Democrats War on 1.3 million babies a year


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Most rationale understanding people agree that in those cases of rape, incest or mothers' health the nearly 50,000 babies killed is terrible.. but with all things considered and not happy understandable!

But what about those majority of the 1.250 MILLION babies killed simply because the mother didn't want to be bothered!
"inconvenience pregnancies"... "career obstacles", "promiscuous behavior" killings?

Now I'm not advocating changing the laws.
What I am advocating EDUCATION of everyone with the same evangelic fervor that especially liberals have for global warming" should be in teaching personal responsibility for NOT having casual sex that triggers pregnancies.

With MORE money spent on global warming education, why not the grossest direct loss of human life then ANY pollution causes, the killing of babies!
I mean it is so dumb that we spend millions on trying save endangered species then on endangered babies!
Every year in the USA 1.25 million future wage earners murdered. Amongst those babies are future Steve Jobs, future Einsteins, future problem solvers - murdered!

Most of these tragic murders simply because of casual sex, irresponsible behavior, and the insistence that "it's my body" mentality!

Well I'm totally surprised especially at liberals who want the government to run our lives from womb to tomb.. EXCEPT when it comes to education of the dangers of
promiscuous sex! With schools systems providing condoms.. is that truly the message that well casual sex is ok and oh please use a condom ...WrONG!
That same money could be spent teaching self restraint! Responsible sex!

So where was I wrong?
1.25 million potential workers per year murdered by mostly Democrats!
1.25 million potential taxpayers a year.
1.25 million spending $30,000 a year in GDP or $38 billion destroyed!
A potential founder of an another $1 trillion valued company like Apple!

It doesn't seem to make any sense to murder 1.25 million a year potential Democrat voters..
but they are doing it!!!

So where was I wrong?
1.25 million potential workers per year murdered by mostly Democrats!
1.25 million potential taxpayers a year.
1.25 million spending $30,000 a year in GDP or $38 billion destroyed!
A potential founder of an another $1 trillion valued company like Apple!

It doesn't seem to make any sense to murder 1.25 million a year potential Democrat voters..
but they are doing it!!!

If each and every one of those births resulted in an improvished indivdual that had to go on the'd be singing a different tune.

Well not'd just want them to die quickly after they were born.
Making it easier for women to access the morning after pill would ensure that most abortions occurred in the first 6 weeks of pregnancy, before the fetus is as large as a fingernail.

I don't consider a 6-week-old fetus to be a baby. But, thanks for sharing your views.
Making it easier for women to access the morning after pill would ensure that most abortions occurred in the first 6 weeks of pregnancy, before the fetus is as large as a fingernail.

I don't consider a 6-week-old fetus to be a baby. But, thanks for sharing your views.

So you have more concern for the live of a snail darter then a human being even though the human fetus is smaller?

WHY make taking a life i.e. easier to have a pill that KILLS a fetus, then educating people on personal responsibility? I mean we are obviously failing as parents to teach our children that in spite of the lax and easy attitude about sex that it is JUST as easy to kill!

Yet you are ok with that right? Instead of teaching people to have personal responsibility it is the government responsibility to give pills to people to kill a fetus!

What a progressive civilization!

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