Dems Question Kerry's strategy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004

Looks like there are some Democrats seriously questioning what Kerry is doing. I dont blame them.

I have some questions about the strategy of the speakers chosen to speak at the convention. I can understand having Clinton speak. Maybe even Al Gore but alot of the speakers chose to speak add nothing to the convention and are just way out there. Teddy Kennedy for what. How is having him speak going to help Kerry? Is Kerry that worried about losing the massachusetts liberal vote? Seriously I would think he would have some of the Democrat governors and senators from some of the swing states, or some of the states Kerry would like to make swing states speaking. First one that comes to mind is Governor Rendell. I mean i hate the guy but he is the governor of Pennsylvania a major swing state that Kerry wants to win. I would think he would have him speaker just the local media would cover it more. President Bush is using the strategy well with having Arnold and McCain speak at the covention. But it seems foreign to Kerry. Kerry could have Governor McGreevy(sp?) of New Jersey speak or Congressman Gephardt of Missouri speak. Im just not seeing alot of strategy in those choices. What was he thinking putting Carter up there to complain about foriegn policy? Or having his wife speak? I mean you would think Kerry would take this more seriously.
Avatar4321 said:
Im just not seeing alot of strategy in those choices. What was he thinking putting Carter up there to complain about foriegn policy?

Didn't he win a nobel peace price not long ago? I do not like the guy but generally nobel peace price winners are respected for their views on foriegn policy by alot of people.

Or having his wife speak? I mean you would think Kerry would take this more seriously.

I think that is a tradition, but then again I generally do not pay close attention to these tax payer funded politcal ads.
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tpahl said:
Didn't he win a nobel peace price not long ago? I do not like the guy but generally nobel peace price winners are respected for their views on foriegn policy by alot of people.

I think that is a tradition, but then again I generally do not pay close attention to these tax payer funded politcal ads.

I could care less about tradition. I doubt they do either. i just think its an incredibly stupid set up. I could probably take the Democrat party and give them some sort of credible chance against Bush. I wouldnt but i could easily come up with like 100 ways to improve Kerry's campaign.

As for Carter, I couldnt care less if they gave him the nobel peace prize. its been a joke since they nominated Yassar Arafat for it. Carter's incompetance is directly and indirectly responsible for every member of the Axis of Evil. He betrayed our ally against the Soviets in Iran and gave us a hostile government there. which triggered Saddams takeover of Iraq. He also negociated the deal with the North Korea where he had them promise to stop building nuclear weapons and if they would we would give them food and nuclear power. I mean what kind of person does something so incredibly stupid. He did nothing to deserve any peace prize. The only reason he won it was so the Europeans could make a political statement against Bush.
Whew-----If having Teresa speak was suppose to help,they'd better rethink thier strategy quickly. I challenge anyone to try to tell me that her speaking helped the party one iota. I can't imagine having her represent my country at a hog calling contest. Do we get the Gabor sisters next?
Avatar4321 said:
I could care less about tradition.

As for Carter, I couldnt care less if they gave him the nobel peace prize.

I agree. But you asked why the democrats did it. I beleive that is their reasons why.


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