Democrats VS Republicans


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
Was talking to a guy today and he made an excellent point I never caught on to.

Did you ever notice Republicans step into government positions once they have earned enough money to support themselves and volunteer for the position. While democrats look for government positions from an early age and look to parlay their positions into wealth off the tax payers dime?

Romney was a self made man who made his lot in life on his own in the private sector. Obama is a person born and raised through government spending programs.

Harry Reid was worth nothing until he got into government and now is worth millions.

Republicans make their money on their own and then step into the political ring. Democrats rely on the political ring to enrich themselves.
Was talking to a guy today and he made an excellent point I never caught on to.

Did you ever notice Republicans step into government positions once they have earned enough money to support themselves and volunteer for the position. While democrats look for government positions from an early age and look to parlay their positions into wealth off the tax payers dime?

Romney was a self made man who made his lot in life on his own in the private sector. Obama is a person born and raised through government spending programs.

Harry Reid was worth nothing until he got into government and now is worth millions.

Republicans make their money on their own and then step into the political ring. Democrats rely on the political ring to enrich themselves.
This is so dumb. You are just entertaining stereotypes to put people in neat categories that your simple mind can try to understand. It makes demonizing liberals so much easier doesn't it? It's so typical. Do you even know the stats on people on food stamps? Many come from red counties. How about Medicare? How many old tea baggers do you think are on Medicare? Are you aware that successful business men like Romney start off with loans to build their businesses? Or, ahem, their rich fathers? Did you know that Romney once identified himself as a liberal? There's a video of him saying it. Do you think Warren Buffet is a typical republican? Do you see how your black and white reasoning falls apart under scrutiny?

Tell me, if democrats are the moochers you think they are, then why do wealthy democrats advocate for higher taxes?

Don't you think anyone who doesn't like paying taxes such as republicans are the true moochers? I think they are. They expect the gov to pay for everything for them such as public schools for their kids or our awesome mighty military. That is funded by revenue you know that right?
Was talking to a guy today and he made an excellent point I never caught on to.

Did you ever notice Republicans step into government positions once they have earned enough money to support themselves and volunteer for the position. While democrats look for government positions from an early age and look to parlay their positions into wealth off the tax payers dime?

Romney was a self made man who made his lot in life on his own in the private sector. Obama is a person born and raised through government spending programs.

Harry Reid was worth nothing until he got into government and now is worth millions.

Republicans make their money on their own and then step into the political ring. Democrats rely on the political ring to enrich themselves.
This is so dumb. You are just entertaining stereotypes to put people in neat categories that your simple mind can try to understand. It makes demonizing liberals so much easier doesn't it? It's so typical. Do you even know the stats on people on food stamps? Many come from red counties. How about Medicare? How many old tea baggers do you think are on Medicare? Are you aware that successful business men like Romney start off with loans to build their businesses? Or, ahem, their rich fathers? Did you know that Romney once identified himself as a liberal? There's a video of him saying it. Do you think Warren Buffet is a typical republican? Do you see how your black and white reasoning falls apart under scrutiny?

Tell me, if democrats are the moochers you think they are, then why do wealthy democrats advocate for higher taxes?

Don't you think anyone who doesn't like paying taxes such as republicans are the true moochers? I think they are. They expect the gov to pay for everything for them such as public schools for their kids or our awesome mighty military. That is funded by revenue you know that right?
Ladies and gentlemen this is the stupidity of which I speak, Thank you Billy for proving the point.
Was talking to a guy today and he made an excellent point I never caught on to.

Did you ever notice Republicans step into government positions once they have earned enough money to support themselves and volunteer for the position. While democrats look for government positions from an early age and look to parlay their positions into wealth off the tax payers dime?

Romney was a self made man who made his lot in life on his own in the private sector. Obama is a person born and raised through government spending programs.

Harry Reid was worth nothing until he got into government and now is worth millions.

Republicans make their money on their own and then step into the political ring. Democrats rely on the political ring to enrich themselves.
This is so dumb. You are just entertaining stereotypes to put people in neat categories that your simple mind can try to understand. It makes demonizing liberals so much easier doesn't it? It's so typical. Do you even know the stats on people on food stamps? Many come from red counties. How about Medicare? How many old tea baggers do you think are on Medicare? Are you aware that successful business men like Romney start off with loans to build their businesses? Or, ahem, their rich fathers? Did you know that Romney once identified himself as a liberal? There's a video of him saying it. Do you think Warren Buffet is a typical republican? Do you see how your black and white reasoning falls apart under scrutiny?

Tell me, if democrats are the moochers you think they are, then why do wealthy democrats advocate for higher taxes?

Don't you think anyone who doesn't like paying taxes such as republicans are the true moochers? I think they are. They expect the gov to pay for everything for them such as public schools for their kids or our awesome mighty military. That is funded by revenue you know that right?
Ladies and gentlemen this is the stupidity of which I speak, Thank you Billy for proving the point.
How did I prove your point exactly? Go ahead. I'll wait.
Tell me, if democrats are the moochers you think they are, then why do wealthy democrats advocate for higher taxes?

Well, like Buffet and Gates, they hide their money from actually paying taxes on it...and they have more than enough money to pay more in taxes and not have it affect their lives...however...the people down the food chain aren't as when you raise taxes they get hit the hardest...
I have often said that democrats send their A team into politics while the Republicans get stuck with their B team...another factor...democrats can lie like no ones business and they have no problem approving spending programs...because it isn't their money and they feel no effect from it...

So they lie easily and spend other peoples money...easy ways to get power...
I have often said that democrats send their A team into politics while the Republicans get stuck with their B team...another factor...democrats can lie like no ones business and they have no problem approving spending programs...because it isn't their money and they feel no effect from it...

So they lie easily and spend other peoples money...easy ways to get power...
Much like they made their living they just promise people money someone else earned. Taking from others is a fine art in the democrat world, no wonder their leader thinks you didn't build that.
Was talking to a guy today and he made an excellent point I never caught on to.

Did you ever notice Republicans step into government positions once they have earned enough money to support themselves and volunteer for the position. While democrats look for government positions from an early age and look to parlay their positions into wealth off the tax payers dime?

Romney was a self made man who made his lot in life on his own in the private sector. Obama is a person born and raised through government spending programs.

Harry Reid was worth nothing until he got into government and now is worth millions.

Republicans make their money on their own and then step into the political ring. Democrats rely on the political ring to enrich themselves.

Of course.

And so much more can be said to prove the point.....
Was talking to a guy today and he made an excellent point I never caught on to.

Did you ever notice Republicans step into government positions once they have earned enough money to support themselves and volunteer for the position. While democrats look for government positions from an early age and look to parlay their positions into wealth off the tax payers dime?

Romney was a self made man who made his lot in life on his own in the private sector. Obama is a person born and raised through government spending programs.

Harry Reid was worth nothing until he got into government and now is worth millions.

Republicans make their money on their own and then step into the political ring. Democrats rely on the political ring to enrich themselves.

Romney is self-made? LOL!!!!!
This is so dumb. You are just entertaining stereotypes to put people in neat categories that your simple mind can try to understand. It makes demonizing liberals so much easier doesn't it? It's so typical. Do you even know the stats on people on food stamps? Many come from red counties. How about Medicare? How many old tea baggers do you think are on Medicare? Are you aware that successful business men like Romney start off with loans to build their businesses? Or, ahem, their rich fathers? Did you know that Romney once identified himself as a liberal? There's a video of him saying it. Do you think Warren Buffet is a typical republican? Do you see how your black and white reasoning falls apart under scrutiny?

Tell me, if democrats are the moochers you think they are, then why do wealthy democrats advocate for higher taxes?

Don't you think anyone who doesn't like paying taxes such as republicans are the true moochers? I think they are. They expect the gov to pay for everything for them such as public schools for their kids or our awesome mighty military. That is funded by revenue you know that right?

He also thinks Ford didn't take bailout monies......
I have often said that democrats send their A team into politics while the Republicans get stuck with their B team...another factor...democrats can lie like no ones business and they have no problem approving spending programs...because it isn't their money and they feel no effect from it...

So they lie easily and spend other peoples money...easy ways to get power...
Much like they made their living they just promise people money someone else earned. Taking from others is a fine art in the democrat world, no wonder their leader thinks you didn't build that.

They are trying to convince their base that they are 'entitled' to other peoples money.
So they lie easily and spend other peoples money...easy ways to get power...
Much like they made their living they just promise people money someone else earned. Taking from others is a fine art in the democrat world, no wonder their leader thinks you didn't build that.[/QUOTE]

Democrats? Really?

Was talking to a guy today and he made an excellent point I never caught on to.

Did you ever notice Republicans step into government positions once they have earned enough money to support themselves and volunteer for the position. While democrats look for government positions from an early age and look to parlay their positions into wealth off the tax payers dime?

Romney was a self made man who made his lot in life on his own in the private sector. Obama is a person born and raised through government spending programs.

Harry Reid was worth nothing until he got into government and now is worth millions.

Republicans make their money on their own and then step into the political ring. Democrats rely on the political ring to enrich themselves.

How many examples of democrats who entered politics after establishing successful business careers would I need to present in order for you to admit that your premise is false?
Was talking to a guy today and he made an excellent point I never caught on to.

Did you ever notice Republicans step into government positions once they have earned enough money to support themselves and volunteer for the position. While democrats look for government positions from an early age and look to parlay their positions into wealth off the tax payers dime?

Romney was a self made man who made his lot in life on his own in the private sector. Obama is a person born and raised through government spending programs.

Harry Reid was worth nothing until he got into government and now is worth millions.

Republicans make their money on their own and then step into the political ring. Democrats rely on the political ring to enrich themselves.
I'm so disenfranchised with the whole thing a part of me wants a catastrophic event to force us to abolish our current government and institute something else. Even an empire is preferential to what we have today if it's efficiant.

A pox on both your houses.

I don't think it's about money, it's more about philosophy. This manifests in people becoming active in government at different stages of their lives. Um, maybe, I don't exactly have empirical evidence to back this up. But is there empirical evidence that says that Democrats are more likely to enrich themselves while in office than Republicans?

This is a generality, of course, but liberals look more to leverage government for the good of the collective, so it's kind of an extension of their time and mindset of being a young, idealistic activist. "Let me help you".

Conservatives have a weird task when they govern. They essentially are charged with convincing the electorate that the public doesn't need them as much. That seems like an inherent political disadvantage to me.

So does that mean that conservatives go into government after they've done all the right things and proven themselves? I dunno, what would the facts say if we looked at each individual case?

What America, or any country, for that matter, needs is a fluid equilibrium between the two opposing philosophies. We need government to operate like a well-oiled machine.

Right now we need an oil change.

Was talking to a guy today and he made an excellent point I never caught on to.

Did you ever notice Republicans step into government positions once they have earned enough money to support themselves and volunteer for the position. While democrats look for government positions from an early age and look to parlay their positions into wealth off the tax payers dime?

Romney was a self made man who made his lot in life on his own in the private sector. Obama is a person born and raised through government spending programs.

Harry Reid was worth nothing until he got into government and now is worth millions.

Republicans make their money on their own and then step into the political ring. Democrats rely on the political ring to enrich themselves.
This is so dumb. You are just entertaining stereotypes to put people in neat categories that your simple mind can try to understand. It makes demonizing liberals so much easier doesn't it? It's so typical. Do you even know the stats on people on food stamps? Many come from red counties. How about Medicare? How many old tea baggers do you think are on Medicare? Are you aware that successful business men like Romney start off with loans to build their businesses? Or, ahem, their rich fathers? Did you know that Romney once identified himself as a liberal? There's a video of him saying it. Do you think Warren Buffet is a typical republican? Do you see how your black and white reasoning falls apart under scrutiny?

Tell me, if democrats are the moochers you think they are, then why do wealthy democrats advocate for higher taxes?

Don't you think anyone who doesn't like paying taxes such as republicans are the true moochers? I think they are. They expect the gov to pay for everything for them such as public schools for their kids or our awesome mighty military. That is funded by revenue you know that right?

:blahblah: Same BS...different day.

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