Democrats consider dropping insurance ban on pre-existing conditions


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008

Among the casualties of President Barack Obama's healthcare agenda may be those who suffer from pre-existing medical conditions and can't get insurance.

Thought the ban on denying health insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions was going the way of the dodo? Not so fast.

An astute blogger noted that the new proposals floated by Democrats in the wake of the massive health care bill's collapse is a provision that would bar denying coverage for those with pre-existing conditions -- but only if they were under 19. "Did someone just chuck pre-existing conditions overboard?" he wrote.

Among the measures Democrats are considering, the New York Times noted Friday, "Insurers could not deny coverage to children under the age of 19 on account of pre-existing medical conditions."

That's it, I've likely officially given up on Health Care Reform for the time being and I've already given up on this bill long ago. Republicans in Congress have forced the no spine Democrats to this point. Fuck them all, useless pricks.

I think it's time that Congress loses their Health Care. That way, if any of them get sick, they can realize the extent of what being out without Health Insurance means or what a pre-existing condition is. Then maybe they can get off their asses for once in their lives and do something.

but it's not socialism when Congress has their healthcare coverage costs paid for by the taxpayer!
Dogbert, it is much more complicated than just the term pre existing condition. I too, feel we need to have something in place. But, I don't know the answer to the problem, and it is a problem.
Dude in another thread made the anology of like buying home insurance once the house is on fire. That does resonate with me considerably. There are millions of people that can afford insurance, but choose not to buy it for several reasons. I just find it appalling that insurance companies would be forced to insure these people once they have a major disorder.
Dogbert, it is much more complicated than just the term pre existing condition. I too, feel we need to have something in place. But, I don't know the answer to the problem, and it is a problem.
Dude in another thread made the anology of like buying home insurance once the house is on fire. That does resonate with me considerably. There are millions of people that can afford insurance, but choose not to buy it for several reasons. I just find it appalling that insurance companies would be forced to insure these people once they have a major disorder.

I think you must of made a error here.
How lame. What spin. The conservatives have already said this is an area of reform they agree with. Along with portability and tort reform. Whoops, the last was missing from the 'plan.' What garbage you folks have. Really sick is you'll go along with the spin instead of saying, THIS is important.
How lame. What spin. The conservatives have already said this is an area of reform they agree with. Along with portability and tort reform. Whoops, the last was missing from the 'plan.' What garbage you folks have. Really sick is you'll go along with the spin instead of saying, THIS is important.

Ready for the fun thing about the internet?

GOP Alternative Will Not Bar Discrimination Based On Pre-Existing Conditions – Talk Radio News Service

The alternative health care reform bill being pitched by House Republicans will not prevent insurance providers from barring clients based on pre-existing conditions, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Monday.

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Dogbert, it is much more complicated than just the term pre existing condition. I too, feel we need to have something in place. But, I don't know the answer to the problem, and it is a problem.
Dude in another thread made the anology of like buying home insurance once the house is on fire. That does resonate with me considerably. There are millions of people that can afford insurance, but choose not to buy it for several reasons. I just find it appalling that insurance companies would be forced to insure these people once they have a major disorder.

Barring insurance companies from denying coverage at standard rates to people with pre existing conditions is a terrible idea for many reasons. First, without a strong individual mandate that would force people who are voluntarily uninsured to buy insurance, it will raise everyone's premiums by as much as 30%, and even with a strong individual mandate it is not clear it won't cause premiums to increase. Second, it means that if there is a strong individual mandate nearly the whole cost of covering people with pre existing conditions will fall on the 17 to 20 million people who are now voluntarily uninsured; if as a society we want to cover people with pre existing conditions at standard rates we should all pay for it, not just certain of us. Finally, insuring everyone at the same rate could mean some one in good health who earns $50,000 a year will pay more for his health insurance in order to subsidize the cost of some one with pre existing conditions who earns $250,000 a year, in effect levying a regressive tax on everyone.

A better idea is to establish high risk funds and offer sliding scale subsidies to help those who need it pay the premium, and pay for it with an increase, probably modest, in the income tax. This would certainly be a far more progressive solution in every way. Of course the Dems would have to grow a pair to propose an increase in the income tax.

However, affordable comprehensive health care is already available to people with pre existing conditions, as well as the poor, at the many federally funded health clinics that are everywhere in the US. All that is lacking now is an insurance policy that would cover services that are not available at the federally funded clinics. These would be inexpensive enough for nearly everyone to afford and very inexpensive for taxpayers to help those few who would still not be able to afford it.

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