Demographically, who would vote for a Republican?


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
I have been trying to figure out who Republicans have not offended since Obama became president, to figure out who would vote for their candidates come November.

Here is how American voters cast for Obama.

95% of black voters went to the ballot for Obama ~ Blacks & Republicans? LOL! I don't think so when their base is full of racist White Supremest casting David Dukes name around and running Obama down constantly with attacks later proved to be lies. ie. death panals, Birthers, vacations, etc.

66% of Hispanic voters turned out for Obama - the best ever result for a Democrat. Yet Republicans denounced the Supreme Court nominee seen as racist, and have attacked the illegal aliens and run thousands out of Arizona territory, and discriminated against Hispanic citizens. Now they have a governor lying about beheading Mexicans in the deserts, to further crush tourism in the state.

41% of white males voted for Obama. The Republicans refused to extend their unemployment benefits, were against National Health Care for their families. They supported continued drilling in the gulf against the coastal towns & fishermen. And have made every derogatory remark they can come up with against the unions.

63% of Asian voters went to the ballot for Obama. The Republicans were against college grants and educational loans, and have dissed San Francisco and its populace of gays and marijuana users.

56% of the female vote went to Obama, exceeding the usual Democrat advantage. Ooops, the rightwing media stirred the abortion pot and got people killed, a preacher & moral leader at that.

66% of under-30's showed their support for Obama
54% of young white voters also went for Obama
71% of first time voters whom voted Democrat.
78% of the Jewish vote went to Obama
50% of suburban voters (make up half of the total American electorate)
66% of single voters
53% of voters who earned $200,000 or more in 2007 voted for Obama.

I see these Democrat numbers getting larger, not smaller. Then there is the Tea Party, or third party running on republican tickets who really are not republicans. Then there is the elite crowd of wallstreeters, banks, who want more butter.

Read more: Breakdown of demographics reveals how black voters swept Obama into White House | Mail Online

So who is going to be voting republican in the state elections?:lol:
NeoCON$, RepubliCON$, and their fellow CON$. You know...that ilk.
90% white and mostly Christian. It's pretty obvious who votes Republican.

We know it won't be many scientists.
Waste of storage space is what we have here.

Enjoy bantering back and forth liberals. Because this is one Conservative who wont even play this stupid Partisan Hack game.

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