Dems looking to cut and run from NC


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Dems loved NC when they were swept up in the Obama hype in 08. They loved them when they thought they were a swing state that they could steal again. But at the first sign that the far left narrative of gay marriage is not resonating; they're ready to cut and run and dump the convention.

NC'ers have to be saying, GOOD! It's about the economy stupid! Get the hell out losers!

But what swing state are they going to run to? Ohio has already banned gay marriage. Virginia hates Obamacare and they passed a gay marriage ban. Florida, Nevada, Colorado and Wisconsin passed gay marriage bans. Iowa had their gay marriage ban overturned by activist judges. I don't think they're looking for a demagogue to come in and lecture them after the fact.

So where is Obama going to go? It probably can't be a state where he was really close in the polls. Michigan? Detroit seems like the proper sheeot hole for him. He can go there and trump up his imaginary tale of how he saved the auto industry.

Democrats Having Second Thoughts About Charlotte - 2012 Decoded
Not a chance, dupe/KKK LOL

We'll educate the regressed to the facts- memorize my sig.

And thanks for the DEPRESSION, Pubbies! Great job! I know, tax cuts for the rich, destroy Medicare, and a W clone. Insanity!
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Not a chance, dupe/KKK LOL

We'll educate the regressed to the facts- memorize my sig.

And thanks for the DEPRESSION, Pubbies! Great job! I know, tax cuts for the rich, destroy Medicare, and a W clone. Insanity!

And another post of incoherent blather from franco.

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