Democrats JOINING Tea Party Movement.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Grand Junction, Colorado (CNN) -- They are not typical Tea Party activists: A woman who voted for President Obama and believes he's a "phenomenal speaker." Another who said she was a "knee-jerk, bleeding heart liberal."

These two women are not alone.

Some Americans who say they have been sympathetic to Democratic causes in the past -- some even voted for Democratic candidates -- are angry with President Obama and his party. They say they are now supporting the Tea Party -- a movement that champions less government, lower taxes and the defeat of Democrats even though it's not formally aligned with the Republican Party.

To be sure, the number of Democrats in the Tea Party movement is small. A recent CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll shows that while 96 percent of Tea Party activists identify themselves as either Republican or Independent, only 4 percent say they are Democrats.

Some of these disgruntled voters are taking part in the current Tea Party Express tour. The tour began in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's hometown of Searchlight, Nevada, on March 28 and is making 44 stops across the nation. It ends in Washington on tax day -- April 15.

Ann Ducket attended the Tea Party rally in Grand Junction, Colorado, on Wednesday.

A lawyer and lifelong Democrat, Ducket made her political leanings clear: She said she was a campus community organizer for Democratic Sen. George McGovern's 1972 presidential campaign, voted for Jimmy Carter and Al Gore, and previously ran for elective office in Colorado as a Democrat.

"I was a card-carrying member of the ACLU, and I probably did inhale in college," Ducket said.

Ducket, who is now an independent and did not vote for Obama, said the president has "carried things to an extreme."

"I think we've gone too far on the side of government doing too much," Ducket said. "The Democratic Party is wanting to take care of everyone, instead of helping everybody stand on their own two feet."

Roxanne Lewis expressed a similar point of view. A small business owner in Grand Junction, Lewis described herself as a lifelong Democrat and called the president a "phenomenal speaker." She voted for him because she "believed in what he was saying: change."

But, Lewis added, "I should've listened a lot closer when he talked about 'spreading the wealth.' "

Asked how she feels about having voted for the president, Lewis said "I feel lied to, cheated and raped."

Lewis criticized the taxpayer-funded bailouts of financial institutions, which began under former President George W. Bush, and the bailout of General Motors and Chrysler.

"These are not the Democrats that I have been brought up with," Lewis said. However, she said she will continue to be a Democrat.

"We hear from folks, probably at every rally, who say, 'I was a Democrat,' " Levi Russell, communications director for the Tea Party express tour, said.

"Having more Democrats join the movement shows that it is more representative of the American people than the antics of the Obama, [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi, Reid leadership," Russell said.

The Democratic National Committee declined to comment.

David Saucedo is a rapper and community activist who frequently appears at Tea Party rallies. Using the stage name "Polatik," he performs rap songs that slam President Obama and the Democrats.

Though he eventually voted for GOP Sen. John McCain in the 2008 presidential election, he said he was initially impressed with the president.

Now Saucedo has turned into an Obama critic. "A lot of the things he says sound good, until you look at the consequences of what they will do on the long term."

Saucedo also said that most of his family voted for the president but now support the Tea Party. He said his sister in law's views sum up the family sentiment.

"She regrets voting for Barack Obama," he said.

Disgruntled Democrats join the Tea Party -

$Disgrunteled democrats.jpg

"Looks like the times are changing"
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Must be some of these Democrats....
Poll: Most Americans Remain Against Health Care Overhaul - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Republicans and independents remain opposed to the reforms, and support has dropped some among Democrats. Now 52 percent of Democrats approve of the new reforms, a drop from 60 percent just before the bill was passed by Congress…

Even though the president and Democratic leaders have repeatedly pointed out that the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office called the reform package a deficit-reducer, six in 10 Americans still think the new health care reforms will increase the budget deficit. Just 13 percent think the reforms will decrease the deficit and another 15 percent expect no effect.
Hot Air Blog Archive CBS poll: Believe it or not, support for ObamaCare still eroding

Whoa... déjà vu... this thread isn't merged yet? :tongue::tongue:
The way things are going.. yeah i would.

I will take that bet all day long.

Obama will stomp the Republicans in 2012 like rats in a closet.

You keep thinking that..

But no worries, i've seen you around here.. nothing but Partisan posts. So i'm not surprised you have this much optimism.

Still waiting for you to get it.

The world always becomes more progressive.

Conservatives always lose in the end.
I will take that bet all day long.

Obama will stomp the Republicans in 2012 like rats in a closet.

You keep thinking that..

But no worries, i've seen you around here.. nothing but Partisan posts. So i'm not surprised you have this much optimism.

Still waiting for you to get it.

The world always becomes more progressive.

Conservatives always lose in the end.

nothing but Partisan posts?

OMFG! somebody call the PC Police! :eek:


Clancy, a gift that keeps on giving.
I will take that bet all day long.

Obama will stomp the Republicans in 2012 like rats in a closet.

You keep thinking that..

But no worries, i've seen you around here.. nothing but Partisan posts. So i'm not surprised you have this much optimism.

Still waiting for you to get it.

The world always becomes more progressive.

Conservatives always lose in the end.

Right, and how look everything has been going since '06.. Perfect.

Your still a Partisan, keep it up, I bet you wont say anything bad about Obama eh?

You going to follow him blindly?

You so called "Progressives" forget how this country was built and founded on.. But then again, most progressives I know keep telling me the Constitution is Vague and outdated.

You so called "Progressives" prefer a bigger Government, em i right?

The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits.

Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have ... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases.

"The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded."

C. L. De Montesquieu
The Spirit of the Laws, VIII

And yes, I find Jefferson one of the Best Founding Fathers, Warning us of the dangers of Big Government which you Progressives seem to like.


Funny how your Location is Colbert Nation.. You get your news from him?

Personally, i watch Stewart and Colbert and both find them Hilarious, but if you do get your facts and news from them i feel bad for you.
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You keep thinking that..

But no worries, i've seen you around here.. nothing but Partisan posts. So i'm not surprised you have this much optimism.

Still waiting for you to get it.

The world always becomes more progressive.

Conservatives always lose in the end.

Right, and how look everything has been going since '06.. Perfect.

Your still a Partisan, keep it up, I bet you wont say anything bad about Obama eh?

You going to follow him blindly?

You so called "Progressives" forget how this country was built and founded on.. But then again, most progressives I know keep telling me the Constitution is Vague and outdated.

You so called "Progressives" prefer a bigger Government, em i right?

The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits.

Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have ... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases.

"The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded."

C. L. De Montesquieu
The Spirit of the Laws, VIII

And yes, I find Jefferson one of the Best Founding Fathers, Warning us of the dangers of Big Government which you Progressives seem to like.


Funny how your Location is Colbert Nation.. You get your news from him?

Personally, i watch Stewart and Colbert and both find them Hilarious, but if you do get your facts and news from them i feel bad for you.

The only reason the progressives have such a head of steam is because the big money in this country has abused its power so radically. Our top earners changed from family oriented entrapreneurs to heartless bottom line pricks that cannot seem to have enough power and money. Watching our middle class decay has been sport for them, no pity or anguish on their parts. They still get bonuses and pats on the back while cities crumble to ash. Then they claim broke and get a bailout. Control those monsters and progressives would be back in their cubby holes.
Just sit back and watch the dems implode. :clap2:

you can see it now, stealing from the old people, demonizing them. calling them names,, and then acting as if they are terrorists" .. poor old demorats.
How far they've come in a year, the tea parties that is:

In spite of the worst photo they could find and the repetition of the 'N*****' word, which is so far found to be false, this article is pretty fair.

Amid harsh criticisms, 'tea party' slips into the mainstream / The Christian Science Monitor -

Amid harsh criticisms, 'tea party' slips into the mainstream
The release of the top three 'tea party' issues this week gives a glimpse of a small-government movement growing, maturing, and looking increasingly more like middle America.


Kristen Soltis: New poll on tea parties has surprises | Washington Examiner

Kristen Soltis: New poll on tea parties has surprises

By: Kristen Soltis
OpEd Contributor
April 2, 2010


It may have started as a handful of protests in cities scattered across the country, but in just one year the Tea Party movement has grown into a notable force in American politics. Cable news and yet as America reacts to the passage of the health care reform bill, many find themselves continuing to ask: who’s in the Tea Party movement and what do they want?

Since December, The Winston Group has conducted telephone surveys of thousands of registered voters and just this week released an analysis of its findings: that 17 percent of registered voters consider themselves a part of the Tea Party movement, and that they – like voters overall – are deeply concerned about the economy and jobs as we head toward the 2010 election.

The conventional wisdom about the Tea Party has not yet settled on any one definitive portrayal of the movement, but the data tell a fascinating story – over four out of 10 self-identified Tea Party members aren’t Republican, and a third don’t consider themselves conservative. They tend to be older than the voters on the whole, tend to come from middle-income households, and are slightly more likely to be male than the overall electorate.

But what truly sets the Tea Party apart from even Republicans or conservatives broadly is its commitment to economic conservatism. Tea Party members, like voters overall, are very focused on the economy and jobs; some 36 percent say it is their top issue. Yet while only 6 percent of voters overall say that the national deficit and spending are their top issues, that number spikes to 21 percent among Tea Party members.

The Tea Party is a movement defined by its preference for fiscal restraint and low taxes. Presented with two competing proposals to create jobs, over four out of five Tea Party members say tax cuts for small business will create more jobs than increased government spending on infrastructure. When the options were expanded, tax cuts still were chosen as the top job creator, but are closely followed by “expanding development of all energy resources.” Interestingly enough, the next runner up – “cracking down on illegal immigration” – was not more popular among Tea Party members (19 percent) than voters overall (16 percent).

You know, you always have swing voters cycle to cycle. The Democrats had a big upside in 06 and 08, now you get a swing the other way, except,

if Democrats are going to the Tea Party instead of the Republicans, that's not good news for the Republicans. This is still a 2 party system.
You know, you always have swing voters cycle to cycle. The Democrats had a big upside in 06 and 08, now you get a swing the other way, except, if Democrats are going to the Tea Party instead of the Republicans, that's not good news for the Republicans. This is still a 2 party system.

When democrat states are filing suit against the Obama healthcare Bill, its time to throw the dems out and give the GOP another shot. The dems have no clue how to run a country (not like the GOP did either). My hope is that a president with a 3-digit IQ like Mitt could figure something out. Obama may be smart enough, but he doesn't know how things work. He's counting on liberal dogma, and that isn't working.

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