Demonstrators shut down an intersection in Westwood, CA protesting the end of DACA


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
They filled the intersection with metal bunk beds – the type commonly seen in immigrant detention facilities and jails – while others stood hand in hand in the moddle of crosswalks as drivers honked incessantly.
The demonstrators held up signs referring to DACA, and chanted phrases like “stop deportation,” and “black lives matter”. The LAPD declared an unlawful assembly and threatened to arrest the demonstrators. Nine people were taken into custody.




if someone blocked their cars/family's car/mom's car/ etc they would go crazy...
I say we block the protest leaders' moms' and families' cars ...see how they like it
Shoot them or run them over. Very simple fix to this...

At whst poibt so we finally FORCE these animals to act civilized? This cannot be allowed to continue, especially considering ANTIFAs November 4th proclamation.
Shoot them or run them over. Very simple fix to this...

At whst poibt so we finally FORCE these animals to act civilized? This cannot be allowed to continue, especially considering ANTIFAs November 4th proclamation.
Go right ahead and do it yourself......why be lazy and tell other people to do your work for you?
Shoot them or run them over. Very simple fix to this...

At whst poibt so we finally FORCE these animals to act civilized? This cannot be allowed to continue, especially considering ANTIFAs November 4th proclamation.
Go right ahead and do it yourself......why be lazy and tell other people to do your work for you?
there was a somewhat small protest near me....a guy with a bullhorn was right in the middle of the street--I kept going--slowly--and he got out of the way..but it was a white guy--and not many in the street
but here's one:
Car breaks through protesters shutting down I-70 on ‘Moral Monday’
the protesters are one of the reasons Trump got elected....Hillary was for these idiots..she backed them up
thank you protesters
she sympathized with black CRIMINALS' families!!
I've met many respectable latinos who believe we need to build the wall & deport illegal immigrants. They know how horrible it is down in Mexico & they know how long the process was to become a US citizen. It's not fair to them that these illegal aliens are cutting the line.
I hate the BLM sleazebags. They riot, loot, attack and beat innocent people, block other people from going about their business, block streets, burn buildings. They contribute NOTHING positive to this country, imo. And these DACA clowns are just as bad. I used to feel some sympathy for them, but their actions have turned that into a strong dislike for them.

I wish the police would start doing their jobs in all of these protests. Arrest these assholes, impose heavy fines. Shoot the fucking looters. When DACA rioters break our laws, they should be arrested and quickly deported. Stop farting around with all these thugs, misfits, losers, and trouble-makers.

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