Democrats For Romney - Why Not ?


Gold Member
Aug 27, 2011
Democrats for Romney—Jerry Della Femina -

Why not?

Almost all of my friends are Democrats; all of them voted for Barack Obama in 2008.

Ask them these days, as I have, if they plan to vote for Obama this November, and they’ll give you an “Oh shucks” sad smile, look down, look back up with guilty eyes and say “I’m disappointed.”

Then they play the party line and say. “But Romney? But Ryan?”

I’m not talking about those African Americans, Latinos and lockstep Democrats who’ll blindly vote for Obama no matter how high unemployment may be or what shape this country may be in.

I’m talking about a good number of intelligent, caring, middle-class Democrats who are a soft nudge away from casting their vote for Romney.

All they need to know is that they’re not alone.

Democrats were disappointed in 1980. They’d had, under President Jimmy Carter, four years of inflation, unemployment and gas rationing. Yet, when asked, they said, “But Reagan?”

At this point in 1980, Carter was nine points ahead of Ronald Reagan in the polls. Reagan had been slimed by the press and pro-Jimmy Carter forces as being dumb and bumbling. Sound familiar?

Carter treated Reagan as a ridiculous figure who, among other things, was ignorant of details of nuclear-weapons policy. Reagan cheerfully promised economic growth and asked Democrats, “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”
In the end, Reagan proved that good-natured conservatism could win by huge margins. But a lot of credit for the win must go to “Democrats for Reagan.”

Who were they? Well, Wikipedia says:
“They were mostly white, socially conservative blue-collar workers, who lived in the Northeast, and were attracted to Reagan’s social conservatism.

Read more: Democrats for Romney—Jerry Della Femina -


That's what makes Romney so spring loaded. You can't get at these people. They want to vote democrat, but in the end....they just simply cannot.

Obama is a one-termer.

It's looking worse and worse for him each day.

The swing states are swinging back and all obama has to offer is his bats**t negative lie ads.
anti equal wages for women
pro trickle down voodoo economics
pro neocon insanity
will appoint rightwingnut judges who further eviscerate the constitution with decisions like citizens united.

yeah, he'll appeal to dems. :cuckoo:
anti equal wages for women
pro trickle down voodoo economics
pro neocon insanity
will appoint rightwingnut judges who further eviscerate the constitution with decisions like citizens united.

yeah, he'll appeal to dems. :cuckoo:

Jillian, antichoice? What choice? Oh you mean anti abortion, so tha makes you pro abortion?
Wages for women? These is no difference if the records are equal, the problem is women lise experience while having kids and maternity leave
Ill take trickle down economics over robin hood poverty
anti equal wages for women
pro trickle down voodoo economics
pro neocon insanity
will appoint rightwingnut judges who further eviscerate the constitution with decisions like citizens united.

yeah, he'll appeal to dems. :cuckoo:

It's only voodoo to you because you can't understand it.

You only know....someone else pays taxes and your relatives get welfare checks. Pretty simple.

I see.....judges are rightwingnuts when you don't like what they do.....but they when allow aberations like Obamacare, you're ready to sleep with them.
Most of the Reagan Democrats are on Medicare now.

Good luck explaining to them why Romney wants to bankrupt Medicare in 2016 and wait 7 years beyond that date to think about reforming it.

Their younger counterparts might need some elaboration on why Romney proposes to raise their income tax burden to pay for his millionaires' tax cuts.
As Jillian implied, you vote for one Republican you vote for the platform and that platform is only going to move further to the 'base' as the year progresses.
Most of the Reagan Democrats are on Medicare now.

Good luck explaining to them why Romney wants to bankrupt Medicare in 2016 and wait 7 years beyond that date to think about reforming it.

Their younger counterparts might need some elaboration on why Romney proposes to raise their income tax burden to pay for his millionaires' tax cuts.

Reforming it so it won't go bankrupt is Romney's goal. Helping them understand that under Obama, it has no future is going to be Ryan's job.
Reforming it so it won't go bankrupt is Romney's goal. Helping them understand that under Obama, it has no future is going to be Ryan's job.

Unfortunately, Mittens has now committed to moving the insolvency date up from 2024 to 2016. And he doesn't want to change anything in Medicare before 2023.

So those folks have a little bit of a gap coming up under President Romney. Forget the donut hole, let's call this one the Grand Canyon.
Reforming it so it won't go bankrupt is Romney's goal. Helping them understand that under Obama, it has no future is going to be Ryan's job.

Unfortunately, Mittens has now committed to moving the insolvency date up from 2024 to 2016. And he doesn't want to change anything in Medicare before 2023.

So those folks have a little bit of a gap coming up under President Romney. Forget the donut hole, let's call this one the Grand Canyon.

One way or the other, it's going to be front and center.

Obama wants to kick the can down the road all the while blaming anyone he can.

I'd rather talk medicare than Bain.

Not that Obama wants to come close to any issues of substance that end in the conclusion that we make changes to spending or wind up in the Grand Canyon.

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