Democrats want to teach blacks how to be productive human leeches

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Hold them down so they will lift you up.

Proven by the lockstep voting history for the party of free shit for all, except those who work for it.
he talks about blacks and the democratic party as if they are two different things.

The democratic party is about 19% black people.

They are the party not separate from it.
Democrats think blacks are so incapable that they can't hold down a job or improve on themselfs. Even, I believe that a large percentage of blacks are intelligent and capable of doing such. What's wrong with the republican stance of encouraging work and improvement? Republicans are anti-welfare, so you better bet your bottom dollar that means all people be it white, yellow, green, black, brown, ect.

If we're all equal shouldn't you democrats be encouraging imrovement through work. Isn't that what's great about America?

I know why you feel this way for two reasons.
1# It's the way you get your power through people sucking on the titt.
2# You don't believe they're equal in "they" somehow need your help more than any other population, race, gred or sex, ect. Fact.
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Black people make up about 20% of the democratic party.

You always see them as seperate from their own group, why?
Democrats think blacks are so incapable that they can't hold down a job or improve on themselfs. Even, I believe that a large percentage of blacks are intelligent and capable of doing such. What's wrong with the republican stance of encouraging work and improvement? Republicans are anti-welfare, so you better bet your bottom dollar that means all people be it white, yellow, green, black, brown, ect.

If we're all equal shouldn't you democrats be encouraging imrovement through work. Isn't that what's great about America?

I know why you feel this way for two reasons.
1# It's the way you get your power through people sucking on the titt.
2# You don't believe they're equal in somehow needs your help more than any other population, race, gred or sex, ect. Fact.

Then explain why black people vote for the democratic party at such high rates?
Democrats think blacks are so incapable that they can't hold down a job or improve on themselfs. Even, I believe that a large percentage of blacks are intelligent and capable of doing such. What's wrong with the republican stance of encouraging work and improvement? Republicans are anti-welfare, so you better bet your bottom dollar that means all people be it white, yellow, green, black, brown, ect.

If we're all equal shouldn't you democrats be encouraging imrovement through work. Isn't that what's great about America?

I know why you feel this way for two reasons.
1# It's the way you get your power through people sucking on the titt.
2# You don't believe they're equal in somehow needs your help more than any other population, race, gred or sex, ect. Fact.

Then explain why black people vote for the democratic party at such high rates?

Same reason that africans in africa take the aid of other nations. Blacks love welfare. :badgrin: Lets just say they love big government that will take care of them...
Black people make up about 20% of the democratic party.

You always see them as seperate from their own group, why?

because they have a SEPERATE congressional black caucus to which no other skin color is admitted. They've segregated themselves.
The Democratic Party has historically been the party that suppresses racial minorities and that hasn't changed. Today they've just managed to fool minorities into suppressing them with their own consent. It's really quite sad and sickening.

Human nature in general trends to want to be lazy and rely on others. This goes double for a certain population as we have made them the victim. You think a man wants to hit rock all day long or lift brick to build something? fuck, no! It takes a hell of a lot of intelligence to design or create things to have a modern society...Well, someone that's relying on someone else like the government or the red cross is not going to strive to improve, but be lazier to get more free shit!
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The Democratic Party has historically been the party that suppresses racial minorities and that hasn't changed. Today they've just managed to fool minorities into suppressing them with their own consent. It's really quite sad and sickening.
Yes, it is. Nice the Statists have managed to convince [project to] them that Republicans/Conservatives are of this mindset which is far from the truth.
Black people make up about 20% of the democratic party.

You always see them as seperate from their own group, why?

because they have a SEPERATE congressional black caucus to which no other skin color is admitted. They've segregated themselves.
I wonder how they'd feel about a Congressional [Insert name here] caucus?

I don't buy into the hyphenated-American crap either. You're either an individual American, or you aren't. And if you aren't? Stay the Hell out of the way of the rest of us that don't buy into the yaksqueeze. Perhaps residence elsewhere is more preferable?

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