lopez.

While Pelosi, Schumer, and other Democrats are CLAIMING they advocate secure borders and enforcement of US law, they have actually chosen to stand with 8-TIME BORDER-CROSSING POS Criminal ILLEGALS like Lopez instead of the American people to keep the borders open, to prevent US Laws from being enforced, to continue to operate illegal Sanctuary cities at US Tax Payer cost, and to allow 8-TIME BORDER-CROSSING POS Criminal ILLEGALS like Lopez to keep coming across our border.

Eight-Time Deportee Accused of Trafficking $850,000 in Meth, Cocaine
Another big laugh.
No mention of our white boys who kill school kids and church goers?
But one brown guy?
Still don't know the def of snowflake ?
You are a picture perfect one - original pro slavery white boys.
You are a proud one
Another big laugh. No mention of our white boys who kill school kids and church goers?
Why would there be, snowflake? This thread's topic is not about any of that would-be distracting crap. If you would like to discuss that, start your own thread about it. If not, please stick to the topic of discussion that has made you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to hijack the thread.....
Another big laugh. No mention of our white boys who kill school kids and church goers?
Why would there be, snowflake? This thread's topic is not about any of that would-be distracting crap. If you would like to discuss that, start your own thread about it. If not, please stick to the topic of discussion that has made you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to hijack the thread.....
Just pointing out your snowflake ignorance.
Distracting crap. ?
Let's stick to immigrants crimes.
You do know they commit fewer than we native rubes?
And the paranoi about one immigrant murder is hilarious.
You never quote both sides, doesn't make it into your knees news and hannity brain I guess
Half a Million Illegals a year that we know of coming in to this country and immediately going on Welfare is an Invasion.
I bet the border patrol agents here in Texas would like to kick the living shit out of RW pricks who say they arent doing their job, and not protecting the border. The vast majority of all you anti immigration worms have never been to the Texas border, so do yourself a favor, and come visit,

"There are now 77 major or significant Walls built around the world, with 45 countries planning or building Walls. Over 800 miles of Walls have been built in Europe since only 2015. They have all been recognized as close to 100% successful. Stop the crime at our Southern Border!" - Trump
"There are now 77 major or significant Walls built around the world, with 45 countries planning or building Walls. Over 800 miles of Walls have been built in Europe since only 2015. They have all been recognized as close to 100% successful. Stop the crime at our Southern Border!" - Trump
I guess you forgot the Great Wall and hadrians?
Didn't work.
Has trump been reading history again.?
Took a break from lusting after his daughter?

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