Democrats Turning America Over To Retards


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Aug 27, 2010
Yep, now that the real budget has to start, now that people have to show in the consititution why a bill can be passed, the Democrats are bailing from the 14 Trillion the republicans created. Tsk! Smart move ifyou ask me. Let the Retards clean up their own mess or make a bigger one.:lol:

"...about the constant pressure to raise money and travel all over the country doing that and the nastiness of the campaign. ... I have no second thoughts about it.”
Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.)

“At least I’m not having to travel around the country raising money and being involved in a political back-and-forth of a campaign,” adds North Dakota Sen. Kent Conrad

Daniel Akaka of Hawaii and Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico, are a sign, too, of the rapidly changing membership of the aging body. 2010 ushered in 16 new senators, one of the biggest classes in a generation,

There are people who have been here a long time,” former DSCC Chairman Bob Menendez of New Jersey said. The fifth retiring Democrat, Jim Webb of Virginia, never really took to the Senate and is leaving after one term.

Read more: Democratic senators ditch 2012 runs - Jonathan Allen and Manu Raju -
Yep, now that the real budget has to start, now that people have to show in the consititution why a bill can be passed, the Democrats are bailing from the 14 Trillion the republicans created.


WTH? Congress controls spending. The debt has increased $5 Trillion since Speaker Pelosi vowed, ‘No New Deficit Spending’ and she's still in office. You need to have a reality check.
Yep, now that the real budget has to start, now that people have to show in the consititution why a bill can be passed, the Democrats are bailing from the 14 Trillion the republicans created.


WTH? Congress controls spending. The debt has increased $5 Trillion since Speaker Pelosi vowed, ‘No New Deficit Spending’ and she's still in office. You need to have a reality check.

Shintao wouldn't know reality if it took a dump on his head. He lives in his own head, and believe me, there's plenty of room.
Yep, now that the real budget has to start, now that people have to show in the consititution why a bill can be passed, the Democrats are bailing from the 14 Trillion the republicans created.


WTH? Congress controls spending. The debt has increased $5 Trillion since Speaker Pelosi vowed, ‘No New Deficit Spending’ and she's still in office. You need to have a reality check.

Just because Obama has those kind of bills, doesn't mean Bush didn't create them, dumbass. And the point is dumbass, looks like the Dems are bailing and setting the stage for the Retards to pay the bills they created with Bush. I call that Karma. LOL!!:lol:
Yep, now that the real budget has to start, now that people have to show in the consititution why a bill can be passed, the Democrats are bailing from the 14 Trillion the republicans created.


WTH? Congress controls spending. The debt has increased $5 Trillion since Speaker Pelosi vowed, ‘No New Deficit Spending’ and she's still in office. You need to have a reality check.

Shintao wouldn't know reality if it took a dump on his head. He lives in his own head, and believe me, there's plenty of room.

Soggy is so full of my sperm guppies his looney tune brain has been set afloat.

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