Democrats lauch criminal investigation against white house

It's nice when democrats do republican work for them. Also nice that democrats are starting to worry about the boy king.

Sen. Feinstein Calls for Hearing on Stuxnet Leaks as FBI Begins Probe | Threat Level |

The U.S.’s involvement in Stuxnet is just one in a series of recent leaks, including one that reportedly stymied an ongoing operation that involved a double agent who was helping the U.S. and allies infiltrate al Qaeda supporters in Yemen. The White House had attempted to convince the Associated Press to withhold the latter story, presumably to give the administration time to get the agent out of harm’s way, but was unsuccessful in getting the media outlet to delay publication for more than a few days.

Other leaks have involved the U.S. drone program in Yemen and the Obama administration’s “kill list.”

David Sanger, the author of the Times piece about Stuxnet told “Face the Nation” on Sunday, that he “spent a year working the story from the bottom up, and then went to the administration and told them what I had. Then they had to make some decisions about how much they wanted to talk about it . . . I’m sure the political side of the White House probably likes reading about the president acting with drones and cyber and so forth. National-security side has got very mixed emotions about it because these are classified programs.”

obama may be the first US presidebt tried for treason. Dianne Feinstein is not letting go and she's a democrat.

Could you perhaps explain to me, and the rest of us, how this would be obama committing treason? Perhaps there is another person, but I am pretty sure obama is not the leak. You jumped a huge gap here that was never even implied, and it even looks like Obama is trying to find the leak with them to prosecute that person.

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