Democrats say NO to 1 year extension on payroll tax cut.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
The GOP house--agreed with Barack Obama and passed a one year extension for the payroll tax cut last week. They then sent it to the Democrat lead senate for approval and Harry Reid--Democrat senate leader sent it back with only a two month extension on the payroll tax cut.

Of course Obama is out there blaming Republicans for doing what he asked them to do--and now we're back to gridlock. So what is it--that DEMOCRATS do not like about a one year payroll tax extension? Why do they only want a 2 month extension? And why is it that Senate Democrat leader Harry Reid has already left for his Christmas break--along with many other democrats in the Senate? GOP house members are still in Washington D.C. waiting for a conference with the senate--and democrats have cut and run out of town without an agreement on the one year payroll tax cut extension.


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