Democrats Desperately Looking For The Turd In Every Punch Bowl


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

What to do?

There's so much good news out there, it's difficult to keep up with it.
How can the left turn all of this good news into dispair?
Well, just explore or make up any negative you can.

These are desperate times for the Democrats.
Wages are going up.
N.Korea is returning remains of US soldiers without pallets of cash being delivered in the dead of night.
The tax cuts are working (4.1% GDP)
What can the Democrats do to reverse all of this good news?
Well, just do what they always do. Look for the turd in the punch bowl.

How are they dealing with this good news.
They're focusing on the negative possibilities, or focusing on any negative aspect of every situation.
The left cannot allow this country to be great again, so they have decided to be counter-productive.
They have become the problem instead of the solution.


  • 55 remains were returned by N. Korea for forensic discovery. The media was quick to point out only one set of Dogtags were included in the remains, in a desperate attempt to de-legitimize the remains.
  • Wages are finally going up after 10 years of stagnant wage growth. The media is quick to point out a projection that taxpayers may be paying as much as $30 million more in taxes because employers didn't increase deductions automatically. Where did they get this figure from? Well, they pulled it out of their ass.
  • We just had tremendous economic news. Democrats claimed that Obama's GDP was bigger, which is BS, but they also explored every negative aspect of strong economic growth to include inflation, and a possible economic collapse if the growth doesn't continue at it's current pace.

This is just the crap they're talking about this week (other then their imaginary Russian collusion).

Let's face it.....without a corrupt media meddling in our elections, the Democrats wouldn't have an ice cube's chance in Hell of winning anything. This is their tactic. Us the media to peel away Trump's support, then hopefully they can take back the House and impeach Trump. No solutions. Nothing positive. Just defend illegals, keep the borders open, and create as much crime and racism as they can. Oh, and blame it all on Trump.

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The big breaking news the last day or two was that Facebook discovered "32 pages" of bogus postings they claim was Russians.

They can't prove it was the Russians, but in order to keep the strawman arguments alive over Russian Collusion, friends of Dimocraps have to remind us that Putin is still up to something.

This reminds me of their Iraq War coverage.

The way Dimocraps turned support against the war was by repeatedly reporting each single soldier KIA as if it was dozens of deaths. Also ignore the fact that most of the casualties in Iraq were caused by IEDs provided to insurgents by Obama's Moolah friends in Iran. Ignore that.
Iran can be trusted now, for we have something in common with them.
Hating Trump.

The Iranians got a minimum of $1.6 billion from Obama without approval from congress. Iran was at least partly responsible for for the deaths of roughly 4000 US soldiers in Iraq. That amounts to Obama paying $400,000.00 US dollars to Iran for each American soldier they killed.

And let me point out that after 17 years of the Democrats trashing our Intel agencies over WMDs, somehow they have remarkably become infallible. All they had to do was make up some poppycock story about Russian Collusion.....or meddling.....or conspiracy.....or whatever.

This is an important lesson to anyone who wants to cash in:

Say something really nasty about Trump and you just might get paid. It's a great Get Out Of Jail Free Card.
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