Democrats Claiming Now That Withholding Aid To Foreign Countries Is Treason


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The Democrats are getting further and further out in the weeds here: 'Treason': House Judiciary Committee Report Implicates Trump in Ultimate Crime | Breitbart


The House Judiciary Committee report released Saturday on the legal and constitutional framework for impeaching President Donald Trump includes a discussion of the most serious crime listed in the Constitution: treason.

Citing the constitutional provision that impeachment applies to “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors,” the report hints throughout that President Trump might have committed treason against the United States.

The Constitution specifically defines treason in Article III, Section 3: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”

The House Judiciary Committee report, however, expands that definition to include what it calls “betrayal,” and declares: “Although the Framers did not intend impeachment for good faith disagreements on matters of diplomacy, they were explicit that betrayal of the Nation through schemes with foreign powers justified that remedy.”

The phrase “schemes with foreign powers” is sufficiently vague to include the “quid pro quo” plan that Democrats allege the president attempted to make with Ukraine, trading U.S. aid for investigation into a political opponent.

(No direct evidence exists to prove that claim, and the only direct witnesses testified before the House Intelligence Committee that the president did not want that “quid pro quo.”)

Later, the report again implicates President Trump in “treason” by creating an expansive definition that just happens to reflect Democrats’ argument that Trump endangered national security by suspending security assistance to a U.S. ally.

The report expands the definition of “treason” as follows:

At the very heart of “Treason” is deliberate betrayal of the nation and its security. Such betrayal would not only be unforgivable, but would also confirm that the President remains a threat if allowed to remain in office. A President who has knowingly betrayed national security is a President who will do so again. He endangers our lives and those of our allies.
In releasing the report, House Judiciary Committee Chairman tweeted Saturday that Trump “betrayed our national security” — a claim that falls within the broad definition of “treason,” as expanded by his committee’s arguments:

(((Rep. Nadler))) @RepJerryNadler

· Dec 7, 2019

Today, @HouseJudiciary released our majority staff report entitled “Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment.”

You can read the full report here: …

(((Rep. Nadler))) @RepJerryNadler

The Framers worst nightmare is what we are facing in this very moment. President Trump abused his power, betrayed our national security, and corrupted our elections, all for personal gain. The Constitution details only one remedy for this misconduct: impeachment.

The suggestion of “treason” also parallels an argument Democrats continue to make about Trump and Russia.

House Democrats have consistently implied that the president’s dealings with Ukraine reflect, at core, an effort to help Russia — even though he has given Ukraine lethal defensive weapons to fight Russia, unlike his predecessor.

As Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told CNN on Thursday night, after calling for articles of impeachment to be drafted: “In my view, Ukraine is very — all about Russia because withholding or granting military assistance to Ukraine was all to the benefit of Russia to hold up that aid.”

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"Despite Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s conclusion, after two years of investigation, that there was no collusion between Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia, Democrats continue to believe he is conspiring with what they now consider a U.S. enemy. (Under President Barack Obama, they supported the “reset” policy, appeasing Russia’s geopolitical ambitions.)

The House Judiciary Committee’s report, written by the committee’s 20 Democratic staff members, does not rule out charging Trump with treason at any point in the text, and seems to have been written to make doing so a possibility."

No proof whatsoever....yet Democrats are thinking on charging Trump with treason over Russian Collusion.
Two weeks in the Senate (perhaps after a McConnell delay), and unceremoniously tossed.

Democrats are already laying the groundwork that a fair election in 2020 will not be possible should Trump be acquitted.
Despite the corruption of the Democratic Party, the election in 2020 will take place and Teump will be reelected. This will cause the Democratic Party and its puppets in the media to cease to exist as we know it.
Impeachment is ridiculous and 2/3rds of those areas where Trump won and The Dems convinced voters that Trump was in league with "Satan" are going back to vote Republican, so it is very likely The Dems lose their majority in The House.
Of course withholding aid to another country is not treason

Withholding aid unless you get personal favors in return is just that
Democrats are already laying the groundwork that a fair election in 2020 will not be possible should Trump be acquitted.

Groundwork? You ever go to Reddit or other forms of left leaning social media? They are screaming it from the rooftops. They have already decided that a fair election is not possible, so when Trump wins they will become even more rabid with the belief that he definitely cheated.
Democrats are already laying the groundwork that a fair election in 2020 will not be possible should Trump be acquitted.

Groundwork? You ever go to Reddit or other forms of left leaning social media? They are screaming it from the rooftops. They have already decided that a fair election is not possible, so when Trump wins they will become even more rabid with the belief that he definitely cheated.

Of course they are. It's all they have.
For personal gain.....yep.

You don't seem to think Trump can beat Joe Biden? What does Biden have that 17 of the best Republicans and the "smartest woman in the world" didn't have?

Joe Biden wasn't going to win, even if he didn't commit corruption while he was VP. He's just a shitty candidate, as was Hillary.
Of course withholding aid to another country is not treason

Withholding aid unless you get personal favors in return is just that

Giving aid and comfort to our enemies is treason. Withholding aid is not. Trump wanted to know if Ukraine was our enemy or not. He wanted assurances that they were on the up and up.

However we do know that Iran is our enemy, yet Obama gave them billions.
Are we at war with the Ukraine? Nope.

Is the Ukraine our enemy? Nope.

Just more dumbfuckery from the Dimwit party.

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
The Democrats are getting further and further out in the weeds here: 'Treason': House Judiciary Committee Report Implicates Trump in Ultimate Crime | Breitbart


The House Judiciary Committee report released Saturday on the legal and constitutional framework for impeaching President Donald Trump includes a discussion of the most serious crime listed in the Constitution: treason.

Citing the constitutional provision that impeachment applies to “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors,” the report hints throughout that President Trump might have committed treason against the United States.

The Constitution specifically defines treason in Article III, Section 3: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”

The House Judiciary Committee report, however, expands that definition to include what it calls “betrayal,” and declares: “Although the Framers did not intend impeachment for good faith disagreements on matters of diplomacy, they were explicit that betrayal of the Nation through schemes with foreign powers justified that remedy.”

The phrase “schemes with foreign powers” is sufficiently vague to include the “quid pro quo” plan that Democrats allege the president attempted to make with Ukraine, trading U.S. aid for investigation into a political opponent.

(No direct evidence exists to prove that claim, and the only direct witnesses testified before the House Intelligence Committee that the president did not want that “quid pro quo.”)

Later, the report again implicates President Trump in “treason” by creating an expansive definition that just happens to reflect Democrats’ argument that Trump endangered national security by suspending security assistance to a U.S. ally.

The report expands the definition of “treason” as follows:

At the very heart of “Treason” is deliberate betrayal of the nation and its security. Such betrayal would not only be unforgivable, but would also confirm that the President remains a threat if allowed to remain in office. A President who has knowingly betrayed national security is a President who will do so again. He endangers our lives and those of our allies.
In releasing the report, House Judiciary Committee Chairman tweeted Saturday that Trump “betrayed our national security” — a claim that falls within the broad definition of “treason,” as expanded by his committee’s arguments:

(((Rep. Nadler))) @RepJerryNadler

· Dec 7, 2019

Today, @HouseJudiciary released our majority staff report entitled “Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment.”

You can read the full report here: …

(((Rep. Nadler))) @RepJerryNadler

The Framers worst nightmare is what we are facing in this very moment. President Trump abused his power, betrayed our national security, and corrupted our elections, all for personal gain. The Constitution details only one remedy for this misconduct: impeachment.

The suggestion of “treason” also parallels an argument Democrats continue to make about Trump and Russia.

House Democrats have consistently implied that the president’s dealings with Ukraine reflect, at core, an effort to help Russia — even though he has given Ukraine lethal defensive weapons to fight Russia, unlike his predecessor.

As Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told CNN on Thursday night, after calling for articles of impeachment to be drafted: “In my view, Ukraine is very — all about Russia because withholding or granting military assistance to Ukraine was all to the benefit of Russia to hold up that aid.”

It is the foreign constituency they serve. When crazy old bat Pelosi held up that long crooked finger and lectured the press on hate the other day she mentioned Trumps opposition to DACA as one of his crimes.
You have to understand the language. You assume treason means treason to the US since thats your loyalty. But their loyalty lies elsewhere,
Are we at war with the Ukraine? Nope.

Is the Ukraine our enemy? Nope.

Just more dumbfuckery from the Dimwit party.

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
So everyone in America that Trashes Israel is guilty of treason?
What does one consider the arming of people out of Benghazi that then used those arms against our military?
There's a short list of terms listed. they rolled with bribery for a while, now it's treason.

Shoehorning things in or expanding the definitions as necessary to suit their goal.

High crimes is now crimes from a high office.

Bribery is now defined according to what people think the framers meant.

And now we're calling this treason.

Puh-leaze. the gyrations to make any of this fit the standards for impeachment is starting to look like a game of drunken twister...
Of course withholding aid to another country is not treason

Withholding aid unless you get personal favors in return is just that
Personal favors...
you mean like killing an investigation into the energy giant that employs your know nothing son, don't you?
And IF the investigation is not stopped kiss your aid from Uncle Scam goodbye.

Isn't that treason by your definition? If you are at all intellectually consistent and honest it is.

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