Democrats = failed ideas, still running against bush


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
Obama attacks Bush policies in Bush's home state

AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) – President Barack Obama attacked the economic policies of his Republican predecessor George W. Bush in Bush's home state on Monday as evidence of the way Republicans would operate if given power in November 2 U.S. congressional elections.

At a fund-raising event for Democrats in Dallas, where Bush now lives, Obama said the former president's "disastrous" policies had driven the U.S. economy into the ground and turned budget surpluses into deficits.

Obama defended his repeated references to Bush's policies, saying they were necessary to remind Americans of the weak economy he inherited from Bush in January 2009.

"The policies that crashed the economy, that undercut the middle class, that mortgaged our future, do we really want to go back to that, or do we keep moving our country forward?" Obama said at another fund-raising event in Austin, referring to Bush's eight years as president.

In reminding voters about the policies of the unpopular Bush, Obama is trying to protect his fellow Democrats' majorities in Congress and limit anticipated Republican gains.

Obama attacks Bush policies in Bush's home state - Yahoo! News

does obama need a tissue?
Blaming dat BOOOOOOOSH and calling Americans "Stupid & Racist" are all the Dems have left at this point. Hopefully Americans are sick of that tired chit and give em the boot in 2010 & 2012. I guess we'll see though. Get out and vote!
how do obama's economic policies differ from bush's?
increased spending/large deficits/check?
tax cuts? check
trillion dollar entitlements?check
how do obama's economic policies differ from bush's?
increased spending/large deficits/check?
tax cuts? check
trillion dollar entitlements?check

Haha, you see it too! Shit they both grew Governemts roll in HC as well...

As liberals would have put it under Bush (yes many conservatives too) "Think of all that money we would save if we were not in two pointless wars." Well, guys... Think of all that money we would save if we were not in two pointless wars, and looking ast starting a third, hahaha."
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Obama attacks Bush policies in Bush's home state

AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) – President Barack Obama attacked the economic policies of his Republican predecessor George W. Bush in Bush's home state on Monday as evidence of the way Republicans would operate if given power in November 2 U.S. congressional elections.

At a fund-raising event for Democrats in Dallas, where Bush now lives, Obama said the former president's "disastrous" policies had driven the U.S. economy into the ground and turned budget surpluses into deficits.

Obama defended his repeated references to Bush's policies, saying they were necessary to remind Americans of the weak economy he inherited from Bush in January 2009.

"The policies that crashed the economy, that undercut the middle class, that mortgaged our future, do we really want to go back to that, or do we keep moving our country forward?" Obama said at another fund-raising event in Austin, referring to Bush's eight years as president.

In reminding voters about the policies of the unpopular Bush, Obama is trying to protect his fellow Democrats' majorities in Congress and limit anticipated Republican gains.

Obama attacks Bush policies in Bush's home state - Yahoo! News

does obama need a tissue?

:lol::lol: He needs more than a tissue--:lol::lol: The only person to greet Obama at the airport was republican govenor Rick Perry. Democrats running for office in Texas--DODGED--Obama at every single opportunity. Even at the campaign rally stop--democrat politicians refused to get on the stage with Obama--:lol::lol:--"and many didn't even show up at the rally."
The question is what is Obama doing that is different than Bush?

1. Taking over the auto industry in the country.
2. Health Care--that the majority of Americans DO NOT WANT.
3. Growing our government by another .25% or 1/4 since the day he took office.
4. Breaking every single promise he made on the campaign trail.
5. Not extending the Bush tax cuts--that will not only hit the wealthy in this country--but will raise capital gains taxes--which is a middle class tax HIKE--which includes hitting seniors on their dividend checks that depend on those to make ends meet each month.
6. Immigration--suinig the state of Arizona.
7. Driving this country into unsustainable debt in his "flood the basement economic policy."

That's just a few items I can think of in a nano-second.


Now up to 12.4 TRILLION without the cost of health-care or stimulus bill jr.
And Cons have no ideas at all.

The first idea is that Obama needs to own up to his policies that have been in place for nearly 2 years and have failed to end this recession.
The second idea is that increasing taxes and regulation will not help the economy recover.
The third idea is that spending to avoid bankruptcy is like fucking to avoid pregnancy: only a moron like Joe Biden would believe that.
The fourth idea is that "stimulus spending" is a failure and changing tax and regulation laws to change behavior towards more risk taking and production is what will turn this country around.
  • Thanks
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let's see he won by millions of votes, and the best you guys seem to think of is to roll out another fat old white dude. Who lost to the loser Obama beat. Good strategy
The third idea is that spending to avoid bankruptcy is like fucking to avoid pregnancy:

Outstanding parable Rabbi, that illustrates just how asinine the dems retarded thinking is in terms even an idiot like a liberal obamabot should understand, and needs to be said over and over, until they get it. So I've copied and quoted you in my sig line. I hope you don't object.
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does obama need a tissue?
I'm thinkin' most Dems are satisfied with Lil' Dumbya's advancement to full-time dog-shit-picker-upper.

At least he's fully-qualified, for that, for a Change.

What was so difficult (regarding Lil' Dumbya's failed-Presiduncy) was knowing (so EARLY) how badly corporate-America had saddled us with an incompetent-boob.​

October 2, 2003

"According to the U.S. Census, more than a million Americans sank into poverty last year. Health costs have soared so radically that 43.6 million Americans now are without health insurance, the largest increase in a decade.

The country has the largest federal budget deficit in history, strangling government programs and forcing deep cuts in public services and hefty increases in fees for many formerly free services.

So what's a president to do? Bush's two large tax cuts mostly helped the rich and contributed to the growing deficits. He is no longer pushing a third go-around of tax cuts but he still wants to make the previous cuts permanent and won't consider rescinding some of his handouts for his corporate cronies.

Never fear. The White House and the GOP-controlled Congress are considering a way to reaffirm their patriotism and restore confidence -- by approving a constitutional amendment to criminalize flag burning!"
And Cons have no ideas at all.

The first idea is that Obama needs to own up to his policies that have been in place for nearly 2 years and have failed to end this recession.
The second idea is that increasing taxes and regulation will not help the economy recover.
The third idea is that spending to avoid bankruptcy is like fucking to avoid pregnancy: only a moron like Joe Biden would believe that.
The fourth idea is that "stimulus spending" is a failure and changing tax and regulation laws to change behavior towards more risk taking and production is what will turn this country around.
How 'bout a Fourth: That Republican congressmen have been paid, for two years, to do NOTHING!!!! (...Another example of fi$cal-re$pon$ibility, right?? :rolleyes: )​
Yes, because they past 8 years fr GOP ideas and policy lead us to be so properous...Let's give the Republicans a:clap2: for their great ideas.
how do obama's economic policies differ from bush's?

This is how they differ...



Looks like your chart is saying Republicans suck.

We know that Bush left out the cost of two wars, the cost of his expensive drug bill and the cost of the tax cuts for the rich. Add those into the Bush column and take them away from the Obama column and you have an accurate chart.

Is it impossible for the right to be honest? Ever?
Its easier to blame Bush than it is to explain why your policies ain't workin for shit. LOL

It took Reagan 2 years to straighten out the mess Carter left him. Barry Boy better hurry. That 2 year mark is fast approaching. LOL
how do obama's economic policies differ from bush's?

This is how they differ...



Looks like your chart is saying Republicans suck.

We know that Bush left out the cost of two wars, the cost of his expensive drug bill and the cost of the tax cuts for the rich. Add those into the Bush column and take them away from the Obama column and you have an accurate chart.

Is it impossible for the right to be honest? Ever?

how does that show how obama has differed from bush? so obama hasn't increased spending? engaged in bailouts? enacted a stimulus bill? create a huge new entitlement program? cut taxes?

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