Democrats Open Carry Weapon(?): Fox TV Soap Opera News Is No Big Secret!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
If the whole world is watching "Fox TV News-The Production Hours:" Then Democrats Win Top to Down-Ticket all over! RNC put on this week was alleged a softening of the darkness imagery often surrounding what the Trumped-Up Administration does. On the Soap Opera News hours, RNC has no allies doing any such thing. Most recently, in the matter of the Teen Shooter arrested for the double-murders in Kenosha: Any candidate of any party--including RNC--can wonder if "Open-Carry" gun laws are now thought wonderful, nationwide: Mostly for Juveniles(?)!

RNC was over before it began--too blatantly spinning data with no sources. That is often-called lying.

In the link--that-level distortion goes on nightly! As this is posted: Who in the United States even knows who some of the Trumped-Up family members even are? People still know more about the sister and niece: Than any of the family.

No Major League sports team is refusing to show up: With basis in support of Tucker Carlson, even!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(The Power of Prayer: Then even Fox Soap Opera Production Hours--May want to call it! Matt 25; 14-30, in the current events all over, Trumped-Up brand!)
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