Dems in the bunker


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
There's an increasing frantic desperation to the actions of Dem politicians lately. They wanted to use reconciliation to nationalize US health care, then, failing that, they now just want to imagine they passed ObamaCare.

It's clear that the panic and terror set in immediately after losing the Kennedy seat in a state where a whopping 11% are registered Republicans. Maybe Corzine sucked, maybe Deeds was a lackluster candidate, but losing the Kennedy seat? That's big. That's dinosaur killing asteroid big.

Nancy and Barry know their time is up. They are on the precipice of a historic 100+ seat loss in the House and the likely loss of every Senate election in 2010. Against that backdrop, they have sealed themselves in the bunker, free from the voices of the American people.

Nancy is handing cyanide pills to the BlueDogs and asking them if they'd mind washing it down with ObamaCare KoolAid, just to be sure.

The Neo-Marxists are trapped and out of options and it won't end pretty.
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Love it. These guys had so much politcial capital and they expended it on utter nonsense... it's difficult to even contemplate that faced with TRILLIOINS in deficits and massive unemployment, they'd pick as their bellwether.... more massive spending. It has become their Waterloo.

This is the most corrupt and incompetent bunch I think I have seen in my lifetime.
Gotta agree.

How often does either party have a SUPERMAJORITY and can't do shit.

They call the Reps the party of no. The Dems are the party of INEPTITUDE.
As for Obama.. the great unifier has become the great divider.. ignoring all data suggesting that the public by and large want no part of this fiasco.. he trudges on like just another elitist who fiures we just don't know what's good for us.
Gotta agree.

How often does either party have a SUPERMAJORITY and can't do shit.

They call the Reps the party of no. The Dems are the party of INEPTITUDE.

Any Democrat that disagrees with this statement is either in denial or just plain lying. The Dems didn't need a SINGLE Rep vote to pass healthcare legislation and still could not get it done. Furthermore, because the Dems in Congress could not stop their infighting, Obama chose/was forced to take up shady backroom political moves that he had once campaigned to end. The Dems have no one to blame for this debacle but themselves. Don't misunderstand me. I can't stand the Republicans, either, as I do not believe they are looking out for the best interests of the people, but the Dems had everything they needed to do whatever they wanted, and they fucked it up.
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Or could it be that the "stupid" public realizes this has not that much to do with healthcare as it has to do with just another power/money grab?
This is what happens when the President places too much political capital on a single issue. The Democrats are so vested in this, they can't step back and look at the big picture. Waiting for a vote until they return from the Easter break (even though we can't call it that), will help them hear their public and maybe rethink the approach.

As a liberal you may not agree with my wait and listen idea. Stop and think. Just why is it that Pelosi wants a vote BEFORE the break? Has she not stated it needs to happen now because of the pressure voters might put on the Dems at home? The cry of don't listen to the public really speaks volumes.
There's an increasing frantic desperation to the actions of Dem politicians lately. They wanted to use reconciliation to nationalize US health care, then, failing that, they now just want to imagine they passed ObamaCare.

It's clear that the panic and terror set in immediately after losing the Kennedy seat in a state where a whopping 11% are registered Republicans. Maybe Corzine sucked, maybe Deeds was a lackluster candidate, but losing the Kennedy seat? That's big. That's dinosaur killing asteroid big.

Nancy and Barry know their time is up. They are on the precipice of a historic 100+ seat loss in the House and the likely loss of every Senate election in 2010. Against that backdrop, they have sealed themselves in the bunker, free from the voices of the American people.

Nancy is handing cyanide pills to the BlueDogs and asking them if they'd mind washing it down with ObamaCare KoolAid, just to be sure.

The Neo-Marxists are trapped and out of options and it won't end pretty.
At the risk of being called a Fucktard here and ganged up on by the disillusioned Leftists on this board, let me offer my support and agreement with your sentiments.
I think it's great that many Dems are not behind this bill. It shows there there are those out there listening to their constituents and no matter the pressure from the higher ups, are still holding their ground. Dems should be proud of those holding their ground whether they agree with them or not.

On the other hand, the Dems should be skeptical of their leadership for not being able to convince enough Republicans that this is great for the USA. If it were so great, wouldn't a few Republicans help push the yea votes to the top? Or is it possible that the majority of all Republican constituents agree that this bill should not be passed? If this bill is sooo great, why is the minority kicking ass?
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I think it's great that many Dems are not behind this bill. It shows there there are those out there listening to their constituents and no matter the pressure from the higher ups, are still holding their ground. Dems should be proud of those holding their ground whether they agree with them or not.

On the other hand, the Dems should be skeptical of their leadership for not being able to convince enough Republicans that this is great for the USA. If it were so great, wouldn't a few Republicans help push the yea votes to the top? Or is it possible that the majority of all Republican constituents agree that this bill should not be passed? If this bill is sooo great, why is the minority kicking ass?
The minority is kicking ass because they have the backing of the majority of Americans.

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