Democrats lie to Black Americans...whites are not your enemy..democrats are...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a piece that takes apart the lies of the left that they continue to use to keep black Americans voting for democrats......the borg queen, obama, has recently used the death of 9 Americans to push his agenda....and each point he made was a lie......

One of the most damaging lies...that blacks should fear white Americans.....

Charleston Shooting Obama s False Race Narrative National Review Online

In fact, white violence against blacks is dwarfed by black on white violence. In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against whites (excluding homicide), and whites committed 99,403 acts of violence (excluding homicide) against blacks, according to data from the National Crime Victimization Survey provided to the author.

Blacks, in other words, committed 85 percent of the non-homicide interracial crimes of violence between blacks and whites, even though they are less than 13 percent of the population. Both the absolute number of incidents and the rate of black-on-white violence are therefore magnitudes higher than white-on-black violence. There is no white race war going on.

The other big lie that democrats use to keep blacks voting democrat...that racism keeps blacks from succeeding, the most damaging of all lies they tell....

The formula for escaping poverty as an adult also has nothing to do with race: Graduate from high school, wait until you are married to have children, and work full-time. Whites who eschew those bourgeois behaviors are as likely to be poor as blacks who eschew them. Only 2 percent of individuals who follow those rules are in poverty, according to Isabel Sawhill of the Brookings Institution; 72 percent of those who follow them earn at least $55,000 a year. The American poverty rate would be cut by 70 percent if the same percentage of Americans engaged in those responsible behaviors as did in 1970, regardless of race.Read more at: Charleston Shooting Obama s False Race Narrative National Review Online
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Obama has a PLAN and he's going to DESTROY US by using the( "black people, homosexuals, Illegal immigrants, etc etc) in any way he find. Look at MaBell, she's doing the same thing. saying Museums aren't friendly to black people. Obama piping up on the confederate flag and on and on and on
I wouldn't watch this funeral because WE KNEW what he was going to do. AND by golly we were right.

the people better WAKE UP he still has a year and half to GO
How many more threads by honkies telling minorities what their problem is and that they are not racist, but call them names anywhey??
How many more threads by honkies telling minorities what their problem is and that they are not racist, but call them names anywhey??
How long certain minorities gonna wallow in the filth of their culture, blaming whitey, when nobody can change it but themselves?
You think blacks are aware that Planned Parenthood was started by Democrats to wipe out the black race?

You think blacks are aware that LBJ "War on Poverty" was to eliminate the black male head of household and replace him with a government check?

You think blacks know that a Democrat President said "Son, when I appoint a N!gger to the Supreme Court, I want everyone to know he's a n!gger"?

You think that might make a difference of who they support

In any every I believe that most of the black "Support" for Dems comes from voter fraud from Big City Vote Manufacturing facilities
This is a piece that takes apart the lies of the left that they continue to use to keep black Americans voting for democrats......the borg queen, obama, has recently used the death of 9 Americans to push his agenda....and each point he made was a lie......

One of the most damaging lies...that blacks should fear white Americans.....

Charleston Shooting Obama s False Race Narrative National Review Online

In fact, white violence against blacks is dwarfed by black on white violence. In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against whites (excluding homicide), and whites committed 99,403 acts of violence (excluding homicide) against blacks, according to data from the National Crime Victimization Survey provided to the author.

Blacks, in other words, committed 85 percent of the non-homicide interracial crimes of violence between blacks and whites, even though they are less than 13 percent of the population. Both the absolute number of incidents and the rate of black-on-white violence are therefore magnitudes higher than white-on-black violence. There is no white race war going on.

The other big lie that democrats use to keep blacks voting democrat...that racism keeps blacks from succeeding, the most damaging of all lies they tell....

The formula for escaping poverty as an adult also has nothing to do with race: Graduate from high school, wait until you are married to have children, and work full-time. Whites who eschew those bourgeois behaviors are as likely to be poor as blacks who eschew them. Only 2 percent of individuals who follow those rules are in poverty, according to Isabel Sawhill of the Brookings Institution; 72 percent of those who follow them earn at least $55,000 a year. The American poverty rate would be cut by 70 percent if the same percentage of Americans engaged in those responsible behaviors as did in 1970, regardless of race.Read more at: Charleston Shooting Obama s False Race Narrative National Review Online
What exactly are Democrats doing to be the enemy?

What have Republicans done for blacks in the last 30 years?
Many do. And think, what could their motivations be?

I can think of at least three. One is probably not so obvious, but is the main motivator, in my opinion.
You think blacks are aware that Planned Parenthood was started by Democrats to wipe out the black race?

You think blacks are aware that LBJ "War on Poverty" was to eliminate the black male head of household and replace him with a government check?

You think blacks know that a Democrat President said "Son, when I appoint a N!gger to the Supreme Court, I want everyone to know he's a n!gger"?

You think that might make a difference of who they support

In any every I believe that most of the black "Support" for Dems comes from voter fraud from Big City Vote Manufacturing facilities
and some people believe that Martian's live on Mars...
How many more threads by honkies telling minorities what their problem is and that they are not racist, but call them names anywhey??
How long certain minorities gonna wallow in the filth of their culture, blaming whitey, when nobody can change it but themselves?
You mean the white trash you guys call family?
You insulting my family, boy?

This is a piece that takes apart the lies of the left that they continue to use to keep black Americans voting for democrats......the borg queen, obama, has recently used the death of 9 Americans to push his agenda....and each point he made was a lie......

One of the most damaging lies...that blacks should fear white Americans.....

Charleston Shooting Obama s False Race Narrative National Review Online

In fact, white violence against blacks is dwarfed by black on white violence. In 2012, blacks committed 560,600 acts of violence against whites (excluding homicide), and whites committed 99,403 acts of violence (excluding homicide) against blacks, according to data from the National Crime Victimization Survey provided to the author.

Blacks, in other words, committed 85 percent of the non-homicide interracial crimes of violence between blacks and whites, even though they are less than 13 percent of the population. Both the absolute number of incidents and the rate of black-on-white violence are therefore magnitudes higher than white-on-black violence. There is no white race war going on.

The other big lie that democrats use to keep blacks voting democrat...that racism keeps blacks from succeeding, the most damaging of all lies they tell....

The formula for escaping poverty as an adult also has nothing to do with race: Graduate from high school, wait until you are married to have children, and work full-time. Whites who eschew those bourgeois behaviors are as likely to be poor as blacks who eschew them. Only 2 percent of individuals who follow those rules are in poverty, according to Isabel Sawhill of the Brookings Institution; 72 percent of those who follow them earn at least $55,000 a year. The American poverty rate would be cut by 70 percent if the same percentage of Americans engaged in those responsible behaviors as did in 1970, regardless of race.Read more at: Charleston Shooting Obama s False Race Narrative National Review Online
What exactly are Democrats doing to be the enemy?

What have Republicans done for blacks in the last 30 years?

Gone to work and paid their taxes.
How many more threads by honkies telling minorities what their problem is and that they are not racist, but call them names anywhey??
How long certain minorities gonna wallow in the filth of their culture, blaming whitey, when nobody can change it but themselves?
You mean the white trash you guys call family?
You insulting my family, boy?


If the shoe fits, wear it.....

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